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RULE §84.504Driving Safety Course Alternative Delivery Method

    (A) A video ADM must ask at least one course validation question for each multimedia clip of more than 180 seconds at the end of each major segment (chapter) of the ADM.

    (B) A video ADM must devise and submit for approval a method for ensuring that a student correctly answers questions concerning multimedia clips consisting of more than 60 seconds in length presented during the ADM.

(h) Standards for ADMs using new technology. For ADMs delivered using technologies that have not been previously reviewed and approved by the department, the department may apply similar standards as appropriate and may also require additional standards. These standards must be designed to ensure that the course can be taught by the alternative method and that the alternative method includes testing and security measures that are at least as secure as the methods available in the traditional classroom setting.

(i) Modifications to the ADM. Except as provided by paragraph (1) of this subsection, a change to a previously approved ADM must not be made without the prior approval of the department.

  (1) A driving safety provider may submit to the department a written request for immediate implementation of a proposed change that is insignificant or that protects the interest of the consumer such that immediate implementation is warranted. The written request must include:

    (A) a complete description of the proposed change;

    (B) the reason for the change;

    (C) the reason the provider believes the proposed change is insignificant or protects the interest of the consumer such that immediate implementation is warranted; and

    (D) an explanation of how the change will maintain the course or ADM in compliance with state law and the rules specified in this chapter.

  (2) The department may request additional information regarding a proposed change from the driving safety provider making a request under paragraph (1).

  (3) The department will respond to any request made under paragraph (1), within five working days of receipt.

    (A) If the department determines that the proposed change is insignificant or protects the interest of the consumer such that immediate implementation is warranted, the requestor may immediately implement the change. The driving safety provider must ensure that the change is implemented.

    (B) If the department determines that the proposed change is neither insignificant nor protects the interest of the consumer such that immediate implementation is warranted, the department must notify the provider of that determination and the change may not be made unless the department approves the change following a complete review.

  (4) A determination by the department to allow immediate implementation under paragraph (1), does not constitute final approval by the department of the change. The department reserves the right to conduct further review after the change is implemented and to grant or deny final approval based on whether the change complies with state law and rules specified in this chapter.

  (5) If, following further review, a change in an ADM that has been immediately implemented pursuant to paragraph (1), is determined not to be in compliance with state law and rules specified in this chapter, the department:

    (A) must notify the provider affected by the change of:

      (i) the specific provisions of state law or rules with which the ADM change is not in compliance; and

      (ii) a reasonable date by which the ADM must be brought into compliance;

    (B) must not, for the period between the implementation of the change and the date specified under subparagraph (A)(ii):

      (i) seek any penalty relating to the non-compliance;

      (ii) take any action to revoke or deny renewal of a license of a provider based on the change; or

      (iii) withdraw approval of a course or ADM based on the change; and

    (C) is not required to specify the method or manner by which the provider alters the ADM to come into compliance with state law and the rules in this chapter.

  (6) If the department allows immediate implementation pursuant to paragraph (1) and later determines that the description of the change or the request was misleading, materially inaccurate, not substantially complete, or not made in good faith, paragraph (5)(C) does not apply.

  (7) A driving safety provider who immediately implements a change pursuant to paragraph (1) and fails to bring the ADM into compliance prior to the date allowed under paragraph (5)(A)(ii) may be determined to be in violation of state law or the rules in this chapter after that date.

  (8) A driving safety provider that immediately implements a change under paragraph (1), assumes the risk of final approval being denied and of being required to come into compliance with state law and the rules in this chapter prior to the date allowed under paragraph (5)(A)(ii), including bearing the cost of reversing the change or otherwise modifying the ADM to come into compliance with state law and the rules in this chapter.

(j) Termination of the driving safety provider's operation. Upon termination, a driving safety provider must deliver any missing student data to the department within five days of termination.

(k) Renewal of ADM approval. The ADM approval must be renewed every even-numbered year.

  (1) For approval, the driving safety provider must update all the statistical data and references to law with the latest available data.

  (2) The department may alter the due date of the ADM renewal documents by giving the driving safety provider using the approved ADM six months' notice. The department may alter the due date in order to ensure that the ADM is updated six months after the effective date of new state laws passed by the Texas Legislature.

(l) Access to the driving safety provider for technical assistance. The driving safety provider must establish hours that the student may obtain technical assistance. Except for circumstances beyond the control of the provider, the student must have access to the provider and technical assistance during the specified hours.

Source Note: The provisions of this §84.504 adopted to be effective April 1, 2017, 42 TexReg 1400; amended to be effective September 1, 2020, 45 TexReg 6069; amended to be effective September 1, 2021, 46 TexReg 5394; amended to be effective May 1, 2022, 47 TexReg 2522; amended to be effective June 1, 2023, 48 TexReg 2702

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