(B) analyze how the characters' internal and external
responses develop the plot;
(C) analyze plot elements, including rising action,
climax, falling action, resolution, and non-linear elements such as
flashback; and
(D) analyze how the setting, including historical and
cultural settings, influences character and plot development.
(8) Multiple genres: listening, speaking, reading,
writing, and thinking using multiple texts--genres. The student recognizes
and analyzes genre-specific characteristics, structures, and purposes
within and across increasingly complex traditional, contemporary,
classical, and diverse texts. The student is expected to:
(A) demonstrate knowledge of literary genres such as
realistic fiction, adventure stories, historical fiction, mysteries,
humor, and myths;
(B) analyze the effect of meter and structural elements
such as line breaks in poems across a variety of poetic forms;
(C) analyze how playwrights develop characters through
dialogue and staging;
(D) analyze characteristics and structural elements
of informational text, including:
(i) the controlling idea or thesis with supporting
(ii) features such as introduction, foreword, preface,
references, or acknowledgements to gain background information; and
(iii) organizational patterns such as definition, classification,
advantage, and disadvantage;
(E) analyze characteristics and structures of argumentative
text by:
(i) identifying the claim;
(ii) explaining how the author uses various types of
evidence to support the argument; and
(iii) identifying the intended audience or reader;
(F) analyze characteristics of multimodal and digital
(9) Author's purpose and craft: listening, speaking,
reading, writing, and thinking using multiple texts. The student uses
critical inquiry to analyze the authors' choices and how they influence
and communicate meaning within a variety of texts. The student analyzes
and applies author's craft purposefully in order to develop his or
her own products and performances. The student is expected to:
(A) explain the author's purpose and message within
a text;
(B) analyze how the use of text structure contributes
to the author's purpose;
(C) analyze the author's use of print and graphic features
to achieve specific purposes;
(D) describe how the author's use of figurative language
such as metaphor and personification achieves specific purposes;
(E) identify the use of literary devices, including
omniscient and limited point of view, to achieve a specific purpose;
(F) analyze how the author's use of language contributes
to mood and voice; and
(G) explain the differences between rhetorical devices
and logical fallacies.
(10) Composition: listening, speaking, reading, writing,
and thinking using multiple texts--writing process. The student uses
the writing process recursively to compose multiple texts that are
legible and uses appropriate conventions. The student is expected
(A) plan a first draft by selecting a genre appropriate
for a particular topic, purpose, and audience using a range of strategies
such as discussion, background reading, and personal interests;
(B) develop drafts into a focused, structured, and
coherent piece of writing by:
(i) organizing with purposeful structure, including
an introduction, transitions, coherence within and across paragraphs,
and a conclusion; and
(ii) developing an engaging idea reflecting depth of
thought with specific facts and details;
(C) revise drafts for clarity, development, organization,
style, word choice, and sentence variety;
(D) edit drafts using standard English conventions,
(i) complete complex sentences with subject-verb agreement
and avoidance of splices, run-ons, and fragments;
(ii) consistent, appropriate use of verb tenses;
(iii) conjunctive adverbs;
(iv) prepositions and prepositional phrases and their
influence on subject-verb agreement;
(v) pronouns, including relative;
(vi) subordinating conjunctions to form complex sentences
and correlative conjunctions such as either/or and neither/nor ;
(vii) capitalization of proper nouns, including abbreviations,
initials, acronyms, and organizations;
(viii) punctuation marks, including commas in complex
sentences, transitions, and introductory elements ; and
(ix) correct spelling, including commonly confused
terms such as its/it's, affect/effect, there/their/they're, and to/two/too;
(E) publish written work for appropriate audiences.
(11) Composition: listening, speaking, reading, writing,
and thinking using multiple texts--genres. The student uses genre
characteristics and craft to compose multiple texts that are meaningful.
The student is expected to:
(A) compose literary texts such as personal narratives,
fiction, and poetry using genre characteristics and craft;
(B) compose informational texts, including multi-paragraph
essays that convey information about a topic, using a clear controlling
idea or thesis statement and genre characteristics and craft;
(C) compose multi-paragraph argumentative texts using
genre characteristics and craft ; and
(D) compose correspondence that reflects an opinion,
registers a complaint, or requests information in a business or friendly
(12) Inquiry and research: listening, speaking, reading,
writing, and thinking using multiple texts. The student engages in
both short-term and sustained recursive inquiry processes for a variety
of purposes. The student is expected to:
(A) generate student-selected and teacher-guided questions
for formal and informal inquiry;
(B) develop and revise a plan;
(C) refine the major research question, if necessary,
guided by the answers to a secondary set of questions;
(D) identify and gather relevant information from a
variety of sources;
(E) differentiate between primary and secondary sources;
(F) synthesize information from a variety of sources;
(G) differentiate between paraphrasing and plagiarism
when using source materials;
(H) examine sources for:
(i) reliability, credibility, and bias; and
(ii) faulty reasoning such as hyperbole, emotional
appeals, and stereotype;
(I) display academic citations and use source materials
ethically; and
(J) use an appropriate mode of delivery, whether written,
oral, or multimodal, to present results.