(C) an intervener and a service provider of licensed
assisted living, licensed home health assisted living, day habilitation,
employment assistance, nursing, specialized nursing, transportation
provided as a residential habilitation activity, respite, or supported
employment, within 90 calendar days after assuming job duties, complete
the DBMD Program Service Provider Training described in paragraph
(2) of this subsection; and
(D) a CFC PAS/HAB service provider completes the DBMD
Program Service Provider Training:
(i) within 90 days after the original effective date
of this section, if the CFC PAS/HAB service provider was hired on
or before the original effective date of this section; or
(ii) within 90 calendar days after assuming job duties,
if the CFC PAS/HAB service provider is hired after the original effective
date of this section.
(2) The DBMD Program Service Provider Training is provided
by HHSC or developed by a program provider. If the training is developed
by the program provider, the training must address the following elements
from the HHSC DBMD Program Service Provider Training curriculum:
(A) methods and strategies for communication;
(B) active participation in home and community life;
(C) orientation and mobility;
(D) behavior as communication;
(E) causes and origins of deafblindness; and
(F) vision, hearing, and the functional implications
of deafblindness.
(3) A program provider that develops and conducts its
own training, as described in paragraph (2) of this subsection, must
ensure that the staff person who develops and conducts the training
successfully completes the DBMD Program Service Provider Training
provided by HHSC before developing or conducting training.
(4) A program provider must:
(A) for the training required by this subsection that
is provided by HHSC, maintain a copy of the certificate issued by
HHSC that the person completed the training; or
(B) for the training required by this subsection that
is developed and conducted by the program provider, maintain a copy
of a certificate or form letter issued by the program provider that
(i) the name of the person who received the training;
(ii) the date the training was conducted; and
(iii) the name of the person conducting the training.
(g) Training on needs of an individual.
(1) Except as provided in paragraph (3) of this subsection,
a program provider must ensure an intervener and a service provider
of licensed assisted living, licensed home health assisted living,
day habilitation, employment assistance, transportation provided as
a residential habilitation activity, respite, supported employment,
and CFC PAS/HAB, complete training on the needs of an individual:
(A) before providing services to the individual;
(B) at least annually; and
(C) if the individual's needs change.
(2) Training on the needs of an individual must include:
(A) the special needs of the individual, including
the individual's:
(i) methods of communication;
(ii) specific visual and audiological loss; and
(iii) adaptive aids;
(B) managing challenging behavior, including training
(i) prevention of aggressive behavior; and
(ii) de-escalation techniques; and
(C) instruction in the individual's home with full
participation by the individual, LAR, or other actively involved person,
as appropriate, concerning the specific tasks to be performed.
(3) A program provider must ensure that a CFC PAS/HAB
service provider hired before the original effective date of this
section receives the training required by this subsection within 90
days after the original effective date of this section, annually thereafter,
and if the individual's needs change.
(4) A program provider must document:
(A) the name of the person who received the training
required by this subsection;
(B) the date the training was conducted;
(C) the name of the individual;
(D) the topic of the training; and
(E) the name of the person who conducted the training.
(h) Training on delegated tasks.
(1) A program provider must ensure a service provider
performing a delegated task is:
(A) trained to perform the delegated task in accordance
with state law and rules:
(i) before providing services to an individual;
(ii) annually thereafter; and
(iii) if the individual's needs change; and
(B) supervised by a physician or nurse in accordance
with state law and rules.
(2) A program provider must document:
(A) the name of the person who received the training
required by this subsection;
(B) the date the training was conducted;
(C) the name of the individual;
(D) the topic of the training; and
(E) the name of the person who conducted the training.
(i) Person-centered planning training.
(1) A program provider must ensure that:
(A) a case manager completes a comprehensive non-introductory
person-centered planning training developed or approved by HHSC within
six months after the case manager's date of hire; and
(B) a service provider whose duties include participating
as a member of a service planning team completes HHSC's web-based
Introductory Training within six months after assuming this duty.
(2) A program provider must maintain documentation
that includes:
(A) for the training described in paragraph (1)(A)
of this subsection:
(i) the name of the case manager who received the training;
(ii) the date the training was conducted; and
(iii) the name of the person or organization that conducted
the training; and
(B) for the training described in paragraph (1)(B)
of this subsection:
(i) the name of the service provider who completed
the training; and
(ii) the date the service provider completed the training.
(j) Training requested for a CFC PAS/HAB service provider.
If requested by an individual or LAR, a program provider must:
(1) allow the individual or LAR to:
(A) train a CFC PAS/HAB service provider in the specific
assistance needed by the individual; and
(B) have the service provider perform CFC PAS/HAB in
a manner that comports with the individual's personal, cultural, or
religious preferences; and
(2) ensure that a CFC PAS/HAB service provider attends
training by HHSC so the service provider meets any additional qualifications
desired by the individual or LAR.
(k) Training on protective devices. A program provider
must ensure compliance with the training and training documentation
requirements described in §260.215(c)(8) and (9) of this subchapter
(relating to Protective Devices).
(l) Training on restraints. A program provider must
ensure compliance with the training and documentation requirements
described in §260.217(d)(3) of this subchapter (relating to Restraints).