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RULE §127.785Engineering Design and Problem Solving (One Credit), Adopted 2021

    (B) read and comprehend technical documents, including specifications and procedures;

    (C) prepare written documents such as memorandums, emails, design proposals, procedural directions, letters, and technical reports using the formatting and terminology conventions of technical documentation;

    (D) organize information for visual display and analysis using appropriate formats for various audiences, including technical drawings, graphs, and tables such as file conversion and appropriate file types, in order to collaborate with a wider audience;

    (E) evaluate the quality and relevance of sources and cite appropriately; and

    (F) defend a design solution in a presentation.

  (9) The student recognizes the history, development, and practices of the engineering professions. The student is expected to:

    (A) identify and describe career options, working conditions, earnings, and educational requirements of various engineering disciplines such as those listed by the Texas Board of Professional Engineers;

    (B) recognize that engineers are guided by established codes emphasizing high ethical standards;

    (C) explore the differences, similarities, and interactions between engineers, scientists, and mathematicians;

    (D) describe how technology has evolved in the field of engineering and consider how it will continue to be a useful tool in solving engineering problems;

    (E) discuss the history and importance of engineering innovation on the U.S. economy and quality of life; and

    (F) describe the importance of patents and the protection of intellectual property rights.

  (10) The student creates justifiable solutions to open-ended real-world problems using engineering design practices and processes. The student is expected to:

    (A) identify and define an engineering problem;

    (B) formulate goals, objectives, and requirements to solve an engineering problem;

    (C) determine the design parameters associated with an engineering problem such as materials, personnel, resources, funding, manufacturability, feasibility, and time;

    (D) establish and evaluate constraints pertaining to a problem, including health, safety, social, environmental, ethical, political, regulatory, and legal;

    (E) identify or create alternative solutions to a problem using a variety of techniques such as brainstorming, reverse engineering, and researching engineered and natural solutions;

    (F) test and evaluate proposed solutions using methods such as creating models, prototypes, mock-ups, or simulations or performing critical design review, statistical analysis, or experiments;

    (G) apply structured techniques to select and justify a preferred solution to a problem such as a decision tree, design matrix, or cost-benefit analysis;

    (H) predict performance, failure modes, and reliability of a design solution; and

    (I) prepare a project report that clearly documents the designs, decisions, and activities during each phase of the engineering design process.

  (11) The student manages an engineering design project. The student is expected to:

    (A) participate in the design and implementation of a real-world or simulated engineering project using project management methodologies, including initiating, planning, executing, monitoring and controlling, and closing a project;

    (B) develop a plan and project schedule for completion of a project;

    (C) work in teams and share responsibilities, acknowledging, encouraging, and valuing contributions of all team members;

    (D) compare and contrast the roles of a team leader and other team member responsibilities;

    (E) identify and manage the resources needed to complete a project;

    (F) use a budget to determine effective strategies to meet cost constraints;

    (G) create a risk assessment for an engineering design project;

    (H) analyze and critique the results of an engineering design project; and

    (I) maintain an engineering notebook that chronicles work such as ideas, concepts, inventions, sketches, and experiments.

Source Note: The provisions of this §127.785 adopted to be effective April 26, 2022, 47 TexReg 2166

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