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RULE §6.4Income Determination

(g) Identify all income sources, not on the excluded list, for income calculation.

  (1) The Subrecipient must calculate projected annual income by annualizing current income. Income that may not last for a full 12 months should be calculated assuming current circumstances will last a full 12 months, unless it can be documented that employment is less than 12 months/year and pay is not prorated over the entire 12 month period. For incomes not able to be annualized over a 12 month period, the income shall be calculated on the total annual earning period (e.g., for a teacher paid only nine months a year, the annual income should be the income earned during those nine months). In limited cases where income is not paid hourly, weekly, bi-weekly, semi-monthly nor monthly, the Subrecipient may contact the Department to determine an alternate calculation method in unique circumstances on a case-by-case basis.

  (2) For all customers including those with categorical eligibility, the Subrecipient must collect verifiable documentation of Household income received in the 30 days prior to the date of application.

  (3) Once all sources of income are known, Subrecipient must convert reported income to an annual figure. (One-time employment income should be added to the total after the income has been annualized.) Convert periodic wages to annual income by multiplying:

    (A) Hourly wages by the number of hours worked per year (2,080 hours for full-time employment with a 40-hour week and no overtime);

    (B) Weekly wages by 52;

    (C) Bi-weekly wages (paid every other week) by 26;

    (D) Semi-monthly wages (paid twice each month) by 24; and

    (E) Monthly wages by 12.

(h) If a federal or state requirement provides an updated definition of income or method for calculating income, the Department will provide written notice to Subrecipients about the implementation date for the new requirements.

(i) If proof of income is unobtainable, the applicant must complete and sign a Declaration of Income Statement (DIS).

(j) For CSBG, LIHEAP, and LIHWAP, a live in aide or attendant is not considered part of the Household for purposes of determining Household income, but is considered for a benefit based on the size of the Household. Example: A Household applies for assistance. There are four people in the Household. One of the four people is a live-in aide. To determine if the Household is qualified, annualize the income of the other three Household members and compare it to the three person income limit. However, if the amount of benefit is based on Household size (such as benefit level based on the number of people in the Household), then this is a four person Household.

(k) A Subrecipient shall not discourage anyone from applying for assistance. Subrecipient shall provide all potential customers with an opportunity to apply for programs.

Source Note: The provisions of this §6.4 adopted to be effective December 2, 2021, 46 TexReg 8012

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