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RULE §332.2Definitions

  (55) Source-separated--Set apart from waste after use or consumption by the user or consumer.

  (56) Source-separated organic material--Organic materials from residential, commercial, industrial, and other community activities, that at the point of generation have been separated, collected, and transported separately from non-organic materials, or transported in the same vehicle as non-organic materials but in separate compartments. Source-separated organic material may include materials such as, but not limited to, yard trimmings, clean wood materials, manure, vegetative material, and paper. Yard trimmings and clean wood material collected with whitegoods, as in brush and bulky item collections, will be considered source-separated organic materials for the purposes of these rules.

  (57) Stockpile--A collection of materials that is either awaiting processing or removal.

  (58) Unauthorized material--Material that is not authorized to be processed in a particular type of composting, mulching, or land application facility.

  (59) Vector--An agent, such as an insect, snake, rodent, bird, or animal capable of mechanically or biologically transferring a pathogen from one organism to another.

  (60) Vegetative material--Fruit, vegetable, or grain material whether raw, processed, liquid, solid, or cooked. Vegetative material does not include oils and/or greases that are derived from these same materials.

  (61) Voucher--Provides the same information as required on a label to persons receiving compost distributed in bulk.

  (62) Wet weight--The weight of the material as used, not a weight that has been adjusted by subtracting the weight of water within the feedstock.

  (63) Wetlands--Those areas defined as wetlands in the Texas Water Code, Chapter 26.

  (64) White goods--Discarded large household appliances such as refrigerators, stoves, washing machines, or dishwashers.

  (65) Yard trimmings--Leaves, grass clippings, yard and garden debris, and brush, including clean woody vegetative material not greater than six inches in diameter, that results from landscaping maintenance and land-clearing operations. Yard trimmings does not include stumps, roots, or shrubs with intact root balls.

Source Note: The provisions of this §332.2 adopted to be effective November 29, 1995, 20 TexReg 9717; amended to be effective February 3, 2022, 47 TexReg 303

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