(B) create, save, edit, and produce presentations incorporating
advanced features such as links, hyperlinks, audio, and graphics.
(12) The student applies design and web publishing
techniques. The student is expected to:
(A) identify the terminology associated with web page
development and interactive media;
(B) identify and explain design elements such as typeface,
color, shape, texture, space, and form;
(C) identify and explain design principles such as
unity, harmony, balance, scale, and contrast;
(D) identify and explain common elements of Hyper Text
Markup Language (HTML) such as tags, stylesheets, and hyperlinks;
(E) create a web page containing links, graphics, and
text using appropriate design principles.
(13) The student understands and demonstrates legal
and ethical procedures as they apply to the use of information technology.
The student is expected to:
(A) explain and demonstrate ethical use of technology
and online resources;
(B) adhere to intellectual property laws;
(C) explain the concept of intellectual property laws,
including copyright, trademarks, and patents and consequences of violating
each type of law;
(D) examine the consequences of plagiarism;
(E) identify and explain unethical practices such as
hacking, online piracy, and data vandalism; and
(F) demonstrate ethical use of online resources, including
citation of source.