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RULE §326.75Site Operating Plan

  (2) The facility access road from a publicly owned roadway must be at least a two-lane gravel or paved road, designed for the expected traffic flow. Safe on-site access for all vehicles must be provided. The access road design must include adequate turning radii according to the vehicles that will utilize the facility and avoid disruption of normal traffic patterns. Vehicle parking must be provided for equipment, employees, and visitors. Safety bumpers at hoppers must be provided for vehicles. A positive means to control dust and mud must be provided.

  (3) Access to the facility shall be controlled by a perimeter fence, consisting of a four-foot barbed wire fence or a six-foot chain-link fence or equivalent, and have lockable gates. An attendant shall be on-site during operating hours. The operating area and transport unit storage area shall be enclosed by walls or fencing.

(h) Unloading of waste.

  (1) The unloading of solid waste shall be confined to as small an area as practical. An attendant shall be provided at all facilities to monitor all incoming loads of waste. Appropriate signs shall also be used to indicate where vehicles are to unload. The owner or operator is not required to accept any solid waste that he/she determines will cause or may cause problems in maintaining full and continuous compliance with these sections.

  (2) The unloading of waste in unauthorized areas is prohibited. The owner or operator shall ensure that any waste deposited in an unauthorized area will be removed immediately and managed properly.

  (3) The unloading of prohibited wastes at the medical waste facility shall not be allowed. The owner or operator shall ensure that any prohibited waste will be returned immediately to the transporter or generator of the waste.

(i) Operating hours. A site operating plan must specify operating hours. The operating hours may be any time between the hours of 7:00 a.m. and 7:00 p.m., Monday through Friday, unless otherwise approved by the executive director or commission for a registration.

  (1) In addition to the requirements of this subsection, the authorization may include alternative operating hours of up to five days in a calendar-year period to accommodate special occasions, special purpose events, holidays, or other special occurrences.

  (2) The agency regional office may allow additional temporary operating hours to address disaster or other emergency situations, or other unforeseen circumstances that could result in the disruption of waste management services in the area.

  (3) The facility must record, in the site operating record, the dates, times, and duration when any alternative operating hours are utilized.

(j) Facility sign. Each facility shall conspicuously display at all entrances to the facility through which wastes are received, a sign measuring at least four feet by four feet with letters at least three inches in height stating the facility name; type of facility; the hours and days of operation; the authorization number of the facility; and facility rules. The posting of erroneous or misleading information shall constitute a violation of this section.

(k) Control of windblown material and litter. Windblown material and litter within the registration boundary shall be collected as necessary to minimize unhealthy, unsafe, or unsightly conditions.

(l) Facility access roads.

  (1) All-weather roads shall be provided within the facility to the unloading area(s) designated for wet-weather operation. The tracking of mud and debris onto public roadways from the facility shall be minimized.

  (2) Dust from on-site and other access roadways shall not become a nuisance to surrounding areas. A water source and necessary equipment or other means of dust control shall be provided.

  (3) All on-site access roads owned or controlled by the owner or operator shall be maintained to minimize depressions, ruts, and potholes on a regular basis. For the maintenance of other access roadways not owned or controlled by the owner or operator, the owner or operator shall coordinate with the Texas Department of Transportation, county, and/or local governments with maintenance authority over the roads.

(m) Noise pollution and visual screening. The owner or operator of a transfer station shall provide screening or other measures to minimize noise pollution and adverse visual impacts.

(n) Overloading and breakdown.

  (1) The design capacity of the facility shall not be exceeded during operation. The facility shall not accumulate solid waste in quantities that cannot be processed within such time as will preclude the creation of odors, insect breeding, or harborage of other vectors. If such accumulations occur, additional solid waste shall not be received until the adverse conditions are abated.

  (2) If a significant work stoppage should occur at a solid waste processing facility due to a mechanical breakdown or other causes, the facility shall accordingly restrict the receiving of solid waste. Under such circumstances, incoming solid waste shall be diverted to an approved backup processing or disposal facility. If the work stoppage is anticipated to last long enough to create objectionable odors, insect breeding, or harborage of vectors, steps shall be taken to remove the accumulated solid waste from the facility to an approved backup processing or disposal facility.

  (3) The owner or operator shall have alternative processing or disposal procedures for the solid waste in the event that the facility becomes inoperable for periods longer than 24 hours.

(o) Sanitation.

  (1) The owner or operator shall provide potable water and sanitary facilities for all employees and visitors.

  (2) At processing facilities, all working surfaces that come in contact with wastes shall be washed down on a weekly basis at the completion of processing. Processing facilities that operate on a continuous basis shall be swept daily and washed down at least twice per week.

  (3) Wash waters shall not be accumulated on site without proper treatment to prevent the creation of odors or an attraction to vectors.

  (4) All wash waters shall be collected and disposed of in an authorized manner.

(p) Ventilation and air pollution control. All facilities and air pollution abatement devices must obtain authorization, under Texas Health and Safety Code (THSC), Chapter 382 (Texas Clean Air Act) and Chapter 106 or 116 of this title (relating to Permits by Rule; and Control of Air Pollution by Permits for New Construction or Modification), from the Air Permits Division prior to the commencement of construction, except as authorized in THSC, §382.004. Additionally, all facilities and air pollution abatement devices must operate in compliance with all applicable air related rules including Chapter 101 of this title (relating to General Air Quality Rules) related to prevention of nuisance odors, minimizing maintenance, startup and shutdown emissions, and emission event reporting and recordkeeping.

(q) Health and safety. Facility personnel shall be trained in the appropriate sections of the facility's health and safety plan.

(r) Disposal of treated medical waste. Medical wastes that have been treated in accordance with the provisions of 25 TAC §1.136 may be managed as routine municipal solid waste unless otherwise specified in paragraphs (1) - (5) of this subsection.

  (1) Incinerator ash shall be disposed of in a permitted landfill in accordance with Chapter 330 of this title (relating to Municipal Solid Waste).

  (2) Treated microbiological waste, blood, blood products, body fluids, laboratory specimens of blood and tissue, and animal bedding may be disposed of in a permitted landfill. Any markings that identify the waste as a medical waste shall be covered with a label that identifies the waste as treated medical waste. The identification of the waste as treated may be accomplished by the use of color-coded, disposable containers for the treated waste or by a label that states that the contents of the disposable container have been treated in accordance with the provisions of 25 TAC §1.136.

  (3) Treated carcasses and body parts of animals designated as a medical waste may, after treatment, be disposed of in a permitted landfill in accordance with Chapter 330 of this title. The collection and transportation of these wastes shall conform to the applicable local ordinance or rule, if such ordinance or rule is more stringent than this subsection.

  (4) Treated recognizable human body parts, tissues, fetuses, organs, and the products of human abortions, spontaneous or induced, shall not be disposed of in a municipal solid waste landfill. These items shall be disposed of in accordance with the provisions of 25 TAC §1.136(a)(4).

  (5) Sharps treated and containerized with one of the approved methods as described under 25 TAC §1.136(a)(5) shall be disposed of in a permitted landfill in accordance with Chapter 330 of this title. Unused sharps shall be disposed of as treated sharps.

Source Note: The provisions of this §326.75 adopted to be effective May 26, 2016, 41 TexReg 3697

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