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RULE §115.27Grades 7-8, Adopted 2020

    (B) identify and describe the categories of prescription drugs and their proper uses;

    (C) identify and explain the importance of each component of an over-the-counter drug warning label; and

    (D) describe how substance misuse and addiction to alcohol, tobacco, vaping products, drugs, and other substances, including prescription drugs, affect the body systems and brain.

  (16) Alcohol, tobacco, and other drugs--short- and long-term impacts. The student identifies and analyzes the short- and long-term impacts of use and misuse of alcohol; tobacco; drugs, including prescription drugs; and other substances. The student is expected to:

    (A) analyze and explain the short- and long-term health consequences of addiction to alcohol and tobacco and prescription and over-the-counter drug misuse and substance use disorders;

    (B) analyze the importance of alternative activities to drug and substance use and misuse on mental and social health; and

    (C) analyze the legal consequences of the use and misuse of alcohol; tobacco; drugs, including prescription drugs; and other substances.

  (17) Alcohol, tobacco, and other drugs--treatment. The student recognizes and understands the options for treatment and how to seek help related to the use and misuse of alcohol; tobacco; drugs, including prescription drugs; and other substances. The student is expected to:

    (A) identify and describe treatment options for substance abuse and addiction;

    (B) identify signs and symptoms of alcohol; tobacco; drugs, including prescription drugs; and other substance use and misuse such as using medicine prescribed for someone else or for reasons other than intended; and

    (C) identify at least one example of who, when, where, and how to get help related to the use and misuse of alcohol; tobacco; drugs, including prescription drugs; and other substances.

  (18) Alcohol, tobacco, and other drugs--risk and protective factors. The student understands how various factors can influence decisions regarding substance use and the resources available for help. The student is expected to:

    (A) examine the effects and role of peer influence on decision making and problem solving regarding the use and misuse of alcohol, tobacco, and other drugs;

    (B) examine physical and social influences on alcohol, tobacco, and other drug use behaviors;

    (C) differentiate among the relationships of alcohol, tobacco, drugs, and other substances and the roles these substances play in unsafe situations such as drinking and driving; and

    (D) identify support systems and describe ways to report the suspected abuse of drugs to a parent, school administrator, teacher, or another trusted adult.

  (19) Alcohol, tobacco, and other drugs--prevention. The student analyzes information and applies critical-thinking skills to avoid substance use and misuse and recognizes the benefits of delayed use. The student is expected to develop and apply strategies, including demonstrating refusal skills, for avoiding alcohol, tobacco, and other drugs in various scenarios.

  (20) Reproductive and sexual health--healthy relationships. The student understands the characteristics of healthy romantic relationships. The student is expected to:

    (A) compare and contrast the difference between friendship, infatuation, dating/romantic relationships, and marriage;

    (B) explain how friendships provide a foundation for healthy dating/romantic relationships;

    (C) describe healthy ways to express friendship, affection, and love;

    (D) describe appropriate and effective methods of communicating emotions in healthy dating/romantic relationships and marriage;

    (E) evaluate the importance of mutual respect, trust, support, honesty, commitment, and reliability in healthy dating/romantic relationships and marriage;

    (F) describe behaviors in dating/romantic relationships that enhance dignity and respect; and

    (G) describe the benefits of healthy marriages, including companionship and social, emotional, financial, and health benefits.

  (21) Reproductive and sexual health--personal safety, limits, and boundaries. The student understands how to set and respect personal boundaries to reduce the risk of sexual harassment, sexual abuse, and sexual assault. The student is expected to:

    (A) explain that physical, emotional, and sexual abuse and exploitation are all forms of abuse;

    (B) explain the social and emotional impacts of sexual harassment, sexual abuse, sexual assault, and sex trafficking;

    (C) define dating violence and the characteristics of unhealthy or harmful relationships, including anger, controlling behavior, jealousy, manipulation, and isolation;

    (D) identify protective strategies for avoiding unsafe situations that heighten the risk of sexual harassment, sexual abuse, sexual assault, sex trafficking, and teen dating violence;

    (E) explain the importance of reporting to a parent or another trusted adult sexual harassment, sexual abuse, sexual assault, sex trafficking, and dating violence involving self or others;

    (F) describe how a healthy sense of self and making decisions regarding setting and respecting personal boundaries promote healthy dating/romantic relationships;

    (G) discuss and practice how refusal skills can be used to resist negative peer influences and reinforce personal boundaries to avoid dangerous situations and behaviors that increase sexual risk in dating/romantic relationships; and

    (H) explain the importance of clearly communicating and respecting personal boundaries and why individuals have the right to refuse sexual contact.

  (22) Reproductive and sexual health--anatomy, puberty, reproduction, and pregnancy. The student analyzes adolescent development, the process of fertilization, and healthy fetal development. The student is expected to:

    (A) compare and contrast the physical, hormonal, and emotional changes in males and females that occur during puberty and adolescence;

    (B) identify how the process of fertilization occurs between a man and a woman through sexual intercourse;

    (C) explain significant milestones of fetal development and the harmful effects on the fetus of certain substances such as alcohol, tobacco, and prescription drugs and environmental hazards such as lead;

    (D) describe the importance of telling a parent or another trusted adult, obtaining early pregnancy testing, and seeking prenatal care if signs of pregnancy occur; and

    (E) define the emotional changes that may occur during and after pregnancy, including postpartum depression, and discuss resources for support and treatment.

  (23) Reproductive and sexual health--sexual risk. The student understands that there are risks associated with sexual activity and that abstinence from sexual activity is the only 100% effective method to avoid risks. The student is expected to:

    (A) explain how teen pregnancy is a possible outcome of sexual activity;

    (B) explain the short- and long-term educational, financial, and social impacts of pregnancy on teen parents, the child, families, and society;

    (C) identify the difference between bacterial and viral sexually transmitted diseases/sexually transmitted infections (STDs/STIs), including long-term or lifetime effects such as infertility and cancer;

    (D) describe various modes of transmission of STDs/STIs;

    (E) identify the prevalence of STDs/STIs among teens by referencing county, state, and/or federal data sources;

    (F) list the signs and symptoms of STDs/STIs, including human papillomavirus (HPV), human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) and acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS), chlamydia, syphilis, gonorrhea, herpes, and trichomoniasis, and explain why not all STDs/STIs show symptoms initially;

    (G) explain the importance of STD/STI screening, testing, and early treatment for sexually active individuals, including during yearly physicals or if there is a concern;

    (H) identify community resources, a minor's right to consent under certain circumstances, and the importance of parent or other trusted adult support for STD/STI testing and treatment;

    (I) identify emotional risks that can be associated with sexual activity for unmarried persons of school age, including stress, anxiety, and depression;

    (J) identify support from parents and other trusted adults to be abstinent from sexual activity and create strategies for building peer support to be abstinent;

    (K) analyze the importance of abstinence as the preferred choice of behavior in relationship to all sexual activity for unmarried persons of school age;


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