(B) explain how the interactions that occur among systems
that perform functions of transport, reproduction, and response in
plants are facilitated by their structures.
(13) Science concepts--interdependence within environmental
systems. The student knows that interactions at various levels of
organization occur within an ecosystem to maintain stability. The
student is expected to:
(A) investigate and evaluate how ecological relationships,
including predation, parasitism, commensalism, mutualism, and competition,
influence ecosystem stability;
(B) analyze how ecosystem stability is affected by
disruptions to the cycling of matter and flow of energy through trophic
levels using models;
(C) explain the significance of the carbon and nitrogen
cycles to ecosystem stability and analyze the consequences of disrupting
these cycles; and
(D) explain how environmental change, including change
due to human activity, affects biodiversity and analyze how changes
in biodiversity impact ecosystem stability.