(6) be responsible for the content and delivery of
the training;
(7) retain accurate training records for a minimum
of five years;
(8) maintain records of training approval throughout
the entire period the training provider actively delivers training;
(9) ensure that instructors and subject matter experts
are qualified and provide the executive director with qualifications
when requested;
(10) notify students of all fees associated with completing
the training and obtaining credit for training before and during the
(11) accurately present to students the approved training
credit along with any other criteria for obtaining full or partial
training credit;
(12) provide students with approved copies of texts,
manuals, or other training materials to use during the training and
for future reference required by the delivery method and as approved
by the executive director;
(13) verify participation;
(14) provide acceptable procedures for student identity
(15) maintain procedures to protect student identity
and personal information;
(16) provide students access to subject matter experts
to answer technology-related and content-related questions within
one business day from the time of request; and
(17) electronically report the students' successfully
completed training credit hours per procedures provided and approved
by the executive director, not to exceed approved training credit
hours, within 14 business days of training completion.
(r) Printed training material must be presented in
an original manner and must be relevant to the critical job tasks
and knowledge for the occupational licensees.
(s) Public information copied from websites or other
sources is not acceptable as training materials unless modified to
be applicable to the target audience and the method of delivery.