(-b-) Backflow preventers. Backflow preventers (vacuum
breakers) shall be installed on hose bibs, laboratory sinks, janitor
sinks, bedpan-flushing attachments, and on all other fixtures to which
hoses or tubing can be attached. Connections to high hazard sources,
e.g., x-ray film processors, shall be from a cold-water hose bibb
through a reduced pressure principle type backflow preventer (RPBFP).
(-c-) Flushing valves. Flush valves installed on plumbing
fixtures shall be of a quiet operating type, equipped with silencers.
(-d-) Water storage tanks. Water storage tanks shall
be fabricated of corrosion-resistant metal or lined with noncorrosive
(II) Fire sprinkler systems. When provided, fire sprinkler
systems shall comply with the requirements of NFPA 101, §7-7,
Automatic Sprinklers and Other Extinguishing Equipment, and the requirements
of this subclause. All fire sprinkler systems shall be designed, installed,
and maintained in accordance with the requirements of NFPA 13, Standard
for the Installation of Sprinkler Systems, 1999 edition, and shall
be certified as required by §125.94 of this title (relating to
Preparation, Submittal, Review and Approval of Plans).
(vii) Steam and hot water systems.
(I) Boilers. When provided, boilers shall have the
capacity, based upon the net ratings published by the Hydronics Institute
or another acceptable national standard, to supply the normal heating,
hot water, and steam requirements of all systems and equipment.
(-a-) Valves. Supply and return mains and risers of
cooling, heating, and process steam systems shall be valved to isolate
the various sections of each system. Each piece of equipment shall
be valved at the supply and return ends except that vacuum condensate
returns need not be valved at each piece of equipment.
(-b-) Boiler certification. When required, the SCF
shall ensure compliance with Texas Department of Licensing and Regulation,
Boiler Section, Texas Boiler Law, 1995 (Health and Safety Code, Chapter
755, Boilers), which requires certification documentation for boilers
to be posted on site at each boiler installation.
(II) Domestic hot water system. Hot water distribution
system serving all resident care areas shall be under constant recirculation
to provide continuous hot water at each hot water outlet.
(-a-) Capacity of water heating equipment. Water heating
equipment shall have sufficient capacity to supply water for all residents'
needs based on accepted engineering practices using actual number
and type of fixtures and for heating, when applicable.
(-b-) Water temperature measurements. Water temperatures
shall be measured at hot water point of use or at the inlet to processing
equipment. Hot water temperature at point of use for residents, staff
and visitors shall not exceed 110 degrees Fahrenheit.
(viii) Drainage systems. Building sewers shall discharge
into a community sewage system. Where such a system is not available,
a facility providing sewage treatment must conform to applicable local
and state regulations.
(I) Above ground piping. Soil stacks and roof drains
installed above ground within buildings shall be drain-waste-vent
(DWV) weight or heavier and shall be: copper pipe, copper tube, cast
iron pipe, or Schedule 40 polyvinyl chloride (PVC) pipe. In LCF schedule
40 polyvinylchloride (PVC) pipe is not permitted.
(II) Underground piping. All underground building drains
shall be cast iron soil pipe, hard temper copper tube (DWV or heavier),
acrylonitrile-butodiene-styrene (ABS) plastic pipe (DWV Schedule 40
or heavier), or PVC pipe (DWV Schedule 40 or heavier. Underground
piping shall have at least 12 inches of earth cover or comply with
local codes.
(ix) Thermal insulation for piping systems and equipment.
Asbestos containing insulation materials shall not be used.
(I) Insulation. Insulation shall be provided for the
(-a-) boilers, smoke breeching, and stacks;
(-b-) steam supply and condensate return piping;
(-c-) hot water piping and all hot water heaters, generators,
converters, and storage tanks;
(-d-) chilled water, refrigerant, other process piping,
equipment operating with fluid temperatures below ambient dew point,
and water supply and drainage piping on which condensation may occur.
Insulation on cold surfaces shall include an exterior vapor barrier;
(-e-) other piping, ducts, and equipment as necessary
to maintain the efficiency of the system.
(II) Flame spread. Flame spread shall not exceed 25
and smoke development rating shall not exceed 50 for pipe insulation
as determined by an independent testing laboratory in accordance with
NFPA 255, Standard Method of Test of Surface Burning Characteristics
of Building Materials, 1996 edition.
(x) Plumbing fixtures. Plumbing fixtures shall be made
of nonabsorptive, acid resistant materials and shall comply with the
requirements of the International Plumbing Code, 2000 edition, and
this clause.
(I) Sink and lavatory controls. All lavatories used
by residents and staff shall be trimmed with valves or electronic
(II) Back flow or siphoning. All plumbing fixtures
and equipment shall be designed and installed to prevent the back-flow
or back-siphonage of any material into the water supply. The over-the-rim
type water inlet shall be used wherever possible. Vacuum-breaking
devices shall be properly installed when an over-the-rim type water
inlet cannot be utilized.
(III) Floor drains or floor sinks. Where floor drains
or floor sinks are installed, they shall be of a type that can be
easily cleaned by removal of the cover. Removable stainless steel
mesh shall be provided in addition to a grilled drain cover to prevent
entry of large particles of waste which might cause stoppages.
(IV) Under counter piping. Under counter piping and
above floor drains shall be arranged (raised) so as not to interfere
with cleaning of the floor below the equipment.
(E) General electrical requirements. All electrical
material and equipment, including conductors, controls, and signaling
devices, shall be installed in compliance with applicable sections
of the NFPA 70, National Electrical Code, 1999 edition, NFPA 99, 1999
edition, the requirements of this subparagraph; and as necessary to
provide a complete electrical system. Electrical systems and components
shall be listed by nationally recognized listing agencies as complying
with available standards and shall be installed in accordance with
the listings and manufacturer's instructions.
(i) All fixtures, switches, sockets, and other pieces
of apparatus shall be maintained in a safe and working condition.
(ii) Extension cords and cables shall not be used for
permanent wiring.
(iii) All electrical heating devices shall be equipped
with a pilot light to indicate when the device is in service, unless
equipped with a temperature limiting device integral with the heater.
(iv) All equipment, fixtures, and appliances shall
be properly grounded in accordance with NFPA 70.
(v) Under-counter electrical installations shall be
arranged (raised) to not interfere with cleaning of the floor below
the equipment.
(vi) Installation testing and certification. The electrical
installations, including grounding continuity, fire alarm, and communication
systems, shall be tested to demonstrate that equipment installation
and operation is appropriate and functional. A written record of performance
tests on special electrical systems and equipment must show compliance
with applicable codes and standards and shall be available to the
department upon request.
(vii) Electrical safeguards. Shielded isolation transformers,
voltage regulators, filters, surge suppressors, and other safeguards
shall be provided as required where power line disturbances are likely
to affect fire alarm components, data processing, equipment used for
treatment, and automated laboratory diagnostic equipment.
(viii) Services and switchboards. Main switchboards
shall be located in an area separate from plumbing and mechanical
equipment and shall be accessible to authorized persons only. Switchboards
shall be convenient for use, readily accessible for maintenance, away
from traffic lanes, and located in dry, ventilated spaces free of
corrosive or explosive fumes, gases, or any flammable material. Overload
protective devices must operate properly in ambient temperatures.
(ix) Panelboard. Distribution panels containing circuit
breakers that control lighting and power to essential and normal electrical
circuits shall be located within the SCF.
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