(B) health maintenance activities, as defined in 22
TAC §225.4 (relating to Definitions), that may not require delegation;
(C) activities assigned to a service provider of CFC
PAS/HAB by a licensed physical therapist, occupational therapist,
or speech-language pathologist.
(56) HHSC--The Texas Health and Human Services Commission.
(57) Hospital--A public or private institution that
is licensed or is exempt from licensure in accordance with THSC Chapters
13, 241, 261, or 552.
(58) IADLs--Instrumental activities of daily living.
Activities related to living independently in the community, including
meal planning and preparation; managing finances; shopping for food,
clothing, and other essential items; performing essential household
chores; communicating by phone or other media; and traveling around
and participating in the community.
(59) ICF/IID--Intermediate care facility for individuals
with an intellectual disability or related conditions. An ICF/IID
is A facility in which ICF/IID Program services are provided and that
(A) licensed in accordance with THSC Chapter 252; or
(B) certified by HHSC, including a state supported
living center.
(60) ICF/IID Program--The Intermediate Care Facilities
for Individuals with an Intellectual Disability or Related Conditions
Program, which provides Medicaid-funded residential services to individuals
with an intellectual disability or related conditions.
(61) ID/RC Assessment--Intellectual Disability/Related
Conditions Assessment. An HHSC form used to determine the LOC for
an individual.
(62) Impairment to independent functioning--An adaptive
behavior level of II, III, or IV.
(63) Individual--A person seeking to enroll or who
is enrolled in the DBMD Program.
(64) Individual transportation plan--A written plan
developed by an individual's service planning team and documented
on the HHSC Individual Transportation Plan form. The form is used
to document how transportation as a residential habilitation activity
will be delivered to support an individual's desired goals and outcomes
for transportation as identified in the IPP.
(65) Inpatient chemical dependency treatment facility--A
facility licensed in accordance with THSC Chapter 464.
(66) In person or in-person--Within the physical presence
of another person. In person or in-person does not include using videoconferencing
or a telephone.
(67) Institution for mental diseases--Has the meaning
set forth in 42 CFR §435.1010.
(68) Institutional services--Medicaid-funded services
provided in a nursing facility or in an ICF/IID.
(69) Intellectual disability--Consistent with THSC §591.003,
significantly sub-average general intellectual functioning that is
concurrent with deficits in adaptive behavior and originates during
the developmental period.
(70) Intervener--A service provider with specialized
training and skills in deafblindness who, working with one individual
at a time, serves as a facilitator to involve an individual in home
and community services and activities, and who is classified as an
Intervener, Intervener I, Intervener II, or Intervener III in accordance
with Texas Government Code §531.0973.
(71) IPC--Individual plan of care. A written plan developed
by an individual's service planning team and documented on the HHSC
Individual Plan of Care form. An IPC:
(A) documents:
(i) the type and amount of each DBMD Program service
and each CFC service, except for CFC support management, to be provided
to the individual during an IPC year; and
(ii) if an individual will receive CFC support management;
(B) is authorized by HHSC.
(72) IPC period--The effective period of an enrollment
IPC and a renewal IPC as follows:
(A) for an enrollment IPC, the period of time from
the effective date of the enrollment IPC, as described in §260.67(a)(1)(F)
of this chapter (relating to Development of a Proposed Enrollment
IPC), through the last calendar day of the 11th month after the month
in which enrollment occurred; and
(B) for a renewal IPC, a 12-month period of time starting
on the effective date of a renewal IPC as described in §260.77(a)(1)
of this chapter (relating to Renewal and Revision of an IPP and IPC).
(73) IPP--Individual program plan. A written plan that
includes the information described in §260.65(b) of this chapter
(relating to Development of an Enrollment IPP) and documented on an
HHSC Individual Program Plan form.
(74) LAR--Legally authorized representative. A person
authorized by law to act on behalf of an individual with regard to
a matter described in this chapter, including a parent, guardian,
or managing conservator of a minor; a guardian of an adult; an agent
appointed under a power of attorney; or a representative payee appointed
by the Social Security Administration. An LAR, such as an agent appointed
under a power of attorney or representative payee appointed by the
Social Security Administration, may have limited authority to act
on behalf of a person.
(75) Licensed assisted living--A DBMD Program service
provided by a program provider in an ALF that is owned by the program
(76) Licensed home health assisted living--A DBMD Program
service provided by a program provider licensed as a HCSSA, in a residence
for no more than three individuals. The residence must be owned or
leased by at least one of the residents and must not be owned or leased
by a program provider.
(77) Licensed vocational nursing--A DBMD Program service
that provides vocational nursing, as defined in Texas Occupations
Code §301.002.
(78) LIDDA--Local intellectual and developmental disability
authority. An entity designated by the executive commissioner of HHSC,
in accordance with THSC §533A.035.
(79) LOC--Level of care. A determination given to an
individual as part of the eligibility determination process based
on data submitted on the ID/RC Assessment.
(80) LVN--Licensed vocational nurse. A person licensed
to provide vocational nursing in accordance with Texas Occupations
Code Chapter 301.
(81) Managed care organization--This term has the meaning
set forth in Texas Government Code §536.001.
(82) MAO Medicaid--Medical Assistance Only Medicaid.
A type of Medicaid by which an individual qualifies financially for
Medicaid assistance but does not receive Supplemental Security Income
(SSI) benefits.
(83) Mechanical restraint--A mechanical device, material,
or equipment used to control an individual's behavior by restricting
the ability of the individual to freely move part or all of the individual's
body. The term does not include a protective device.
(84) Medicaid--A program administered by CMS and funded
jointly by the states and the federal government that pays for health
care to eligible groups of low-income people.
(85) Medicaid HCBS--Medicaid home and community-based
services. Medicaid services provided to an individual in an individual's
home and community, rather than in a facility.
(86) Mental health facility--A facility licensed in
accordance with THSC Chapter 577.
(87) MESAV--Medicaid Eligibility Service Authorization
Verification. The automated system that contains information regarding
an individual's Medicaid eligibility and service authorizations.
(88) Military family member--A person who is the spouse
or child, regardless of age, of:
(A) a military member; or
(B) a former military member.
(89) Military member--A member of the United States
military serving in the Army, Navy, Air Force, Marine Corps, Coast
Guard, or Space Force on active duty who has declared and maintains
Texas as the member's state of legal residence in the manner provided
by the applicable military branch.
(90) Minor home modifications--A DBMD Program service
(A) makes a physical adaptation to an individual's
residence that:
(i) is necessary to address the individual's specific
needs; and
(ii) enables the individual to function with greater
independence in the individual's residence or to control his or her
environment; and
(B) meets one of the following criteria:
(i) is included on the list of minor home modifications
in the Deaf Blind with Multiple Disabilities
Program Manual; or
(ii) is the repair or maintenance of a minor home modification
purchased through the DBMD Program that:
(I) is needed after one year has elapsed from the date
the minor home modification is complete;
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