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RULE §25.272Code of Conduct for Electric Utilities and Their Affiliates

competitive affiliate, shall not remove or otherwise provide or use confidential property or information gained from the utility or affiliated service company in a discriminatory or exclusive fashion, to the benefit of the competitive affiliate or to the detriment of non-affiliated electric suppliers. Movement of an employee engaged in transmission or distribution system operations, including a person employed by a service company affiliated with the utility who is engaged in transmission or distribution system operations on a day-to-day basis or has knowledge of transmission or distribution system operations from a utility to a competitive affiliate or vice versa, may be accomplished through either the employee's termination of employment with one company and acceptance of employment with the other, or a transfer to another company, as long as the transfer of an employee from the utility to an affiliate results in the utility bearing no ongoing costs associated with that employee. Transferring employees shall sign a statement indicating that they are aware of and understand the restrictions and penalties set forth in this section. The utility also shall post a conspicuous notice of such a transfer on its Internet site or other public electronic bulletin board within 24 hours and for at least 30 consecutive calendar days. The exception to this provision is that employees may be temporarily assigned to an affiliate or non-affiliated utility to assist in restoring power in the event of a major service interruption or assist in resolving emergency situations affecting system reliability. Consistent with §25.84(h) of this title (relating to Reporting of Affiliate Transactions for Electric Utilities), however, within 30 days of such a deviation from the code of conduct, the utility shall report this information to the commission and shall conspicuously post the information on its Internet site or other public electronic bulletin board for 30 consecutive calendar days.

  (5) Sharing of office space. A utility's office space shall be physically separate from that of its competitive affiliates, where physical separation is accomplished by having office space in separate buildings or, if within the same building, by a method such as having offices on separate floors or with separate access, unless otherwise approved by the commission.

  (6) Separate books and records. A utility and its affiliates shall keep separate books of accounts and records, and the commission may review records relating to a transaction between a utility and an affiliate.

    (A) In accordance with generally accepted accounting principles or state and federal guidelines, as appropriate, a utility shall record all transactions with its affiliates, whether they involve direct or indirect expenses.

    (B) A utility shall prepare financial statements that are not consolidated with those of its affiliates.

    (C) A utility and its affiliates shall maintain sufficient records to allow for an audit of the transactions between the utility and its affiliates. At any time, the commission may, at its discretion, require a utility to initiate, at the utility's expense, an audit of transactions between the utility and its affiliates performed by an independent third party.

  (7) Limited credit support by a utility. A utility may share credit, investment, or financing arrangements with its competitive affiliates if it complies with subparagraphs (A) and (B) of this paragraph.

    (A) The utility shall implement adequate safeguards precluding employees of a competitive affiliate from gaining access to information in a manner that would allow or provide a means to transfer confidential information from a utility to an affiliate, create an opportunity for preferential treatment or unfair competitive advantage, lead to customer confusion, or create significant opportunities for cross-subsidization of affiliates.

    (B) The utility shall not allow an affiliate to obtain credit under any arrangement that would include a specific pledge of any assets in the rate base of the utility or a pledge of cash reasonably necessary for utility operations. This subsection does not affect a utility's obligations under other law or regulations, such as the obligations of a public utility holding company under §25.271(c)(2) of this title (relating to Foreign Utility Company Ownership by Exempt Holding Companies).

(e) Transactions between a utility and its affiliates.

  (1) Transactions with all affiliates. A utility shall not subsidize the business activities of any affiliate with revenues from a regulated service. In accordance with PURA and the commission's rules, a utility and its affiliates shall fully allocate costs for any shared services, including corporate support services, offices, employees, property, equipment, computer systems, information systems, and any other shared assets, services, or products.

    (A) Sale of products or services by a utility. Unless otherwise approved by the commission and except for corporate support services, any sale of a product or service by a utility shall be governed by a tariff approved by the commission. Products and services shall be made available to any third party entity on the same terms and conditions as the utility makes those products and services available to its affiliates.

    (B) Purchase of products, services, or assets by a utility from its affiliate. Products, services, and assets shall be priced at levels that are fair and reasonable to the customers of the utility and that reflect the market value of the product, service, or asset.

    (C) Transfers of assets. Except for asset transfers implementing unbundling pursuant to PURA §39.051, asset valuation in accordance with PURA §39.262, and transfers of property pursuant to a financing order issued under PURA, Chapter 39, Subchapter G, assets transferred from a utility to its affiliates shall be priced at levels that are fair and reasonable to the customers of the utility and that reflect the market value of the assets or the utility's fully allocated cost to provide those assets.

    (D) Transfer of assets implementing restructuring legislation. The transfer from a utility to an affiliate of assets implementing unbundling pursuant to PURA §39.051, asset valuation in accordance with PURA §39.262, and transfers of property pursuant to a financing order issued under PURA, Chapter 39, Subchapter G will be reviewed by the commission pursuant to the applicable provisions of PURA, and any rules implementing those provisions.

  (2) Transactions with competitive affiliates. Unless otherwise allowed in this subsection, transactions between a utility and its competitive affiliates shall be at arm's length. A utility shall maintain a contemporaneous written record of all transactions with its competitive affiliates, except those involving corporate support services and those transactions governed by tariffs. Such records, which shall include the date of the transaction, name of affiliate involved, name of a utility employee knowledgeable about the transaction, and a description of the transaction, shall be maintained by the utility for three years. In addition to the requirements specified in paragraph (1) of this subsection, the following provisions apply to transactions between utilities and their competitive affiliates.

    (A) Provision of corporate support services. A utility may engage in transactions directly related to the provision of corporate support services with its competitive affiliates. Such provision of corporate support services shall not allow or provide a means for the transfer of confidential information from the utility to the competitive affiliate, create the opportunity for preferential treatment or unfair competitive advantage, lead to customer confusion, or create significant opportunities for cross-subsidization of the competitive affiliate.

    (B) Purchase of products or services by a utility from its competitive affiliate. Except for corporate support services, a utility may not enter into a transaction to purchase a product or service from a competitive affiliate that has a per unit value of $75,000 or more, or a total value of $1 million or more, unless the transaction is the result of a fair, competitive bidding process formalized in a contract subject to the provisions of §25.273 of this title (relating to Contracts Between Electric Utilities and Their Competitive Affiliates).

    (C) Transfers of assets. Except for asset transfers facilitating unbundling pursuant to PURA §39.051, asset valuation in accordance with PURA §39.262, and transfers of property pursuant to a financing order issued under PURA, Chapter 39, Subchapter G, any transfer from a utility to its competitive affiliates of assets with a per unit value of $75,000 or more, or a total value of $1 million or more, must be the result of a fair, competitive bidding process formalized in a contract subject to the provisions of §25.273 of this title.

(f) Safeguards relating to provision of products and services.


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