(i) electrical service entrance with service switches,
service feeders to the public service feeders, and characteristics
of the light and power current including transformers and their connections;
(ii) location of all normal electrical system and essential
electrical system conduits, wiring, receptacles, light fixtures, switches
and equipment which require permanent electrical connections, on plans
of each building level:
(I) light fixtures marked distinctly to indicate connection
to critical or life safety branch circuits or to normal lighting circuits;
(II) outlets marked distinctly to indicate connection
to critical, life safety or normal power circuits.
(iii) telephone and communication, fixed computers,
terminals, connections, outlets, and equipment;
(iv) nurses calling system showing all stations, signals,
and annunciators on the plans;
(v) in addition to electrical plans, single line diagrams
prepared for:
(I) complete electrical system consisting of the normal
electrical system and the essential electrical system including the
on-site generator(s), transfer switch(es), emergency system (life
safety branch and critical branch), equipment system, panels, subpanels,
transformers, conduit, wire sizes, main switchboard, power panels,
light panels, and equipment for additions to existing buildings,
proposed new facilities, and remodeled portions of existing facilities.
Feeder and conduit sizes shall be shown with schedule of feeder breakers
or switches;
(II) complete nurses calling system with all stations,
signals, annunciators, etc. with room number noted by each device
and indicating the type of system (nurses regular calling system,
nurses emergency calling system, or staff emergency assistance calling
system); and
(III) a single line diagram of the complete fire alarm
system showing all control panels, signaling and detection devices
and the room number where each device is located; and
(vi) schedules of all panels indicating connection
to life safety branch, critical branch, equipment system or normal
system, and connected load at each panel.
(2) Final plan review. All deficiencies noted in the
final plan review shall be satisfactorily resolved before approval
of project for construction will be granted.
(3) Construction approval. Construction shall not begin
until written approval by the department is received by the owner
of the facility.
(4) Construction document changes. Any changes to construction
documents which affect or change the function, design, or designated
use of an area shall be submitted to the department for approval prior
to authorization of the modifications.
(d) Special submittals.
(1) Designer certified construction documents. In an
effort to shorten the plan review and approval process, design professionals
may submit, at the discretion of the department, a set of final construction
documents, the department's completed checklist of licensing requirements
and a certification letter which states that the plans and specifications,
based on the department's checklist comply with the requirements of
this chapter. Project certification forms shall be signed by the licensee
or applicant and the architect(s) and engineer(s) of record.
(2) Fast-track projects. Submittal of fast-track projects
shall be at the discretion of the department and shall be submitted
in not more than three separate packages.
(A) First package. The first package shall include:
(i) a map showing the location of the proposed facility
site and adjacent surrounding area at least two miles in radius identifying
any hazardous and undesirable location noted in §134.122(a) of
this title;
(ii) preliminary architectural plans and a detailed
building site plan showing all adjacent streets, site work, underslab
mechanical, electrical, and plumbing work, and related specifications;
(iii) foundation and structural plans.
(B) Second package. The second package shall include
complete architectural plans and details with specifications and fire
safety plans as described in subsection (c) of this section.
(C) Third package. The third package shall include
complete mechanical, electrical, equipment and furnishings, and plumbing
plans and specifications, as described in subsection (c) of this section.
(3) Fire sprinkler systems. Fire sprinkler systems
shall comply with the requirements of National Fire Protection Association
13, Standard for the Installation of Sprinkler systems, 1999 edition
(NFPA 13). Fire sprinkler systems shall be designed or reviewed by
an engineer who is registered by the Texas State Board of Registration
for Professional Engineers in fire protection specialty or is experienced
in hydraulic design and fire sprinkler system installation. A short
resume shall be submitted if registration is not in fire protection
(A) Fire sprinkler working plans, complete hydraulic
calculations and water supply information shall be prepared in accordance
with NFPA 13, §§8-1, 8-2 and 8-3, for new fire sprinkler
systems, alterations of and additions to existing ones.
(B) Certification of changes in an existing system
is not required when relocation of not more than twenty sprinkler
heads is involved.
(C) One set of fire sprinkler working plans (sealed
by the engineer), calculations and water supply information shall
be forwarded to the department together with the engineer's certification
letter stating that the sprinkler system design complies with the
requirements of NFPA 13. Certification of the fire sprinkler system
shall be submitted prior to system installation.
(D) Upon completion of the fire sprinkler system installation
and any required corrections, written certification by the engineer,
stating that the fire sprinkler system is installed in accordance
with NFPA 13 requirements, shall be submitted prior to or with the
written request for the final construction inspection of the project.
(e) Resubmittal of construction documents. When construction
is delayed for longer than one year from the plan approval date, construction
documents shall be resubmitted to the department for review and approval.
The plans shall be accompanied by a new Application for Plan Review
and a plan review fee.
(f) Project delay or cancellation. The licensee or
owner shall provide written notification to the department when a
project has been placed on hold, canceled or abandoned.
(g) On-hold projects. The department may close a project
file after one year of its receipt of an Application for Plan Review
for projects that have been placed on hold.