(G) analyze original web game artwork and digital portfolios
created by peers and others to form precise conclusions about formal
qualities, historical and cultural contexts, intents, and meanings.
(6) Technology operations and concepts. The student
demonstrates a sound understanding of technology concepts, systems,
and operations. The student is expected to:
(A) create a website that includes:
(i) an interactive database with elements such as SQL
statements, Extensible Markup Language (XML), and Open Database Connectivity
(ii) JavaScript; and
(iii) server-side processing, including Common Gateway
Interface (CGI); bitmap and vector graphics; database creation, modification,
and deletion; creation and maintenance of user accounts; user authentication;
and documentation;
(B) create a fully functional online game that includes:
(i) multiple game levels with increasing difficulty;
(ii) high-score ranking;
(iii) physics, including center of mass, collision
detection, lighting, shading, perspective, anatomy, motion blur, lens
flare, and reflections;
(iv) art principles, including color theory, texture,
balance, lighting, shading, skinning, and drawing;
(v) graphics resolution, including pixel depth and
(vi) database creation, modification, and deletion;
(vii) creation and maintenance of user accounts;
(viii) user authentication;
(ix) artificial intelligence;
(x) game-level saving;
(xi) mathematical functions;
(xii) varying camera angles;
(xiii) VoIP for online web games; and
(xiv) documentation; and
(C) create a digital portfolio.