(C) develop and implement plans to address security
(D) document security procedures; and
(E) describe the use of computer forensics in countering
security threats such as IT crimes and security breaches.
(10) The student provides support to computer users
to maintain service. The student is expected to:
(A) employ effective listening skills when working
with clients to identify support needs;
(B) identify customer need and formulate a support
(C) create queries and reports and assess critical
system information;
(D) employ problem-solving skills in performing support,
maintenance, and repair;
(E) use hardware and software diagnostics;
(F) report to the user the cause of and solution to
the problem; and
(G) create written documentation indicating the cause
of and solution to the problem.
(11) The student demonstrates and applies knowledge
of security risks and safeguards. The student is expected to:
(A) install security software;
(B) update security software; and
(C) use security software to clean an infected machine.
(12) The student provides support to computer users
to maintain service. The student is expected to:
(A) develop a written disaster recovery plan; and
(B) develop a written preventive maintenance plan.
(13) The student creates a personal portfolio. The
student is expected to:
(A) create a portfolio that documents all projects
and accomplishments such as academics, volunteer experience, employment
experience, awards, and certifications;
(B) organize and prioritize information within the
portfolio; and
(C) use written, verbal, and visual communication techniques
consistent with IT industry standards.