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RULE §17.1Texas Preservation Trust Fund

  (1) Grants are awarded on a competitive basis to eligible properties or projects judged by the Commission to provide the best use of limited grant funds or on an emergency basis for properties or collections deemed highly significant and/or endangered by the Commission. The Executive Director, with the approval of the Executive Committee or Commission, will have the authority to award grants on an emergency basis in accordance with subsection (o)(6) of this section.

  (2) Meeting the eligibility criteria and submissions of a grant application does not guarantee award of a grant in any amount.

  (3) The commission may consider an appropriate distribution of funds across geographic area, discipline, or type of preservation grant when making awards.

(o) Types of preservation grants. Preservation grants shall be awarded only for:

  (1) architectural or archeological development ("preservation," "restoration," "rehabilitation," and "reconstruction," as defined by the Secretary of the Interior's Standards for The Treatment of Historic Properties, latest edition or Secretary of the Interior's Standards for Preservation Planning and Standards for Archeological Documentation, latest edition); the costs include professional fees to supervise actual construction, the costs of construction, and related expenses approved by the commission; or

  (2) architectural or archeological acquisition of absolute ownership of an eligible property (that is what is defined in subsection (j) of this section) and related costs and professional fees approved by the commission; or

  (3) planning costs necessary for the preparation of a historic structure reports, historic or cultural resource reports, preservation plans, maintenance studies, resource surveys, local and regional preservation plans or surveys, and/or feasibility studies as approved by the commission; or

  (4) heritage education costs necessary for training individuals and organizations about historic resources and historic preservation techniques; or

  (5) curation management cost necessary for a professional inventory and/or rehabilitation of state associated held-in-trust archeological collections (such as processing, cataloging and collections housing improvements). Held-in-trust collections refer to those State associated collections under the authority of the Texas Historical Commission that are placed in a curatorial facility for the care and management; or

  (6) emergency costs necessary for the acquisition, evaluation, planning or repair of eligible property or projects as defined in subsection (j) of this section, to reduce or eliminate an immediate threat, resulting from a natural or man-made disaster. In consideration of the emergency nature, the commission may develop and adopt policy and procedures to implement this type of preservation grant with requirements separate from those in this rule.

(p) Eligible match for grant assistance. Applicants eligible to receive grant assistance shall provide a minimum of one dollar in cash match to each state dollar for approved project costs. The commission or the Executive Director upon designation by the Commission, by written policy, may approve in-kind match for projects involving highly significant and endangered properties. In exceptional circumstances and upon recommendation by the Executive Director of the Commission, the Commission may also waive the one to one cash match requirement completely, and/or approve any combination of matching cash or in-kind contribution percentages that the Commission deems appropriate.

(q) Grant allocations. Grants shall be allocated by vote of the Commission at large upon the recommendation of the Executive Committee at any duly noticed meeting of the commission. Reallocation of returned funds may be made by the Executive Committee of the commission upon the recommendation of the Executive Director of the commission.

(r) Starting project work.

  (1) The funding agreement must be executed prior to starting any project work.

  (2) The project start date is typically the date of the executed funding agreement.

  (3) Commencement of project work. Project work as approved shall commence within 90 days of the assigned start date unless otherwise approved in writing by the commission. Approved project work may not begin before the assigned project start date.

  (4) If any expenses enumerated in the project proposal detailed budget do not qualify for grant funds, these expenses will be identified by the commission and should be either omitted from the scope of work or separated into a bid alternate for exclusion from the grant funded work.

  (5) Any changes in the scope of work or significant changes (greater than 10 percent) in the detailed budget must receive the written approval of the commission prior to implementation.

  (6) Forfeiture of grant allocation. Failure to meet the deadline for starting the project work, or to perform any part of the project work as approved, or to receive permission from the commission before commencing additional work may result in forfeiture of the full grant amount.

(s) Award of contract.

  (1) Architectural development grant projects. Despite no specific procurement requirements, state, local, or other public entities are responsible for following appropriate procurement methods as required by the Texas Government Code or Local Government Code as applicable for the respective property owned. This may also apply to a non-profit organization that is funding construction on a publicly owned property.

  (2) Architectural planning grant projects. The commission recommends that contract for work described in the project proposal be awarded subsequent to interview with at least three professional firms.

(t) Grant reimbursement procedures.

  (1) All payment of grant funds shall be strictly on a reimbursement basis with the exception of emergency grants in accordance with subsection (o)(5) of this section for which the Executive Committee or Commission may determine other payment methods. Reimbursement may be made after the competitive award of contract and submission of proof of all incurred allowable expenses in increments of at least $2,500 or at least 10% of the total project cost, whichever is lesser; or according to a schedule as determined by the Executive Director of the Commission; or at the completion of the project after an acceptable required completion report and/or planning documents have been received by the commission.

  (2) Deadline for submission of requests for reimbursement. Allowable project expenses equal to two times the grant amount shall be incurred by the deadlines announced by the commission. Proof of those incurred expenses and corresponding payments shall be submitted to the commission by the deadlines announced by the commission.

  (3) Forfeiture of grant. Failure to expend the full grant amount by the deadlines as announced by the commission or to submit to the commission all required material by the deadline as announced by the commission may result in forfeiture of the remaining grant amount unless otherwise approved in writing by the commission.

(u) Deed restrictions/designations/conservation easements. Acquisition and development projects shall be encumbered, prior to reimbursement of any project expenses, with a protective designation, deed restriction, conservation easement (as defined in Title 8, Natural Resources Code, Chapter 183), or other appropriate covenants in favor of the state in a format acceptable to the commission. The deed restriction shall run with the land, be enforceable by the State of Texas, and its duration will be based upon the cumulative amount of grant assistance. The terms of the deed restrictions/designations/conservation easements shall be set by the commission.

(v) Repayment penalty for resale of property within one year of acquisition. If a property acquired with a preservation grant is sold within one year of the purchase date, the project owner may be required to repay the State of Texas the amount of the grant allocation.

(w) Completion reports. Projects assisted with acquisition or development grants will be required to submit a project completion report with copies as determined by the commission, consisting of photo documentation and project summary prepared by the supervising project professional, to the commission no later than deadlines announced by the commission. The commission may require completion reports with appropriate documentation for planning, heritage education, curation, or emergency grants. Final reimbursement, in the amount of 10% of the grant allocation may be retained until receipt of an acceptable completion report by the commission.

(x) Professional standards.

  (1) Project personnel for development, curation, and planning grants. Project proposal documents for development and planning grants shall be prepared by, and development work supervised by, appropriate personnel in compliance with the following criteria except as otherwise approved by the Executive Director:


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