(iv) students identified to receive special education
services; and
(v) students identified as gifted and talented.
(2) In selecting school districts, the commissioner
shall ensure, in accordance with the TEC, §7.0561(d), that the
aggregate number of students enrolled in campuses participating in
the consortium does not exceed 10% of the total number of students
enrolled in Texas public schools based on student enrollment figures
reported to the TEA for the previous school year. In order to ensure
compliance with this statutory requirement:
(A) a school district may designate in its application
the entire district or only one or more campus(es) to participate
in the consortium; and
(B) the commissioner may require a school district
to reduce the number of campuses designated in its application as
a condition for participation in the consortium.
(3) The commissioner may select no more than 30 school
districts to participate in the consortium.
(e) Notification. The TEA will notify each applicant
in writing of its selection or non-selection for participation in
the consortium.
(f) Financing of consortium.
(1) For the purpose of implementing this section, the
commissioner or a school district participating in the consortium
may accept gifts, grants, or donations from any source, including
a private entity or governmental entity.
(2) To recover TEA costs, the commissioner may charge
a participation fee of at least $2,500 annually and not to exceed
$10,000 annually to each school district selected to participate in
the consortium. The commissioner may adjust the fee proportionate
to the number of campuses the district has designated to participate
in the consortium. Each school district's participation fee shall
be reduced by the application fee amount paid in accordance with subsection
(c)(2) of this section.
(g) Reporting by consortium. The school districts participating
in the consortium must submit reports concerning the performance and
progress of the consortium not later than December 1 of each even-numbered
year to the:
(1) governor;
(2) legislature;
(3) State Board of Education; and
(4) commissioner of education.