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RULE §91.709Member Business and Commercial Loans

    (B) periodic loan review, consistent with loan covenants and sufficient to conduct portfolio risk management, which, based upon current market conditions and trends, loan risk, and collateral conditions, must include a periodic reevaluation of the value and marketability of any collateral, and an updated loan-to-value ratio for collateral calculation;

    (C) a credit risk rating system under paragraph (2) of this subsection; and

    (D) a process to identify, report, and monitor commercial loans that are approved by the credit union as exceptions to the credit union's loan policies.

  (2) Credit Risk Rating System. The credit risk rating system must be a formal process that identifies and assigns a relative credit risk rating to each commercial loan in a credit union's portfolio, using ordinal ratings to represent the degree of risk. The credit risk score must be determined through an evaluation of quantitative factors based on the financial performance of each commercial loan and qualitative factors based on the credit union's management, operational, market, and business environment factors. A credit risk rating must be assigned to each commercial loan at the inception of the loan. A credit risk rating must be reviewed as frequently as necessary to satisfy the credit union's risk monitoring and reporting policies, and to ensure adequate reserves as required by generally accepted accounting principles.

  (3) Independent Review. Periodic independent reviews should be conducted by a person who is both qualified to conduct such a review and independent of the function being reviewed. The review should provide an objective assessment of the overall commercial loan portfolio quality and verify the accuracy of ratings and the operational effectiveness of the credit union's risk management processes. A credit union is not required to hire an outside third party to conduct this independent review, if it can be done in-house by a competent person that is considered unconnected to the function being reviewed.

(e) Collateral and Security for Commercial Loans.

  (1) Collateral. A commercial loan must be secured by collateral commensurate with the level of risk associated with the size and type of the commercial loan. The collateral must be sufficient to ensure the credit union is protected by a prudent loan-to-value ratio for collateral along with appropriate risk sharing with the borrower and principal(s). A credit union making an unsecured commercial loan must determine and document in the loan file that mitigating factors sufficiently offset the relevant risk of making an unsecured loan.

  (2) Personal Guarantees. A credit union that does not require the full and unconditional personal guarantee from all principals of the borrower who have a controlling interest, as defined by subsection (a)(3) of this section, in the borrower must determine and document in the loan file that mitigating factors sufficiently offset the relevant risk.

(f) Construction and Development Loans.

  (1) Terms. In this subsection:

    (A) "construction or development loan" means any financing arrangement to enable the borrower to acquire property or rights to property, including land or structures, with the intent to construct or renovate an income producing property, such as residential housing for rental or sale, or a commercial building, that may be used for commercial, agricultural, industrial, or other similar purposes. It also means a financing arrangement for the construction, major expansion or renovation of the property types referenced in this subsection. The collateral valuation for securing a construction or development loan depends on the satisfactory completion of the proposed construction or renovation where the loan proceeds are disbursed in increments as the work is completed. A loan to finance maintenance, repairs, or other improvements to an existing income-producing property that does not change the property's use or does not materially impact the property is not a construction or development loan.

    (B) "cost to complete" means the sum of all qualifying costs necessary to complete a construction project and documented in an approved construction budget. Qualifying costs generally include on- or off-site improvements; building construction; other reasonable and customary costs paid to construct or improve a project, including a general contractor's fees; other expenses normally included in a construction contract such as bonding and contractor insurance; the value of the land, determined as the sum of the cost of any improvements to the land and the lesser of appraised market value or purchase price; interest as provided by this subparagraph; project costs as provided by this subparagraph; a contingency account to fund unanticipated overruns; and other development costs such as fees and related pre-development expenses. Interest expense is a qualifying cost only to the extent it is included in the construction budget and is calculated based on the projected changes in the loan balance up to the expected "as-complete" date for owner-occupied non-income-producing commercial real property or the "as stabilized" date for income-producing real estate. Project costs for related parties, such as developer fees, leasing expenses, brokerage commissions and management fees, are included in qualifying costs only if reasonable in comparison to the cost of similar services from a third party. Qualifying costs exclude interest or preferred returns payable to equity partners or subordinated debt holders, the developer's general corporate overhead, and selling costs to be funded out of sales proceeds such as brokerage commissions and other closing costs.

    (C) "prospective market value" means the market value opinion determined by an independent appraiser in compliance with the relevant standards set forth in the Uniform Standards of Professional Appraisal Practice. Prospective value opinions are intended to reflect the current expectations and perceptions of market participants, based on available data. Two (2) prospective value opinions may be required to reflect the time frame during which development, construction, or occupancy occur. The prospective market value "as-completed" reflects the real property's market value as of the time that development is to be completed. The prospective market value "as-stabilized" reflects the real property's market value as of the time the real property is projected to achieve stabilized occupancy. For an income producing property, stabilized occupancy is the occupancy level that a property is expected to achieve after the real property is exposed to the market for lease over a reasonable period of time and at comparable terms and conditions to other similar real properties.

  (2) Policies. A credit union that elects to make a construction or development loan must ensure that its commercial loan policies under subsection (c) of this section meets the following conditions:

    (A) qualified personnel representing the interest of the credit union must conduct a review and approval of any line item construction budget prior to closing the loan;

    (B) a requisition and loan disbursement process approved by the credit union is established;

    (C) release or disbursement of loan funds occurs only after on-site inspections which are documented in a written report by qualified personnel who represents the interest of the credit union and certifies that the work requisitioned for payment has been satisfactorily completed, and the remaining funds available to be disbursed from the construction and development loan is sufficient to complete the project; and

    (D) each loan disbursement is subject to confirmation that no intervening liens have been filed.

  (3) Establishing Collateral Values. The current collateral value must be established by prudent and accepted commercial loan practices and comply with all regulatory requirements. The collateral value depends on the satisfactory completion of the proposed construction or renovation where the loan proceeds are disbursed in increments as the work is completed and is the lesser of the project's cost to complete or its prospective market value.

  (4) Controls and Processes for Loan Advances. A credit union that elects to make a construction and development loan must have effective commercial loan control procedures in place to ensure sound loan advances and that liens are paid and released in a timely manner. Effective controls should include segregation of duties, delegation of duties to appropriate qualified personnel, and dual approval of loan disbursements.

(g) Commercial Loan Prohibitions.

  (1) Ineligible borrowers. A credit union may not grant a commercial loan to the following:

    (A) any senior management employee directly or indirectly involved in the credit union's commercial loan underwriting, servicing, and collection process, and any of their immediate family members;

    (B) any person meeting the requirements of subsection (i) of this section concerning aggregations and attribution for commercial loans, with respect to persons identified in subparagraph (A) of this paragraph; or


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