(49) Industrial furnace--Cement kilns; lime kilns;
aggregate kilns; phosphate kilns; coke ovens; blast furnaces; smelting,
melting, or refining furnaces, including pyrometallurgical devices
such as cupolas, reverberator furnaces, sintering machines, roasters,
or foundry furnaces; titanium dioxide chloride process oxidation reactors;
methane reforming furnaces; pulping recovery furnaces; combustion
devices used in the recovery of sulfur values from spent sulfuric
acid; and other devices the commission may list.
(50) Industrial solid waste--Solid waste resulting
from, or incidental to, any process of industry or manufacturing,
or mining or agricultural operations, classified as follows.
(A) Class 1 industrial solid waste or Class 1 waste
is any industrial solid waste designated as Class 1 by the executive
director as any industrial solid waste or mixture of industrial solid
wastes that because of its concentration or physical or chemical characteristics
is toxic, corrosive, flammable, a strong sensitizer or irritant, a
generator of sudden pressure by decomposition, heat, or other means,
and may pose a substantial present or potential danger to human health
or the environment when improperly processed, stored, transported,
or otherwise managed, including hazardous industrial waste, as defined
in §335.1 and §335.505 of this title (relating to Definitions
and Class 1 Waste Determination).
(B) Class 2 industrial solid waste is any individual
solid waste or combination of industrial solid wastes that cannot
be described as Class 1 or Class 3, as defined in §335.506 of
this title (relating to Class 2 Waste Determination).
(C) Class 3 industrial solid waste is any inert and
essentially insoluble industrial solid waste, including materials
such as rock, brick, glass, dirt, and certain plastics and rubber,
etc., that are not readily decomposable as defined in §335.507
of this title (relating to Class 3 Waste Determination).
(51) Internal floating cover--A cover or floating roof
in a fixed roof tank that rests upon or is floated upon the liquid
being contained, and is equipped with a closure seal or seals to close
the space between the cover edge and tank shell.
(52) Leak--A volatile organic compound concentration
greater than 10,000 parts per million by volume or the amount specified
by applicable rule, whichever is lower; or the dripping or exuding
of process fluid based on sight, smell, or sound.
(53) Liquid fuel--A liquid combustible mixture, not
derived from hazardous waste, with a heating value of at least 5,000
British thermal units per pound.
(54) Liquid-mounted seal--A primary seal mounted in
continuous contact with the liquid between the tank wall and the floating
roof around the circumference of the tank.
(55) Maintenance area--A geographic region of the state
previously designated nonattainment under the Federal Clean Air Act
Amendments of 1990 and subsequently redesignated to attainment subject
to the requirement to develop a maintenance plan under 42 United States
Code, §7505a, as described in 40 Code of Federal Regulations
Part 81 and in pertinent Federal Register notices.
(56) Maintenance plan--A revision to the applicable
state implementation plan, meeting the requirements of 42 United States
Code, §7505a.
(57) Marine vessel--Any watercraft used, or capable
of being used, as a means of transportation on water, and that is
constructed or adapted to carry, or that carries, oil, gasoline, or
other volatile organic liquid in bulk as a cargo or cargo residue.
(58) Mechanical shoe seal--A metal sheet that is held
vertically against the storage tank wall by springs or weighted levers
and is connected by braces to the floating roof. A flexible coated
fabric (envelope) spans the annular space between the metal sheet
and the floating roof.
(59) Medical waste--Waste materials identified by the
Department of State Health Services as "special waste from health
care-related facilities" and those waste materials commingled and
discarded with special waste from health care-related facilities.
(60) Metropolitan Planning Organization--That organization
designated as being responsible, together with the state, for conducting
the continuing, cooperative, and comprehensive planning process under
23 United States Code (USC), §134 and 49 USC, §1607.
(61) Mobile emissions reduction credit--The credit
obtained from an enforceable, permanent, quantifiable, and surplus
(to other federal and state rules) emissions reduction generated by
a mobile source as set forth in Chapter 114, Subchapter F of this
title (relating to Vehicle Retirement and Mobile Emission Reduction
Credits), and that has been banked in accordance with Subchapter H,
Division 1 of this chapter (relating to Emission Credit Program).
