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RULE §6.2Definitions

  (29) Finding--A Subrecipient's material failure to comply with rules, regulations, the terms of the Contract or to provide services under each program to meet appropriate standards, goals, and other requirements established by the Department or funding source (including performance objectives). A Finding impacts the organization's ability to achieve the goals of the program and jeopardizes continued operations of the Subrecipient. Findings include the identification of an action or failure to act that results or may result in disallowed costs.

  (30) Gross Annual Income--Defined as the total amount of non-excluded income earned annually before taxes or any deductions for all Household members 18 years of age and older.

  (31) High Energy Burden--A Household whose energy burden exceeds 11% of their Gross Annual Income, determined by dividing a Household's annual home energy costs by the Household's Gross Annual Income.

  (32) High Energy Consumption--A Household that is billed more than $1000 annually for related fuel costs for heating and cooling their Dwelling Unit.

  (33) Household--An individual or group of individuals, excluding unborn Children, who are living together as one economic unit. For DOE WAP this includes all persons living in the Dwelling Unit. For CSBG/LIHEAP it includes these persons customarily purchasing residential energy in common or making undesignated payments for energy. In CSBG/LIHEAP a live-in aide, or a Renter with a separate lease that includes a separate bill for utilities is not considered a Household member.

  (34) Inverse Ratio of Population Density Factor--The number of square miles of a county divided by the number of poverty Households of that county.

  (35) Low Income Household--Defined as:

    (A) For DOE WAP, a Household whose total combined annual income is at or below 200% of the Federal Poverty Income guidelines, or a Household who is Categorically Eligible;

    (B) For CEAP and LIHEAP-WAP, a Household whose total combined annual income is at or below 150% of the Federal Poverty Income guidelines, or a Household who is Categorically Eligible; and

    (C) For CSBG, a Household whose total combined annual income is at or below 125% of the Federal Poverty Income guidelines.

  (36) Low Income Home Energy Assistance Program (LIHEAP)--An HHS funded program which serves Low Income Households who seek assistance for their home energy bills and/or weatherization services.

  (37) Low Income Household Water Assistance Program (LIHWAP)--An HHS funded temporary program.

  (38) Means Tested Veterans Program--A program whereby applicants who meet certain Veterans Affairs requirements, including but not limited to income and net worth limits set by Congress, receive payments from the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs.

  (39) Mixed Status Household--A Household that contains one or more members that are U.S. Citizens, U.S. Nationals, or Qualified Aliens, and one or more members that are Unqualified Aliens.

  (40) Monthly Performance and Expenditure Report--Two separate but linked reports indicating a Subrecipient's or Eligible Entity's performance and financial information, due to the Department on or before the fifteenth day of each month of the Contract Term following the reporting month. If the fifteenth falls on a weekend or holiday, the reports must still be entered on or before the fifteenth. The data the Department collects is subject to change based on changes required by DOE or HHS.

  (41) Obligation--Funds become obligated upon approval of an award to Subrecipient by the Department's Governing Board, unless the Department does not receive sufficient funding from the cognizant federal entity.

  (42) Observation--A notable policy, practice or procedure observed through the course of monitoring.

  (43) Office of Management and Budget (OMB)--Office within the Executive Office of the President of the United States that oversees the performance of federal agencies and administers the federal budget.

  (44) OMB Circulars--Instructions and information issued by OMB to Federal agencies that set forth principles and standards for determining costs for federal awards and establish consistency in the management of grants for federal funds. Uniform cost principles and administrative requirements for local governments and for nonprofit organizations, as well as audit standards for governmental organizations and other organizations expending federal funds are set forth in 2 CFR Part 200, unless different provisions are required by statute or approved by OMB.

  (45) Outreach--The method used by a Subrecipient that attempts to identify customers who are in need of services, alerts these customers to service provisions and benefits, and helps them use the services that are available. Outreach is utilized to locate, contact and engage potential customers.

  (46) Performance Statement--A document which identifies the services to be provided by a Subrecipient.

  (47) Person with a Disability--Any individual who is:

    (A) An individual described in 29 U.S.C. §701 or has a disability under 42 U.S.C. §§12131 - 12134;

    (B) Disabled as defined in 42 U.S.C. §1382(a)(3)(A), 42 U.S.C. §423, or in 42 U.S.C. §15001;

    (C) Receiving benefits under 38 U.S.C. Chapter 11 or 15; or

    (D) An individual with a disability as defined in §1.202(4).

  (48) Population Density--The number of persons residing within a given geographic area of the state.

  (49) Private Nonprofit Organization--An organization described in §501(c) of the Internal Revenue Code (the Code) of 1986 and which is exempt from taxation under subtitle A of the Code and that is not a Public Organization.

  (50) Production Schedule--The estimated monthly and quarterly performance targets and Expenditures for a Contract Term. The Production schedule must be signed by the applicable approved signatory and approved by the Department in writing.

  (51) Program Year--January 1 through December 31 of each calendar year for CSBG and LIHEAP; July 1 through June 30 of each calendar year for DOE WAP.

  (52) Public Organization--A unit of government, as established by the Legislature of the State of Texas. Includes, but may not be limited to, cities, counties, and councils of governments.

  (53) Qualified Alien--A person that is not a U.S. Citizen or a U.S. National and is described at 8 U.S.C. §1641(b) and (c).

  (54) Referral--The documented process of providing information to a customer Household about an agency, program, or professional person that can provide the service(s) needed by the customer.

  (55) Reobligate/Reobligation--The reallocation of Deobligated funds to other Subrecipients or back to the Department for allowable uses.

  (56) Service Area--The geographical area where a Subrecipient must provide services under a Contract.

  (57) Single Audit--The audit required by OMB, 2 CFR Part 200, Subpart F, or Tex. Gov't Code, Chapter 738, Uniform Grant and Contract Management, as reflected in an audit report.

  (58) State--The State of Texas or the Department, as indicated by context.

  (59) Subcontractor--A person or an organization with whom the Subrecipient contracts with to provide services.

  (60) Subrecipient--An organization that receives federal funds passed through the Department to operate the CSBG, CEAP, DOE WAP, and/or LIHEAP program(s).

  (61) Supplemental Security Income (SSI)--A means tested program run by the Social Security Administration.

  (62) System for Award Management (SAM)--Combined federal database that includes the Excluded Parties List System (EPLS).

  (63) Systematic Alien Verification for Entitlements (SAVE)--Automated intergovernmental database that allows authorized users to verify the immigration status of applicants.

  (64) Texas Administrative Code (TAC)--A compilation of all state agency rules in Texas.

  (65) Texas Grant Management Standards (TxGMS) and Uniform Assurances--The standardized set of financial management procedures and Assurances established by Tex. Gov't Code Chapter 783 for Contracts executed on or after January 1, 2022, and as further described in Chapter 1 Subchapter D of this title (relating to Uniform Guidance for Recipients of Federal and State Funds). The term "Assurance" refers to a statement of compliance with federal or state law that is required of a local government as a condition for the receipt Contract funds to promote the efficient use of public funds in local government and in programs requiring cooperation among local, state, and Federal agencies. This includes all Public Organizations. In addition, Tex. Gov't Code Chapter 2105, subjects Subrecipients of federal block grants (as defined therein) to the Texas Grant Management Standards and Uniform Assurances.


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