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RULE §7.4Standards for Operation of Institutions

    (B) Each faculty member except, as provided by subparagraph (E) of this paragraph, teaching career and technical courses in an applied associate degree program, or career and technical courses that academic associate or baccalaureate students may choose to take, shall have at least an associate degree in the discipline being taught from an institution accredited by a recognized agency and or at least three (3) years of full-time direct or closely related experience in the discipline being taught.

    (C) Each faculty member, except as provided by subparagraph (E) of this paragraph, teaching general education courses in an applied associate degree program shall have at least a master's degree from an institution accredited by a recognized accrediting agency with at least eighteen (18) graduate semester credit hours in the discipline, or closely related discipline, being taught.

    (D) Except as provided by subparagraph (E) of this paragraph, graduate-level degree programs shall be taught by faculty holding doctorates, or other degrees generally recognized as the highest attainable in the discipline, or closely related discipline, awarded by institutions accredited by an agency recognized by the Board.

    (E) With the approval of a majority of the institution's governing board, an individual with exceptional experience in the field of appointment, which may include direct and relevant work experience, professional licensure and certification, honors and awards, continuous documented excellence in teaching, or other demonstrated competencies and achievements, may serve as a faculty member without the degree credentials specified in subparagraphs (A) - (D) of this paragraph. Such appointments shall be limited and the justification for each such appointment shall be fully documented. The Board may review the qualifications of the full complement of faculty providing instruction at the institution to verify that such appointments are justified.

  (12) Faculty Size. There shall be a sufficient number of faculty holding full-time teaching appointments that are accessible to the students to ensure continuity and stability of the education program, adequate educational association between students and faculty and among the faculty members, and adequate opportunity for proper preparation for instruction and professional growth by faculty members. At the associate and baccalaureate levels, there shall be at least one (1) full-time faculty member in each program. At the graduate level, there shall be at least two (2) full-time faculty members in each program.

  (13) Academic Freedom and Faculty Security. The institution shall adopt, adhere to, and distribute to all members of the faculty a statement of academic freedom assuring freedom in teaching, research, and publication. All policies and procedures concerning promotion, tenure, and non-renewal or termination of appointments, including for cause, shall be clearly stated and published in a faculty handbook, adhered to by the institution, and supplied to all faculty. The specific terms and conditions of employment of each faculty member shall be clearly described in a written document to be given to that faculty member, with a copy to be retained by the institution.

  (14) Curriculum.

    (A) The quality, content, and sequence of each course, curriculum, or program of instruction, training, or study shall be appropriate to the purpose of the institution and shall be such that the institution may reasonably and adequately achieve the stated objectives of the course or program. Each program shall adequately cover the breadth of knowledge of the discipline taught and coursework must build on the knowledge of previous courses to increase the rigor of instruction and the learning of students in the discipline. A majority of the courses in the areas of specialization required for each degree program shall be offered in organized classes by the institution. An institution may offer for-credit coursework that does not directly relate to approved programs, provided that it does not exceed twenty-five (25) percent of all courses.

    (B) Academic associate degrees must consist of at least sixty (60) semester credit hours and not more than sixty-six (66) semester credit hours or ninety (90) quarter credit hours and not more than ninety-nine (99) quarter credit hours. Applied associate degrees must consist of at least sixty (60) semester credit hours and not more than seventy-two (72) semester credit hours or ninety (90) quarter credit hours and not more than one hundred eight (108) quarter hours. A baccalaureate degree must consist of at least one hundred twenty (120) semester credit hours or one hundred eighty (180) quarter credit hours. A master's degree must consist of at least thirty (30) semester credit hours and not more than thirty-six (36) semester credit hours or forty-five (45) quarter credit hours and not more than fifty-four (54) quarter credit hours of graduate level work past the baccalaureate degree.

    (C) Courses designed to correct deficiencies, remedial courses for associate and baccalaureate programs, and leveling courses for graduate programs, shall not count toward requirements for completion of the degree.

    (D) The degree level, degree designation, and the designation of the major course of study shall be appropriate to the curriculum offered and shall be accurately listed on the student's diploma and transcript.

  (15) General Education.

    (A) Each academic associate degree program shall contain a general education component consisting of at least twenty (20) semester credit hours or thirty (30) quarter credit hours. Each applied associate degree program shall contain a general education component of at least fifteen (15) semester credit hours or twenty-three (23) quarter credit hours. Each baccalaureate degree program shall contain a general education component consisting of at least twenty-five (25) percent of the total hours required for graduation from the program.

    (B) This component shall be drawn from each of the following areas: Humanities and Fine Arts, Social and Behavioral Sciences, and Natural Sciences and Mathematics. It shall include courses to develop skills in written and oral communication and basic computer instruction.

    (C) The applicant institution may arrange to have all or part of the general education component taught by another institution, provided that:

      (i) the applicant institution's faculty shall design the general education requirement;

      (ii) there shall be a written agreement between the institutions specifying the applicant institution's general education requirements and the manner in which they will be met by the providing institution; and

      (iii) the providing institution shall be accredited by a Board-recognized accrediting agency or hold a Certificate of Authority.

  (16) Credit for Work Completed Outside a Collegiate Setting.

    (A) An institution awarding collegiate credit for work completed outside a collegiate setting (outside a degree-granting institution accredited by a recognized agency) shall establish and adhere to a systematic method for evaluating that work, shall award credit only in course content which falls within the authorized degree programs of the institution or, if by evaluative examination, falls within the standards for awarding credit by exam used by public universities in Texas, in an appropriate manner shall relate the credit to the student's current educational goals, and shall subject the institution's process and procedures for evaluating work completed outside a collegiate setting to ongoing review and evaluation by the institution's teaching faculty. To these ends, recognized evaluative examinations such as the Advanced Placement program (AP) or the College Level Examination Program (CLEP) may be used.

    (B) No more than one half of the credit applied toward a student's associate or baccalaureate degree program may be based on work completed outside a collegiate setting. Those credits must be validated in the manner set forth in subparagraph (A) of this paragraph. No more than fifteen (15) semester credit hours or twenty-three (23) quarter credit hours of that credit may be awarded by means other than recognized evaluative examinations. No graduate credit for work completed outside a collegiate setting may be awarded. In no instance may credit be awarded for life experience per se or merely for years of service in a position or job.

  (17) Learning Resources. The institution shall maintain and ensure that students have access to learning resources with a collection of books, educational material and publications, on-line materials and other resources and with staff, services, equipment, and facilities that are adequate and appropriate for the purposes and enrollment of the institution. Learning resources shall be current, well distributed among fields in which the institution offers instructions, cataloged, logically organized, and readily located. The institution shall maintain a continuous plan for learning resources development and support, including objectives and selections of materials. Current and formal written agreements with other institutions or with other entities may be used. Institutions offering graduate work shall provide Cont'd...

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