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RULE §553.132Space Planning and Utilization Requirements for an Existing Large Type A Assisted Living Facility

  (1) An existing large Type A assisted living facility must provide janitorial facilities exclusively for the kitchen and located in the kitchen area, except as described in paragraph (2) of this subsection.

  (2) An existing large Type A assisted living facility licensed before January 6, 2014, must provide a janitorial facility for the kitchen. The janitorial facility may be located outside the kitchen if sanitary procedures are used to reduce the possibility of cross-contamination.

  (3) An existing large Type A assisted living facility must provide a garbage can or cart washing area with a floor drain and a supply of hot water. The garbage can or cart washing area may be in the interior or on the exterior of the facility.

  (4) An existing large Type A assisted living facility must provide floor drains in the kitchen and dishwashing areas unless the facility was licensed before January 6, 2014, and the facility can keep the floors clean.

  (5) If required by local authorities, an existing large Type A assisted living facility must provide a grease trap.

(l) Finishes.

  (1) An existing large Type A assisted living facility must provide non-absorbent, smooth finishes or surfaces on all kitchen floors, walls and ceilings.

  (2) An existing large Type A assisted living facility must provide non-absorbent, smooth, cleanable finishes on counter surfaces and all cabinet surfaces.

  (3) An existing large Type A assisted living facility must ensure surfaces are capable of being routinely cleaned and sanitized to maintain a healthful environment.

(m) Vision panels in communicating doors.

  (1) An existing large Type A assisted living facility must ensure a door between a kitchen and a dining area, serving area, or resident-use area, is provided with a vision panel with fixed safety glass. Where the door is a required fire door or is located in a fire barrier or other fire resistance-rated enclosure, the vision panel, including the glazing and the frame, must meet the requirements of NFPA 101.

  (2) Existing doors between kitchens and adjacent spaces that are not provided with vision panels may be continued in service, subject to approval by HHSC.

(n) Auxiliary serving kitchens.

  (1) An existing large Type A assisted living facility must ensure an auxiliary serving kitchen is equipped to maintain required food temperatures.

  (2) An existing large Type A assisted living facility must ensure an auxiliary serving kitchen is equipped with a handwashing lavatory meeting the requirements of this section.

  (3) An existing large Type A assisted living facility must ensure all surfaces in an auxiliary serving kitchen meet the requirements for finishes in this section.

(o) Protection of cooking operations.

  (1) An existing large Type A assisted living facility must protect cooking facilities using commercial or residential cooking equipment for meal preparation as commercial cooking operations, according to the requirements for commercial cooking equipment in §553.136 of this division (relating to Hazardous Area Requirements for an Existing Large Type A Assisted Living Facility).

  (2) The following commercial or residential cooking equipment used only for reheating, and not for meal preparation, is not required to comply with the requirements of §553.136 of this division:

    (A) microwave ovens;

    (B) hot plates; or

    (C) toasters.

(p) Food storage areas.

  (1) An existing large Type A assisted living facility must provide a food storage area large enough to consistently maintain a four-day minimum supply of non-perishable food. A food storage area may be located away from the food preparation area as long as there is space adjacent to the kitchen for necessary daily usage.

  (2) An existing large Type A assisted living facility must provide dollies, racks, pallets, wheeled containers, or shelving, so that food is not stored on the floor.

    (A) An existing large Type A assisted living facility must ensure shelves are adjustable wire type shelving.

    (B) An existing large Type A assisted living facility licensed before January 6, 2014, may use wood shelves provided the shelves are sealed and clean.

  (3) An existing large Type A assisted living facility must provide non-absorbent finishes or surfaces on all floors and walls in food storage areas.

  (4) An existing large Type A assisted living facility must provide effective ventilation in dry food storage areas to ensure positive air circulation.

  (5) An existing large Type A assisted living facility must ensure the maximum room temperature in a food storage area does not exceed 85 degrees Fahrenheit at any time, when measured at the highest food storage level, but not less than five feet above the floor.

(q) Laundry and linen services.

  (1) An existing large Type A assisted living facility that co-mingles and processes laundry on-site in a central location, regardless of the type of laundry equipment used, must ensure a laundry area:

    (A) is separated from the assisted living building by a fire barrier having a one-hour fire resistance rating, and this separation must extend from the floor to the floor or roof above;

    (B) is protected throughout by a fire sprinkler system;

    (C) has access doors that open to the exterior or to an interior non-resident use area, such as a vestibule or service corridor; and

    (D) is provided with:

      (i) a soiled linen receiving, holding, and sorting room with a floor drain and forced exhaust to the exterior that;

        (I) must always operate when soiled linen is held in this area; and

        (II) may be combined with the washer section;

      (ii) a general laundry work area that is separated by partitioning a washer section and a dryer section;

      (iii) a storage area for laundry supplies;

      (iv) a folding area;

      (v) an adequate air supply and ventilation for staff comfort without having to rely on opening a door that is part of the fire barrier separation required by subparagraph (1)(A) of this subsection; and

      (vi) provisions to exhaust heat from dryers and to separate dryer make-up air from the habitable work areas of the laundry.

  (2) If linen is processed off site, the facility must provide:

    (A) a soiled linen holding room with adequate forced exhaust ducted to the exterior; and

    (B) a clean linen receiving, holding, inspection, sorting or folding, and storage room.

  (3) An existing large Type A assisted living facility must ensure a laundry area for resident-use meets the following requirements.

    (A) An existing large Type A assisted living facility must ensure only residential type washers and dryers are provided in a laundry area for resident-use.

    (B) When more than three washers and three dryers are provided in one laundry area for resident use, the area must be:

      (i) protected throughout by a fire sprinkler system; or

      (ii) separated from the facility by a fire barrier having a one-hour fire resistance rating.

Source Note: The provisions of this §553.132 adopted to be effective August 31, 2021, 46 TexReg 5189

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