(C) identify applications of medical and pharmaceutical
biotechnology such as genetically modified cells, antibodies, vaccine
and gene therapy, genetic testing for human disease/disorders, three-dimensional
bio-printing, and medicines from plants, animals, fungi, and bacteria;
(D) identify applications of research and development
in biotechnology such as deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) and protein synthesis
and sequencing, genetic testing and screening, DNA identification,
RNAi, siRNA, miRNA, the CRISPR/Cas9 system, and synthetic biology;
(E) identify the applications of biotechnology in the
fields of forensics, law enforcement, nanotechnology, and bioinformatics;
(F) research ethical considerations, laws, and regulations
for biotechnological applications such as bioinformatics, genetic
engineering, and nanotechnology; and
(G) identify the function of laboratory equipment,
including a microscope, thermocycler, pH meter, hot plate stirrer,
electronic balance, autoclave, centrifuge, transilluminator, micropipette,
incubator, electrophoresis unit, vortex mixer, water bath, laboratory
glassware, biosafety cabinet, and chemical fume hood.