(5) The well casing of a temporary monitoring well
shall have a locking cap and the annular space shall be sealed from
zero (0) to one (1) foot below ground level with an impervious bentonite
or similar material; and after forty-eight (48) hours, the well must
be completed in accordance with this section or plugged in accordance
with §76.104.
(6) The annular space of a closed loop geothermal well
used to circulate water or other fluids shall be backfilled to the
total depth with impervious bentonite or similar material, closed
loop injection well where there is no water or only one zone of water
is encountered you may use sand, gravel or drill cuttings to back
fill up to ten (10) feet from the surface. The top ten (10) feet shall
be filled with impervious bentonite or similar materials and shall
meet the standards pursuant to Texas Commission on Environmental Quality
30 TAC Chapter 331.
(g) Alternative Surface Completion. In wells where
a steel or PVC sleeve is used:
(1) The steel sleeve shall be a minimum of 3/16 inches
in thickness and shall be a minimum of twenty-four (24) inches in
length. The plastic sleeve shall be a minimum of Schedule 80 sun resistant
or SDR 17 sun resistant and be twenty-four (24) inches in length,
and either sleeve used shall extend twelve (12) inches into the cement,
except when steel casing or a pitless adapter as described in paragraph
(2) is used. The casing shall extend to a minimum of twelve (12) inches
above the land surface, and the steel/plastic sleeve's inside diameter
shall be two (2) inches larger in diameter than the outside diameter
of the plastic casing being used and filled entirely with cement;
(2) A slab or block as described in subsection (f)
is required above the cement slurry except when steel casing or a
pitless adapter is used. Pitless adapters may be used in such wells,
provided that:
(A) the adapter is welded to the casing or fitted with
another suitably effective seal;
(B) the annular space between the borehole and the
casing is filled with cement to a depth not less than twenty (20)
feet below the adapter connection; and
(C) in lieu of cement, the annular space may be filled
with a solid column of granular sodium bentonite to a depth of not
less than twenty (20) feet below the adapter connection.
(h) Unless waived in writing by the landowner, a new,
repaired or reconditioned well or pump installation or repair on a
well that is used to supply water for human consumption, shall be
properly disinfected.
Source Note: The provisions of this §76.100 adopted to be effective September 15, 2014, 39 TexReg 7090; amended to be effective January 1, 2016, 40 TexReg 8756; amended to be effective April 1, 2018, 43 TexReg 1635 |