(E) Draft annual Antiquities Permit report. The TPWD
draft annual Antiquities Permit report on each year's investigations
will be compiled and edited by the CRPD or their designee, and the
CRPD will submit the report to THC for review by May 1 of the following
year. THC shall provide comments in writing (hard copy or electronic
format) on the draft annual report within 30 days of receipt. If THC
does not respond to TPWD within that period of time, TPWD may proceed
with publication of the final annual report without further notice
to THC.
(F) Final annual Antiquities Permit report. The final
TPWD annual Antiquities Permit report shall be in a format that conforms
to §26.16(a)(1) of this title (relating to Reports Relating to
Archeological Permits). Upon approval of the draft annual Antiquities
Permit report by THC, TPWD will submit the final report to THC no
later than 120 days after TPWD has received THC approval, and will
distribute copies in accord with §26.16 of this title.