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RULE §3.8Water Protection

      (v) activities associated with any underground hydrocarbon storage facility, provided the terms "hydrocarbons" and "underground hydrocarbon storage facility" shall have the meanings set out in the Texas Natural Resources Code, §91.201; and

      (vi) activities associated with the storage, handling, reclamation, gathering, transportation, or distribution of oil or gas prior to the refining of such oil or prior to the use of such gas in any manufacturing process or as a residential or industrial fuel;

    (C) the operation, abandonment, and proper plugging of wells subject to the jurisdiction of the commission to regulate the exploration, development, and production of oil or gas or geothermal resources; and

    (D) the discharge, storage, handling, transportation, reclamation, or disposal of waste or any other substance or material associated with any activity listed in subparagraphs (A) - (C) of this paragraph, except for waste generated in connection with activities associated with gasoline plants, natural gas or natural gas liquids processing plants, pressure maintenance plants, or repressurizing plants if that waste is a hazardous waste as defined by the administrator of the United States Environmental Protection Agency pursuant to the federal Solid Waste Disposal Act, as amended (42 United States Code §6901, et seq.).

  (31) Mined brine--Brine produced from a brine mining injection well by solution of subsurface salt formations. The term "mined brine" does not include saltwater produced incidentally to the exploration, development, and production of oil or gas or geothermal resources.

  (32) Brine mining pit--Pit, other than a fresh mining water pit, used in connection with activities associated with the solution mining of brine. Most brine mining pits are used to store mined brine.

  (33) Fresh mining water pit--Pit used in conjunction with a brine mining injection well for storage of water used for solution mining of brine.

  (34) Inert wastes--Nonreactive, nontoxic, and essentially insoluble oil and gas wastes, including, but not limited to, concrete, glass, wood, metal, wire, plastic, fiberglass, and trash.

  (35) Coastal zone--The area within the boundary established in Title 31, Texas Administrative Code, §503.1 (Coastal Management Program Boundary).

  (36) Coastal management program (CMP) rules--The enforceable rules of the Texas Coastal Management Program codified at Title 31, Texas Administrative Code, Chapters 501, 505, and 506.

  (37) Coastal natural resource area (CNRA)--One of the following areas defined in Texas Natural Resources Code, §33.203: coastal barriers, coastal historic areas, coastal preserves, coastal shore areas, coastal wetlands, critical dune areas, critical erosion areas, gulf beaches, hard substrate reefs, oyster reefs, submerged land, special hazard areas, submerged aquatic vegetation, tidal sand or mud flats, water in the open Gulf of Mexico, and water under tidal influence.

  (38) Coastal waters--Waters under tidal influence and waters of the open Gulf of Mexico.

  (39) Critical area--A coastal wetland, an oyster reef, a hard substrate reef, submerged aquatic vegetation, or a tidal sand or mud flat as defined in Texas Natural Resources Code, §33.203.

  (40) Practicable--Available and capable of being done after taking into consideration existing technology, cost, and logistics in light of the overall purpose of the activity.

  (41) Non-commercial fluid recycling--The recycling of fluid produced from an oil or gas well, including produced formation fluid, workover fluid, and completion fluid, including fluids produced from the hydraulic fracturing process on an existing commission-designated lease or drilling unit associated with a commission-issued drilling permit or upon land leased or owned by the operator for the purposes of operation of a non-commercial disposal well operated pursuant to a permit issued under §3.9 of this title (relating to Disposal Wells) or a non-commercial injection well operated pursuant to a permit issued under §3.46 of this title (relating to Fluid Injection into Productive Reservoirs), where the operator of the lease, or drilling unit, or non-commercial disposal or injection well treats or contracts with a person for the treatment of the fluid, and may accept such fluid from other leases and or operators.

  (42) Non-commercial fluid recycling pit--Pit used in conjunction with one or more oil or gas leases or units that is constructed, maintained, and operated by the operator of record of the lease or unit and is located on an existing commission-designated lease or drilling unit associated with a commission-issued drilling permit, or upon land leased or owned by the operator for the purposes of operation of a non-commercial disposal well operated pursuant to a permit issued under §3.9 of this title or a non-commercial injection well operated pursuant to a permit issued under §3.46 of this title, for the storage of fluid for the purpose of non-commercial fluid recycling or for the storage of treated fluid.

  (43) Recycle--To process and/or use or re-use oil and gas wastes as a product for which there is a legitimate commercial use and the actual use of the recyclable product. 'Recycle,' as defined in this subsection, does not include injection pursuant to a permit issued under §3.46 of this title.

  (44) Treated fluid-Fluid that has been treated using water treatment technologies to remove impurities such that the treated fluid can be reused or recycled. Treated fluid is not a waste but may become a waste if it is abandoned or disposed of rather than reused or recycled.

  (45) Recyclable product--A reusable material as defined in §4.204(12) of this title (relating to Definitions).

  (46) 100-year flood plain--An area that is inundated by a 100-year flood, which is a flood that has a one percent or greater chance of occurring in any given year, as determined from maps or other data from the Federal Emergency Management Administration (FEMA), or, if not mapped by FEMA, from the United States Department of Agriculture soil maps.

  (47) Distilled water--Water that has been purified by being heated to a vapor form and then condensed into another container as liquid water that is essentially free of all solutes.

(b) No pollution. No person conducting activities subject to regulation by the commission may cause or allow pollution of surface or subsurface water in the state.

(c) Exploratory wells. Any oil, gas, or geothermal resource well or well drilled for exploratory purposes shall be governed by the provisions of statewide or field rules which are applicable and pertain to the drilling, safety, casing, production, abandoning, and plugging of wells.

(d) Pollution control.

  (1) Prohibited disposal methods. Except for those disposal methods authorized for certain wastes by paragraph (3) of this subsection, subsection (e) of this section, or §3.98 of this title (relating to Standards for Management of Hazardous Oil and Gas Waste), or disposal methods required to be permitted pursuant to §3.9 of this title (relating to Disposal Wells) (Rule 9) or §3.46 of this title (relating to Fluid Injection into Productive Reservoirs) (Rule 46), no person may dispose of any oil and gas wastes by any method without obtaining a permit to dispose of such wastes. The disposal methods prohibited by this paragraph include, but are not limited to, the unpermitted discharge of oil field brines, geothermal resource waters, or other mineralized waters, or drilling fluids into any watercourse or drainageway, including any drainage ditch, dry creek, flowing creek, river, or any other body of surface water.

  (2) Prohibited pits. No person may maintain or use any pit for storage of oil or oil products. Except as authorized by this subsection, no person may maintain or use any pit for storage of oil field fluids, or for storage or disposal of oil and gas wastes, without obtaining a permit to maintain or use the pit. A person is not required to have a permit to use a pit if a receiver has such a permit, if the person complies with the terms of such permit while using the pit, and if the person has permission of the receiver to use the pit. The pits required by this paragraph to be permitted include, but are not limited to, the following types of pits: saltwater disposal pits; emergency saltwater storage pits; collecting pits; skimming pits; brine pits; brine mining pits; drilling fluid storage pits (other than mud circulation pits); drilling fluid disposal pits (other than reserve pits or slush pits); washout pits; and gas plant evaporation/retention pits. If a person maintains or uses a pit for storage of oil field fluids, or for storage or disposal of oil and gas wastes, and the use or maintenance of the pit is neither authorized by this subsection nor permitted, then the person maintaining or using the pit shall backfill and compact the pit in the time and manner required by the director. Prior to backfilling the pit, the person maintaining or using the pit shall, in a permitted manner or in a manner authorized by paragraph (3) of this subsection, Cont'd...

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