(62) Motor vehicle--A self-propelled vehicle designed
for transporting persons or property on a street or highway.
(63) Motor vehicle fuel dispensing facility--Any site
where gasoline is dispensed to motor vehicle fuel tanks from stationary
storage tanks.
(64) Municipal solid waste--Solid waste resulting from,
or incidental to, municipal, community, commercial, institutional,
and recreational activities, including garbage, rubbish, ashes, street
cleanings, dead animals, abandoned automobiles, and all other solid
waste except industrial solid waste.
(65) Municipal solid waste facility--All contiguous
land, structures, other appurtenances, and improvements on the land
used for processing, storing, or disposing of solid waste. A facility
may be publicly or privately owned and may consist of several processing,
storage, or disposal operational units, e.g., one or more landfills,
surface impoundments, or combinations of them.
(66) Municipal solid waste landfill--A discrete area
of land or an excavation that receives household waste and that is
not a land application unit, surface impoundment, injection well,
or waste pile, as those terms are defined under 40 Code of Federal
Regulations §257.2. A municipal solid waste landfill (MSWLF)
unit also may receive other types of Resource Conservation and Recovery
Act Subtitle D wastes, such as commercial solid waste, nonhazardous
sludge, conditionally exempt small-quantity generator waste, and industrial
solid waste. Such a landfill may be publicly or privately owned. An
MSWLF unit may be a new MSWLF unit, an existing MSWLF unit, or a lateral
(67) National ambient air quality standard--Those standards
established under 42 United States Code, §7409, including standards
for carbon monoxide, lead, nitrogen dioxide, ozone, inhalable particulate
matter, and sulfur dioxide.
(68) Net ground-level concentration--The concentration
of an air contaminant as measured at or beyond the property boundary
minus the representative concentration flowing onto a property as
measured at any point. Where there is no expected influence of the
air contaminant flowing onto a property from other sources, the net
ground level concentration may be determined by a measurement at or
beyond the property boundary.
(69) New source--Any stationary source, the construction
or modification of which was commenced after March 5, 1972.
(70) Nitrogen oxides (NOX )--The
sum of the nitric oxide and nitrogen dioxide in the flue gas or emission
point, collectively expressed as nitrogen dioxide.
(71) Nonattainment area--A defined region within the
state that is designated by the United States Environmental Protection
Agency (EPA) as failing to meet the national ambient air quality standard
(NAAQS or standard) for a pollutant for which a standard exists. The
EPA will designate the area as nonattainment under the provisions
of 42 United States Code, §7407(d). For the official list and
boundaries of nonattainment areas, see 40 Code of Federal Regulations
(CFR) Part 81 and pertinent Federal Register notices.
The designations and classifications for the one-hour ozone national
ambient air quality standard in 40 CFR Part 81 were retained for the
purpose of anti-backsliding and upon determination by the EPA that
any requirement is no longer required for purposes of anti-backsliding,
then that requirement no longer applies.
(72) Non-reportable emissions event--Any emissions
event that in any 24-hour period does not result in an unauthorized
emission from any emissions point equal to or in excess of the reportable
quantity as defined in this section.
(73) Opacity--The degree to which an emission of air
contaminants obstructs the transmission of light expressed as the
percentage of light obstructed as measured by an optical instrument
or trained observer.
(74) Open-top vapor degreasing--A batch solvent cleaning
process that is open to the air and that uses boiling solvent to create
solvent vapor used to clean or dry parts through condensation of the
hot solvent vapors on the parts.
(75) Outdoor burning--Any fire or smoke-producing process
that is not conducted in a combustion unit.
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