(B) collect and analyze at least one representative
soil sample from each LMU where manure, sludge, or wastewater was
applied during the preceding year according to the procedures in paragraphs
(4) and (5) of this subsection; and
(C) utilize the results of these analyses in determining
application rates for manure, sludge, and wastewater.
(3) The operator shall make the most recent nutrient
analysis available to any recipient of manure, sludge, or wastewater.
(4) Sampling procedures. The operator shall employ
sampling procedures using accepted techniques of soil science for
obtaining representative samples and analytical results.
(A) Samples shall be collected using approved methods
described in the agency's guidance RG-408 entitled "Soil Sampling
for Concentrated Animal Feeding Operations."
(B) Samples shall be collected by the operator or its
designee and analyzed by a soil testing laboratory annually, except
when crop rotations or inclement weather require a change in the sampling
time. The pollution prevention plan shall contain documentation to
explain the reasons for adjusting the sampling timeframe.
(C) Obtain one composite sample for each LMU and per
uniform soil type (soils with the same characteristics and texture)
within the LMU.
(D) Composite samples shall be comprised of 10 - 15
randomly sampled cores at a depth of zero to six inches.
(5) Laboratory analysis. The operator shall have a
laboratory analysis of the soil samples performed for physical and
chemical parameters to include: nitrate reported as nitrogen in ppm;
phosphorus (extractable, ppm, using Mehlich III extractant with Inductively
Coupled Plasma analysis); potassium (extractable, ppm); sodium (extractable,
ppm); magnesium (extractable, ppm); calcium (extractable, ppm); soluble
salts (ppm) or electrical conductivity (deciSiemens/meter (dS/m) or
millimhos/cm (mmhos/cm) determined from extract of 2:1 volume to volume
(v/v) water/soil mixture); and soil water pH (soil:water, 1:2 ratio).
Source Note: The provisions of this §321.40 adopted to be effective April 1, 1987, 12 TexReg 904; amended to be effective September 18, 1998, 23 TexReg 9354; amended to be effective July 27, 1999, 24 TexReg 5721; amended to be effective July 15, 2004, 29 TexReg 6652; amended to be effective July 31, 2014, 39 TexReg 5786 |