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RULE §106.352Oil and Gas Handling and Production Facilities

      (iv) Addition of any new engine rated less than 100 horsepower (hp); or

      (v) Replacement of any facility if the new facility does not increase the previous actual or certified emissions.

    (C) For facilities authorized under §116.111 of this title, only records of MSS as specified in this section must be kept and this section may only be used for planned MSS for the facility types specified in this section.

  (2) All authorizations under this section shall meet the following:

    (A) new, changed, or replacement facilities shall not exceed the thresholds for major source or major modification as defined in §116.12 of this title (relating to Nonattainment and Prevention of Significant Deterioration Review Definitions), and in Federal Clean Air Act, §112(g) or §112(j);

    (B) all facilities shall comply with all applicable 40 Code of Federal Regulations (CFR), Parts 60, 61, and 63 requirements for New Source Performance Standards (NSPS), National Emission Standards for Hazardous Air Pollutants (NESHAP), and Maximum Achievable Control Technology (MACT); and

    (C) all facilities shall comply with all applicable requirements of Chapters 111, of this title (relating to Control of Air Pollution from Visible Emissions and Particulate Matter), 112 of this title (relating to Control of Air Pollution from Sulfur Compounds), 113 of this title (relating to Standards of Performance for Hazardous Air Pollutants and for Designated Facilities and Pollutants), 115 of this title (relating to Control of Air Pollution from Volatile Organic Compounds), and 117 of this title (relating to Control of Air Pollution from Nitrogen Compounds).

  (3) To be eligible for this PBR, in addition to the requirements found in §106.4 of this title (relating to Requirements for Permitting by Rule), an applicant:

    (A) shall meet all applicable requirements as set forth in this section;

    (B) shall not misrepresent or fail to fully disclose all relevant facts in obtaining the permit; and

    (C) shall not be indebted to the state for failure to make payment of penalties or taxes imposed by the statutes or rules within the commission's jurisdiction.

    (D) Notwithstanding any limitations in §50.131(c) of this title (relating to Purpose and Applicability), a person may file a Motion to Overturn under the procedures set forth in §50.139 of this title (relating to Motion to Overturn Executive Director's Decision) in order to seek commission review of any denial of a PBR for failing to meet the conditions set forth in this paragraph.

  (4) This paragraph covers groups of facilities typically associated with wellheads, pump-jacks, Christmas trees, metering stations, and other similar facilities handling or containing crude oil, condensate, natural gas, or a mixture of these materials (examples include, but are not limited to, stripper/marginal wells producing up to 10 barrels of oil equivalent per day, natural gas up to 60,000 cubic feet per day, or high pressure gas wells). The following projects and facilities are authorized and must only comply with subsection (e)(1) and (2) of this section, and applicable portions of subsection (j) of this section:

    (A) Claims under this paragraph must include all facilities or groups of facilities at an OGS which are operationally dependent on each other and located within a 1/4 mile of a project emission point, vent, or fugitive component. If piping or fugitive components are the only connection between facilities and the distance between facilities exceeds 1/4 mile, then the facilities are considered separate for purposes of this paragraph.

    (B) A site-wide combination of engines which meet the following:

      (i) up to 450 hp if fueled by sweet gas;

      (ii) up to 100 hp if fueled by sour gas containing not more than 10,000 parts per million by weight (ppmw) H2S; or

      (iii) up to 20 hp fueled by sour gas containing more than 10,000 ppmw but not more than 50,000 ppmw H2S.

    (C) For any one of the following combinations of facilities:

      (i) only piping and fugitive components handling natural gas up to a maximum of 135 valves, 135 open-ended lines, any combination of connectors and flanges up to 2,000 components, and 135 component types otherwise not specified; or

      (ii) only piping and fugitive components handling liquids or gas up to a maximum of 25 valves, 25 open-ended lines, any combination of connectors and flanges up to 2,000 components, and 25 component types otherwise not specified;

      (iii) only piping and fugitive components handling liquids or gas up to a maximum of four pump seals; four open-ended lines; and any combination of valves, flanges, and connectors up to 225 components; or

      (iv) separators used solely to separate crude oil, condensate, and natural gas (which are routed directly to a sales pipeline) from produced water. Tanks used and handling only produced water up to 1,205 barrels per day. All associated piping and fugitive components up to a maximum of five pump seals; five open-ended lines; and any combination of valves, flanges, and connectors totaling 150 components in VOC service and 500 components in water service; or

      (v) separators used solely to separate crude oil, condensate, and natural gas (which are routed directly to a sales pipeline) from produced water. Tanks used and handling only produced water up to 580 barrels per day. All associated piping and fugitive components up to a maximum of two pump seals; two open-ended lines; and any combination of valves, flanges, and connectors totaling 230 components in VOC service and 500 components in water service.

(d) Facilities and Exclusions.

  (1) Only the following specific facilities and groups of facilities have been evaluated for this PBR, along with supporting infrastructure equipment and facilities, and may be included in a registration for this section:

    (A) fugitive components, including valves, pressure relief valves, pipe flanges and connectors, pumps, compressors, stuffing boxes, instrumentation and meters, natural gas driven pneumatic pumps, and other similar devices with seals that separate process and waste material from the atmosphere and the associated piping;

    (B) separators, including all gas, oil, and water physical separation units;

    (C) treatment and processing equipment, including heater-treaters, methanol injection, glycol dehydrators, molecular or mole sieves, amine sweeteners, H2S scavenger chemical reaction vessels for sulfur removal, and iron sponge units;

    (D) cooling towers and associated heat exchangers;

    (E) gas recovery units, including cryogenic expansion, absorption, adsorption, heat exchangers and refrigeration units;

    (F) combustion units, including engines, turbines, boilers, reboilers, and heaters;

    (G) storage tanks for crude oil, condensate, produced water, fuels, treatment chemicals, slop and sump oils, and pressure tanks with liquefied petroleum gases;

    (H) surface support facilities associated with underground storage of gas or liquids;

    (I) truck loading equipment;

    (J) control equipment, including vapor recovery systems, glycol and amine reboilers, condensers, flares, vapor combustors, and thermal oxidizers; and

    (K) temporary facilities used for planned maintenance, and temporary control devices for planned startups and shutdowns.

  (2) Exclusions. The following are not authorized under this section:

    (A) sour water strippers or sulfur recovery units;

    (B) carbon dioxide hot carbonate processing units;

    (C) water injection facilities. These facilities may otherwise be authorized by §106.351 of this title (relating to Salt Water Disposal (Petroleum));

    (D) liquefied petroleum gases, crude oil, or condensate transfer or loading into or from railcars, ships, or barges. These facilities may otherwise be authorized by §106.261 of this title (relating to Facilities (Emission Limitations)) and §106.262 of this title (relating to Facilities (Emission and Distance Limitations));

    (E) incinerators for solid waste destruction;

    (F) remediation of petroleum contaminated water and soil. These facilities may otherwise be authorized by §106.533 of this title (relating to Remediation); and

    (G) cooling towers and heat exchangers with direct contact with gaseous or liquid process streams containing VOC, H2S, halogens or halogen compounds, cyanide compounds, inorganic acids, or acid gases.


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