(d) Once-through cooling water discharges. When a discharge
of once-through cooling water does not measurably alter intake concentrations
of a pollutant, then water-quality based effluent limits for that
pollutant are not required. For facilities that intake and discharge
cooling water into different water bodies, this provision only applies
if water quality and applicable water quality standards in the receiving
water are maintained and protected.
(e) Stormwater discharges. Pollution in stormwater
must not impair existing or designated uses. Controls on the quality
of stormwater discharges must be based on best management practices,
technology-based limits, or both in combination with instream monitoring
to assess standards attainment and to determine if additional controls
on stormwater quality are needed. The standards implementation procedures
as amended describe how water quality standards are applied to Texas
Pollutant Discharge Elimination System stormwater discharges. The
evaluation of instream monitoring data for standards attainment includes
the effects of stormwater, as described in §307.9 of this title.
Source Note: The provisions of this §307.8 adopted to be effective July 10, 1991, 16 TexReg 3400; amended to be effective July 13, 1995, 20 TexReg 4701; amended to be effective August 17, 2000, 25 TexReg 7722; amended to be effective July 22, 2010, 35 TexReg 6294; amended to be effective March 6, 2014, 39 TexReg 1450 |