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RULE §115.17Health Education, Grade 5, Adopted 2020

    (B) describe benefits of setting and implementing short- and long-term goals and perseverance to achieve those goals;

    (C) discuss choices and decision making as part of goal setting; and

    (D) identify goals that one wishes to achieve, including identifying areas for one's personal growth and ways to gather constructive feedback.

  (5) Mental health and wellness--risk and protective factors. The student recognizes the influence of various factors on mental health and wellness. The student is expected to:

    (A) identify factors such as school climate and safety measures that affect an individual's physical, emotional, and social health; and

    (B) discuss how brain development during childhood affects emotions and decision making.

  (6) Mental health and wellness--identifying and managing mental health and wellness concerns. The student develops and uses appropriate skills to identify and manage conditions related to mental health and wellness. The student is expected to:

    (A) compare and contrast healthy and unhealthy methods for managing concerns related to long-term health conditions for self and others;

    (B) identify situations in which stress can help to achieve goals and build resiliency;

    (C) examine ways to reduce the impact of stress, trauma, loss, and grief;

    (D) define eating disorders and disordered eating patterns as mental health concerns and the importance of seeking help from a parent or another trusted adult for self or others if these patterns are observed;

    (E) describe situations that call for professional mental health services; and

    (F) discuss healthy alternatives to harming oneself, others, or property and the importance of telling a parent or another trusted adult when someone is struggling to manage overwhelming emotions or lacks support.

  (7) Healthy eating and physical activity--food and beverage daily recommendations. The student analyzes and applies healthy eating strategies for enhancing and maintaining personal health throughout the lifespan. The student is expected to:

    (A) identify foods that are sources of one or more of the six major nutrients;

    (B) examine food labels and menus for nutritional content, calories, and serving sizes;

    (C) identify the amount of sugar in common beverages and snacks and the daily recommended allowance for added sugar; and

    (D) identify caffeine content of common beverages and health concerns associated with excess caffeine consumption.

  (8) Healthy eating and physical activity--physical activity. The student identifies, analyzes, and applies strategies for enhancing and maintaining optimal personal physical fitness throughout the lifespan. The student is expected to explain the physical, mental, and social benefits of fitness.

  (9) Healthy eating and physical activity--nutrition and physical activity literacy. The student obtains, processes, and understands basic physical activity and nutrition information needed to make health-promoting decisions. The student is expected to:

    (A) describe the importance of goal setting and set a goal for achieving appropriate levels of physical activity; and

    (B) research and evaluate health products and information about physical activity and nutritional choices.

  (10) Healthy eating and physical activity--risk and protective factors. The student analyzes and applies risk and protective factors related to healthy eating and physical activity. The student is expected to:

    (A) describe the connection between dietary choices and the prevention of obesity, heart disease, and diabetes; and

    (B) identify attitudes and behaviors that can reduce the likelihood of developing chronic conditions such as obesity, heart disease, or diabetes.

  (11) Injury and violence prevention and safety--safety skills and unintentional injury. The student identifies and demonstrates safety and first aid knowledge to prevent and treat injuries. The student is expected to analyze strategies for preventing and responding to injuries.

  (12) Injury and violence prevention and safety--healthy home, school, and community climate. The student understands that individual actions and awareness can impact safety, community, and environment. The student is expected to:

    (A) explain strategies for avoiding violence, gangs, and weapons and define human trafficking;

    (B) examine characteristics of gang behavior;

    (C) identify safety procedures that can be used in various situations, including violence in the home, school, and community; and

    (D) create a personal safety plan.

  (13) Injury and violence prevention and safety--digital citizenship and media. The student understands how to be a safe and responsible citizen in digital and online environments. The student is expected to:

    (A) distinguish between appropriate and inappropriate boundaries for digital and online communication and research;

    (B) explain the benefits of identity protection in digital and online environments; and

    (C) analyze the consequences of cyberbullying and inappropriate digital and online communication in relation to home, school, and community environments.

  (14) Injury and violence prevention and safety--interpersonal violence. The student understands the impact of interpersonal violence and the importance of seeking guidance and help to maintain personal safety. The student is expected to:

    (A) identify methods available to report bullying;

    (B) identify ways to advocate for self and others to prevent bullying and cyberbullying behavior; and

    (C) explain the impact of abuse and neglect and the importance of reporting abuse and neglect.

  (15) Alcohol, tobacco, and other drugs--use, misuse, and physiological effects. The student understands the difference between the use and misuse of different substances and how the use and misuse of substances impacts health. The student is expected to:

    (A) explain the reasons to avoid the misuse of over-the-counter and prescription drugs;

    (B) identify and explain the importance of each component of prescription and over-the-counter drug labels; and

    (C) describe the physiological effects of alcohol, vaping products, tobacco, other drugs, and dangerous substances.

  (16) Alcohol, tobacco, and other drugs--short- and long-term impacts. The student identifies and analyzes the short- and long-term impacts of use and misuse of alcohol; tobacco; drugs, including prescription drugs; and other substances. The student is expected to:

    (A) analyze the short- and long-term harmful effects of alcohol, tobacco, other drugs, and dangerous substances such as inhalants and household products on the functions of the body systems and mental and social health; and

    (B) describe the legal consequences of the illegal use of alcohol, tobacco, other drugs, and dangerous substances.

  (17) Alcohol, tobacco, and other drugs--treatment. The student understands how to seek emergency help for self and others in poisoning and overdose situations. The student is expected to describe the signs of poisoning or overdose and identify how to respond, including who to contact for help.

  (18) Alcohol, tobacco, and other drugs--risk and protective factors. The student understands how various factors can influence decisions regarding substance use and the resources available for help. The student is expected to:

    (A) analyze how positive peer influence can be used to help a person decide not to use alcohol or drugs; and

    (B) describe the importance of seeking help and reporting unsafe situations related to alcohol, tobacco, and other drugs.

  (19) Alcohol, tobacco, and other drugs--prevention. The student demonstrates refusal skills to avoid substance use and misuse. The student is expected to:

    (A) assess how being assertive, using refusal skills, and evaluating peer influence can affect decision making and problem solving;

    (B) identify a variety of scenarios and the different types of refusal skills that can be used to avoid the use of alcohol, tobacco, and other drugs; and

    (C) identify and describe healthy alternative activities to the use of drugs and other substances.

  (20) Reproductive and sexual health--healthy relationships. The student understands the characteristics of healthy romantic relationships. The student is expected to

identify characteristics of healthy dating/romantic relationships and marriage, including sharing, kindness, honesty, respect, trust, patience, communication, and compatibility.


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