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RULE §228.35Preparation Program Coursework and/or Training
Repealed Date:09/01/2024

      (iv) A candidate must hold an intern or probationary certificate while participating in an internship. A candidate must meet the requirements and conditions, including the subject matter knowledge requirement, prescribed in §230.36 of this title (relating to Intern Certificates) and §230.37 of this title (relating to Probationary Certificates) to be eligible for an intern or probationary certificate.

      (v) An EPP may recommend an additional internship if:

        (I) the EPP certifies that the first internship was not successful, the EPP has developed a plan to address any deficiencies identified by the candidate and the candidate's field supervisor, and the EPP implements the plan during the additional internship; or

        (II) the EPP certifies that the first internship was successful and that the candidate is making satisfactory progress toward completing the EPP before the end of the additional internship.

      (vi) An EPP must provide ongoing support to a candidate as described in subsection (g) of this section for the full term of the initial and any additional internship, unless, prior to the expiration of that term:

        (I) a standard certificate is issued to the candidate during any additional internship under a probationary certificate;

        (II) the candidate resigns, is non-renewed, or is terminated by the school or district; or

        (III) the candidate is discharged or is released from the EPP; or

        (IV) the candidate withdraws from the EPP; or

        (V) the internship assignment does not meet the requirements described in this subparagraph.

      (vii) If the candidate leaves the internship assignment for any of the reasons identified in clause (vi)(II)-(V) of this subparagraph:

        (I) the EPP, the campus or district personnel, and the candidate must inform each other within one calendar week of the candidate's last day in the assignment; and

        (II) TEA must receive the certificate deactivation request with all related documentation from the EPP within two calendar weeks of the candidate's last day of the assignment in a format determined by TEA.

      (viii) The EPP must communicate the requirements in clause (vii) of this subparagraph to candidates and campus or district personnel prior to the assignment start date.

      (ix) An internship is successful when the candidate demonstrates proficiency in each of the educator standards for the assignment and the field supervisor and campus supervisor recommend to the EPP that the candidate should be recommended for a standard certificate. If either the field supervisor or campus supervisor do not recommend that the candidate should be recommended for a standard certificate, the person who does not recommend the candidate must provide documentation supporting the lack of recommendation to the candidate and either the field supervisor or campus supervisor.

      (x) An internship for a Trade and Industrial Workforce Training certificate may be at an accredited institution of higher education if the candidate teaches not less than an average of four hours each day, including intermissions and recesses, in a dual credit career and technical instructional setting as defined by Part 1, Chapter 4, Subchapter D of this title (relating to Dual Credit Partnerships Between Secondary Schools and Texas Public Colleges).

  (3) An EPP may request an exception to the clinical teaching option described in this subsection.

    (A) Submission of Exception Request. The request for an exception must include an alternate requirement that will adequately prepare candidates for educator certification and ensure the educator is effective in the classroom. The request for an exception must be submitted in a form developed by the TEA staff that shall include:

      (i) the rationale and support for the alternate clinical teaching option;

      (ii) a full description and methodology of the alternate clinical teaching option;

      (iii) a description of the controls to maintain the delivery of equivalent, quality education; and

      (iv) a description of the ongoing monitoring and evaluation process to ensure that EPP objectives are met.

    (B) Review, Approval, and Revocation of Exception Request.

      (i) Exception requests will be reviewed by TEA staff, and the TEA staff shall recommend to the State Board for Educator Certification (SBEC) whether the exception should be approved. The SBEC may:

        (I) approve the request;

        (II) approve the request with conditions;

        (III) deny approval of the request; or

        (IV) defer action on the request pending receipt of further information.

      (ii) If the SBEC approves the request with conditions, the EPP must meet the conditions specified in the request. If the EPP does not meet the conditions, the approval is revoked.

      (iii) If the SBEC approves the request, the EPP must submit a written report of outcomes resulting from the clinical teaching exception to the TEA by September 15 of each academic year. If the EPP does not timely submit the report, the approval is revoked.

      (iv) If the SBEC does approve the exception or an approval is revoked, an EPP must wait at least six months from the date of the denial or revocation before submitting a new request.

  (4) Candidates participating in an internship or a clinical teaching assignment need to experience a full range of professional responsibilities that shall include the start of the school year. The start of the school year is defined as the first 15 instructional days of the school year. If these experiences cannot be provided through clinical teaching or an internship, they must be provided through field-based experiences.

  (5) An internship or clinical teaching experience for certificates that include early childhood may be completed at a Head Start Program with the following stipulations:

    (A) a certified teacher is available as a trained mentor;

    (B) the Head Start program is affiliated with the federal Head Start program and approved by the TEA;

    (C) the Head Start program teaches three- and four-year-old students; and

    (D) the state's prekindergarten curriculum guidelines are being implemented.

  (6) An internship or clinical teaching experience must take place in an actual school setting rather than a distance learning lab or virtual school setting.

  (7) An internship or clinical teaching experience shall not take place in a setting where the candidate:

    (A) has an administrative role over the mentor or cooperating teacher; or

    (B) is related to the field supervisor, mentor, or cooperating teacher by blood (consanguinity) within the third degree or by marriage (affinity) within the second degree.

  (8) For certification in a class other than classroom teacher, each EPP shall provide a practicum for a minimum of 160 clock-hours whereby a candidate must demonstrate proficiency in each of the educator standards for the certificate class being sought.

    (A) A practicum experience must take place in an actual school setting rather than a distance learning lab or virtual school setting.

    (B) A practicum may not take place exclusively during a summer recess.

    (C) A practicum shall not take place in a setting where the candidate:

      (i) has an administrative role over the site supervisor; or

      (ii) is related to the field supervisor or site supervisor by blood (consanguinity) within the third degree or by marriage (affinity) within the second degree.

    (D) An intern or probationary certificate may be issued to a candidate for a certification class other than classroom teacher who meets the requirements and conditions, including the subject matter knowledge requirement, prescribed in §230.36 of this title and §230.37 of this title.

      (i) A candidate for an intern or probationary certificate in a certification class other than classroom teacher must meet all requirements established by the recommending EPP, which shall be based on the qualifications and requirements for the class of certification sought and the duties to be performed by the holder of a probationary certificate in that class.

      (ii) An EPP may recommend an additional practicum under a probationary certificate if:

        (I) the EPP certifies that the first practicum was not successful, the EPP has developed a plan to address any deficiencies identified by the candidate and the candidate's field supervisor, and the EPP implements the plan during the additional practicum; or


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