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RULE §133.41Hospital Functions and Services

    (B) There shall be adequate numbers of RNs, licensed vocational nurses (LVNs), and other personnel to provide nursing care to all patients as needed.

    (C) There shall be supervisory and staff personnel for each department or nursing unit to provide, when needed, the immediate availability of an RN to provide care for any patient.

    (D) An RN shall be on duty in each building of a licensed hospital that contains at least one nursing unit where patients are present. The RN shall supervise and evaluate the nursing care for each patient and assign the nursing care to other nursing personnel in accordance with the patient's needs and the specialized qualifications and competence of the nursing staff available.

    (E) The nursing staff shall develop and keep current a nursing plan of care for each patient which addresses the patient's needs.

    (F) The hospital shall establish a nurse staffing committee as a standing committee of the hospital. The committee shall be established in accordance with Health and Safety Code (HSC), §§161.031 - 161.033, to be responsible for soliciting and receiving input from nurses on the development, ongoing monitoring, and evaluation of the staffing plan. As provided by HSC, §161.032, the hospital's records and review relating to evaluation of these outcomes and indicators are confidential and not subject to disclosure under Government Code, Chapter 552 and not subject to disclosure, discovery, subpoena or other means of legal compulsion for their release. As used in this subsection, "committee" or "staffing committee" means a nurse staffing committee established under this subparagraph.

      (i) The committee shall be composed of:

        (I) at least 60% registered nurses who are involved in direct patient care at least 50% of their work time and selected by their peers who provide direct care during at least 50% of their work time;

        (II) at least one representative from either infection control, quality assessment and performance improvement or risk management;

        (III) members who are representative of the types of nursing services provided at the hospital; and

        (IV) the chief nursing officer of the hospital who is a voting member.

      (ii) Participation on the committee by a hospital employee as a committee member shall be part of the employee's work time and the hospital shall compensate that member for that time accordingly. The hospital shall relieve the committee member of other work duties during committee meetings.

      (iii) The committee shall meet at least quarterly.

      (iv) The responsibilities of the committee shall be to:

        (I) develop and recommend to the hospital's governing body a nurse staffing plan that meets the requirements of subparagraph (G) of this paragraph;

        (II) review, assess and respond to staffing concerns expressed to the committee;

        (III) identify the nurse-sensitive outcome measures the committee will use to evaluate the effectiveness of the official nurse services staffing plan;

        (IV) evaluate, at least semiannually, the effectiveness of the official nurse services staffing plan and variations between the plan and the actual staffing; and

        (V) submit to the hospital's governing body, at least semiannually, a report on nurse staffing and patient care outcomes, including the committee's evaluation of the effectiveness of the official nurse services staffing plan and aggregate variations between the staffing plan and actual staffing.

    (G) The hospital shall adopt, implement and enforce a written official nurse services staffing plan. As used in this subsection, "patient care unit" means a unit or area of a hospital in which registered nurses provide patient care.

      (i) The official nurse services staffing plan and policies shall:

        (I) require significant consideration to be given to the nurse staffing plan recommended by the hospital's nurse staffing committee and the committee's evaluation of any existing plan;

        (II) be based on the needs of each patient care unit and shift and on evidence relating to patient care needs;

        (III) require use of the official nurse services staffing plan as a component in setting the nurse staffing budget;

        (IV) encourage nurses to provide input to the nurse staffing committee relating to nurse staffing concerns;

        (V) protect from retaliation nurses who provide input to the nurse staffing committee; and

        (VI) comply with subsection (o) of this section.

      (ii) The plan shall:

        (I) set minimum staffing levels for patient care units that are:

          (-a-) based on multiple nurse and patient considerations including:

            (-1-) patient characteristics and number of patients for whom care is being provided, including number of admissions, discharges and transfers on a unit;

            (-2-) intensity of patient care being provided and variability of patient care across a nursing unit;

            (-3-) scope of services provided;

            (-4-) context within which care is provided, including architecture and geography of the environment, and the availability of technology; and

            (-5-) nursing staff characteristics, including staff consistency and tenure, preparation and experience, and the number and competencies of clinical and non-clinical support staff the nurse must collaborate with or supervise.

          (-b-) determined by the nursing assessment and in accordance with evidence-based safe nursing standards; and

          (-c-) recalculated at least annually, or as necessary;

        (II) include a method for adjusting the staffing plan shift to shift for each patient care unit based on factors, such as, the intensity of patient care to provide staffing flexibility to meet patient needs;

        (III) include a contingency plan when patient care needs unexpectedly exceed direct patient care staff resources;

        (IV) include how on-call time will be used;

        (V) reflect current standards established by private accreditation organizations, governmental entities, national nursing professional associations, and other health professional organizations and should be developed based upon a review of the codes of ethics developed by the nursing profession through national nursing organizations;

        (VI) include a mechanism for evaluating the effectiveness of the official nurse services staffing plan based on patient needs, nursing sensitive quality indicators, nurse satisfaction measures collected by the hospital and evidence based nurse staffing standards. At least one from each of the following three types of outcomes shall be correlated to the adequacy of staffing:

          (-a-) nurse-sensitive patient outcomes selected by the nurse staffing committee, such as, patient falls, adverse drug events, injuries to patients, skin breakdown, pneumonia, infection rates, upper gastrointestinal bleeding, shock, cardiac arrest, length of stay, or patient readmissions;

          (-b-) operational outcomes, such as, work-related injury or illness, vacancy and turnover rates, nursing care hours per patient day, on-call use, or overtime rates; and

          (-c-) substantiated patient complaints related to staffing levels;

        (VII) incorporate a process that facilitates the timely and effective identification of concerns about the adequacy of the staffing plan by the nurse staffing committee established pursuant to subparagraph (F) of this paragraph. This process shall include:

          (-a-) a prohibition on retaliation for reporting concerns;

          (-b-) a requirement that nurses report concerns timely through appropriate channels within the hospital;

          (-c-) orientation of nurses on how to report concerns and to whom;

          (-d-) encouraging nurses to provide input to the committee relating to nurse staffing concerns;

          (-e-) review, assessment, and response by the committee to staffing concerns expressed to the committee;

          (-f-) a process for providing feedback during the committee meeting on how concerns are addressed by the committee established under subparagraph (F) of this paragraph; and

          (-g-) use of the nurse safe harbor peer review process pursuant to Occupations Code, §303.005;

        (VIII) include policies and procedures that require:

          (-a-) orientation of nurses and other personnel who provide nursing care to all patient care units to which they are assigned on either a temporary or permanent basis;

          (-b-) that the orientation of nurses and other personnel and the competency to perform nursing services is documented in accordance with hospital policy;


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