(h) A registration is required for an MSW Type VI facility
that demonstrates new management methods for processing or handling
grease trap waste, grit trap waste, septage, or a combination of these
three liquid wastes. For the purposes of this section, grit trap waste
means grit trap waste from commercial car washes and excludes grit
trap waste from other generators. Those facilities meeting this exemption
must obtain a registration by meeting the operational criteria and
design criteria established in §330.63(d)(9) of this title.
(i) A registration is required for the following material
recovery operations from a landfill. The following operations are
subject to the general requirements found in §330.601 of this
title (relating to General Requirements), and the requirements set
for soil end product standards in §330.615 of this title (relating
to Final Soil Product Grades and Allowable Uses), and the air quality
requirements in §330.607 of this title (relating to Air Quality
(1) operations that recover reusable or recyclable
material buried in permitted or closed MSW landfill facilities, or
MSW landfill facilities that were never permitted;
(2) operations that reclaim soil from permitted or
closed MSW landfills, or from MSW landfill facilities that were never
permitted; and
(3) facilities that have received prior approval for
excavation of buried materials through permits, permit amendments,
or other agency authorization, which are exempt from further authorization
requirements, as established in this subchapter, for the specific
authorization received. Soil final product standards shall be applicable
for all registered facilities.
(j) A registration by rule is granted for the owner
or operator of a Type IX MSW facility that recovers landfill gas for
beneficial use if all of the following conditions are met.
(1) The owner or operator shall submit the following
information at least 60 days prior to commencing operations:
(A) a large-scale plan drawing of the facility showing
the following:
(i) facility boundaries (show permit boundaries and/or
boundaries and dimensions of tract or land or closed MSW landfill
units on which the gas recovery system is to be developed); and
(ii) landfill gas treatment, gas compression, electrical
power generation equipment, and any other beneficial gas-use equipment,
indicating limits of waste placement and additional easements required;
(B) for enclosed structures, provisions for fire control
facilities (fire hydrants, fire extinguisher, water tanks, and waterwell),
continuous methane monitoring, and explosion-proof fixtures;
(C) a discussion of the proposed method for condensate
disposal, including during the landfill post-closure care period;
(D) an estimation of average daily gas production;
(E) an estimation of the design daily gas production;
(F) descriptions of the process units;
(G) a cost estimate for closure following the requirements
of §330.505 of this title (relating to Closure Cost Estimates
for Storage and Processing Units); and
(H) a description of the financial assurance mechanism
required by Chapter 37, Subchapter R of this title (relating to Financial
Assurance for Municipal Solid Waste Facilities).
(2) The owner or operator shall acquire all authorizations
regarding air emissions for the facility and comply with the following
(A) Subchapter E of this chapter (relating to Operational
Standards for Municipal Solid Waste Storage and Processing Units);
(B) §330.459 and §330.461 of this title (relating
to Closure Requirements for Municipal Solid Waste Storage and Processing
Units; and Certification of Final Facility Closure); and
(C) §330.505 of this title.
(k) A registration is required for a new MSW transfer
station that is used only in the transfer of grease trap waste, grit
trap waste, septage, or other similar liquid waste if the facility
used in the transfer will receive 32,000 gallons per day or less.
(l) A registration is required for a new liquid waste
transfer facility to be located on, or at, other commission-authorized