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RULE §115.38Health I (One-Half Credit), Adopted 2020

  (5) Mental health and wellness--identifying and managing mental health and wellness concerns. The student develops and uses appropriate skills to identify and manage conditions related to mental health and wellness. The student is expected to:

    (A) discuss the suicide risk and suicide protective factors identified by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and the importance of telling a parent or another trusted adult if one observes the warning signs in self or others; and

    (B) discuss how the use of suicide prevention resources such as the National Suicide Prevention Hotline reduces the likelihood of suicide.

  (6) Healthy eating and physical activity--food and beverage daily recommendations. The student analyzes and applies healthy eating strategies for enhancing and maintaining personal health throughout the lifespan. The student is expected to:

    (A) evaluate food labels and menus to determine the nutritional content and value of foods and make healthy decisions about daily caloric intake;

    (B) compare and contrast the impact of healthy and unhealthy dietary practices; and

    (C) describe how a personal dietary plan affects overall health and how a plan might differ over the lifespan.

  (7) Healthy eating and physical activity--physical activity. The student identifies, analyzes, and applies strategies for enhancing and maintaining optimal personal physical fitness throughout the lifespan. The student is expected to:

    (A) analyze the relationships between nutrition, physical activity, and quality of life as they relate to mental, physical, and social health benefits; and

    (B) analyze the relationships between body composition, diet, and physical activity, including how to balance caloric intake and physical activity.

  (8) Healthy eating and physical activity--risk and protective factors. The student analyzes and applies risk and protective factors related to healthy eating and physical activity. The student is expected to:

    (A) evaluate the nutritional differences between preparing and serving fresh or minimally processed food versus serving commercially prepared or highly processed foods; and

    (B) evaluate the connection between physical activity and dietary choices as they relate to the prevention of chronic conditions.

  (9) Injury and violence prevention and safety--safety skills and unintentional injury. The student identifies and demonstrates safety and first aid knowledge to prevent and treat injuries. The student is expected to demonstrate basic first-aid procedures, including how to perform cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) and choking rescue and how to use an automated external defibrillator (AED).

  (10) Injury and violence prevention and safety--healthy home, school, and community climate. The student understands that individual actions and awareness can impact safety, community, and environment. The student is expected to:

    (A) formulate strategies for avoiding violence, gangs, weapons, and human trafficking; and

    (B) assess the dynamics of gang behaviors.

  (11) Injury and violence prevention and safety--digital citizenship and media. The student understands how to be a safe and responsible citizen in digital and online environments. The student is expected to:

    (A) develop strategies to resist inappropriate digital and online communication such as social media posts, sending and receiving photos, sexting, and pornography; and

    (B) identify appropriate responses to situations in which digital and online safety are at risk, including identity protection and recognition of predators.

  (12) Injury and violence prevention and safety--interpersonal violence. The student understands the impact of interpersonal violence and the importance of seeking guidance and help to maintain personal safety. The student is expected to:

    (A) research and analyze how exposure to family violence can influence cyclical behavioral patterns;

    (B) create a personal action plan, including identifying areas of support, for use when encountering bullying, cyberbullying, or harassment; and

    (C) describe the ramifications of bullying behavior.

  (13) Alcohol, tobacco, and other drugs--use, misuse, and physiological effects. The student understands the difference between use and misuse of different substances and how the use and misuse of substances impacts health. The student is expected to:

    (A) examine examples of drug labels to determine the drug category and intended use;

    (B) identify and describe the importance of the safe storage and proper disposal of prescription and over-the-counter drugs; and

    (C) develop strategies for preventing the misuse of prescription and over-the-counter drugs, including recognizing the negative effects of combining drugs.

  (14) Alcohol, tobacco, and other drugs--short- and long-term impacts. The student identifies and analyzes the short- and long-term impacts of the use and misuse of alcohol; tobacco; drugs, including prescription drugs; and other substances. The student is expected to describe the interrelatedness of alcohol and other drugs to health problems.

  (15) Alcohol, tobacco, and other drugs--treatment. The student recognizes and understands the options for treatment and how to seek help related to the use and misuse of alcohol; tobacco; drugs, including prescription drugs; and other substances. The student is expected to:

    (A) investigate and identify treatment options for substance abuse and addiction and misuse, including prescription drugs; and

    (B) explain how to report suspected abuse of drugs to a parent, school administrator, teacher, or another trusted adult.

  (16) Alcohol, tobacco, and other drugs--risk and protective factors. The student understands how various factors can influence decisions regarding substance use and the resources available for help. The student is expected to:

    (A) compare and contrast physical and social influences on alcohol, tobacco, and other drug use behaviors;

    (B) design materials for health advocacy such as promoting a substance-free life; and

    (C) discuss ways to participate in school-related efforts to address health-risk behaviors.

  (17) Alcohol, tobacco, and other drugs--prevention. The student analyzes information and applies critical-thinking skills to avoid substance use and misuse and recognizes the benefits of delayed use. The student is expected to:

    (A) analyze the relationship between the use of refusal skills and the avoidance of alcohol, tobacco, and other drugs; and

    (B) analyze the role that alcohol and other drugs play in unsafe situations, including sexual abuse and assault.

  (18) Reproductive and sexual health--healthy relationships. The student understands the characteristics of healthy romantic relationships. The student is expected to:

    (A) analyze how friendships provide a foundation for healthy dating/romantic relationships;

    (B) identify character traits that promote healthy dating/romantic relationships and marriage; and

    (C) describe how a healthy marriage can provide a supportive environment for the nurturing and development of children.

  (19) Reproductive and sexual health--personal safety, limits, and boundaries. The student understands how to set and respect personal boundaries to reduce the risk of sexual harassment, sexual abuse, and sexual assault. The student is expected to:

    (A) describe the characteristics of sex trafficking such as grooming, controlling behavior, exploitation, force, fraud, coercion, and violence;

    (B) analyze the characteristics of harmful relationships that can lead to dating violence;

    (C) analyze healthy strategies for preventing physical, sexual, and emotional abuse;

    (D) analyze how a healthy sense of self and making and respecting decisions about safe boundaries and limits promote healthy dating/romantic relationships;

    (E) explain and demonstrate how refusal strategies can be used to say "no" assertively to unhealthy behaviors in dating/romantic relationships;

    (F) examine factors, including alcohol and other substances, that increase sexual risk and that affect setting, perceiving, respecting, and making decisions about boundaries;

    (G) examine and discuss influences and pressures to become sexually active and why it is wrong to violate another person's boundaries and manipulate or threaten someone into sexual activity; and


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