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RULE §651.207Forensic Analyst Licensing Requirements, Including License Term, Fee and Procedure for Denial of Application and Reconsideration

or she receives notice the request for exam is granted to successfully complete the exam requirement. However, for good cause shown, the Commission or its Designee at its discretion may waive this limitation.

    (C) Requests for Exam. If an applicant fails the General Forensic Analyst Licensing Exam or Modified General Forensic Analyst Licensing Exam three times, the applicant must request in writing special dispensation from the Commission to take the exam more than three times. Applicants may submit a letter of support from their laboratory director or licensing representative and any other supporting documentation supplemental to the written request.

    (D) If an applicant sits for the General Forensic Analyst Licensing Exam or the Modified General Forensic Analyst Licensing Exam more than three times, the applicant must pay a $50 exam fee each additional time the applicant sits for the exam beyond the three initial attempts.

    (E) Expiration of Provisional License if Special Dispensation Exam Unsuccessful. If the 90-day period during which special dispensation is granted expires before the applicant successfully completes the exam requirement, the applicant's provisional license expires.

  (2) Modified General Forensic Analyst Licensing Exam. Technicians in any discipline set forth in this subchapter may fulfill the General Forensic Analyst Licensing Exam requirement by taking a modified exam administered by the Commission.

  (3) Examination Requirements for Promoting Technicians. If a technician passes the modified General Forensic Analyst Licensing Exam and later seeks a full Forensic Analyst License, the applicant must complete the portions of the General Forensic Analyst Exam that were not tested on the modified exam.

  (4) Credit for Pilot Exam. If an individual passes the Pilot General Forensic Analyst Licensing Exam, regardless of his or her eligibility status for a Forensic Analyst License at the time the exam is taken, the candidate has fulfilled the General Forensic Analyst Licensing Exam Requirement of this section should he or she later become subject to the licensing requirements and eligible for a Forensic Analyst License.

  (5) Eligibility for General Forensic Analyst Licensing Exam and Modified General Forensic Analyst Licensing Exam.

    (A) Candidates for the General Forensic Analyst Licensing Exam and Modified General Forensic Analyst Licensing Exam must be employees of a crime laboratory accredited under Texas law to be eligible to take the exam.

    (B) Student Examinee Exception. A student is eligible for the General Forensic Analyst Licensing Exam one time if the student:

      (i) is currently enrolled in an accredited university as defined in §651.202 of this subchapter (relating to Definitions);

      (ii) has completed sufficient coursework to be within 24 semester hours of completing the requirements for graduation at the accredited university at which the student is enrolled; and

      (iii) designates an official university representative who will proctor and administer the exam at the university for the student.

    (C) Crime Laboratory Management and Unaccredited Forensic Discipline Exception. An Employee of a crime laboratory accredited under Texas law who is either part of the crime laboratory's administration or management team or authorized for independent casework in a forensic discipline listed below is eligible for the General Forensic Analyst Licensing Exam and Modified General Forensic Analyst Licensing Exam:

      (i) forensic anthropology;

      (ii) the location, identification, collection or preservation of physical evidence at a crime scene;

      (iii) crime scene reconstruction;

      (iv) latent print processing or examination;

      (v) digital evidence (including computer forensics, audio, or imaging);

      (vi) breath specimen testing under Transportation Code, Chapter 724, limited to analysts who perform breath alcohol calibrations; and

      (vii) document examination, including document authentication, physical comparison, and product determination.

(h) Proficiency Monitoring Requirement.

  (1) An applicant must demonstrate participation in the employing laboratory's process for intra-laboratory comparison, inter-laboratory comparison, proficiency testing, or observation-based performance monitoring requirements in compliance with and on the timeline set forth by the laboratory's accrediting body's proficiency monitoring requirements as applicable to the Forensic Analyst or Forensic Technician's specific forensic discipline and job duties.

  (2) A signed certification by the laboratory's authorized representative that the applicant has satisfied the applicable proficiency monitoring requirements, including any intra-laboratory comparison, inter-laboratory comparison, proficiency testing, or observation-based performance monitoring requirements of the laboratory's accrediting body as of the date of the analyst's application, must be provided on the Proficiency Monitoring Certification form provided by the Commission. The licensee's authorized representative must designate the specific forensic discipline in which the Forensic Analyst or Forensic Technician actively performs forensic casework or is currently authorized to perform supervised or independent casework by the laboratory or employing entity.

(i) License Term and Fee.

  (1) A Forensic Analyst License shall expire two years from the date the applicant is granted a license.

  (2) Application Fee. An applicant or licensee shall pay the following fee(s) as applicable:

    (A) Initial Application fee of $220 for Analysts and $150 for Technicians/Screeners;

    (B) Biennial renewal fee of $200 for Analysts and $130 for Technicians/Screeners;

    (C) Provisional License fee of $110 for Analysts and $75 for Technicians/Screeners;

    (D) License Reinstatement fee of $220;

    (E) De Minimis License fee of $200 per ten (10) licenses; or

    (F) Uncommon Forensic Analysis License fee of $200 per ten (10) licenses.

  (3) An applicant who is granted a provisional license and has paid the required fee will not be required to pay an additional initial application fee if the provisional status is removed within one year of the date the provisional license is granted.

(j) Procedure for Denial of Application and Reconsideration.

  (1) Application Review. The Commission Director or Designee must review each completed application and determine whether the applicant meets the qualifications and requirements set forth in this subchapter.

  (2) Denial of Application. The Commission, through its Director or Designee, may deny an application if the applicant fails to meet any of the qualifications or requirements set forth in this subchapter.

  (3) Notice of Denial. The Commission, through its Director or Designee, shall provide the applicant a written statement of the reason(s) for denial of the application.

  (4) Request for Reconsideration. Within twenty (20) days of the date of the notice that the Commission has denied the application, the applicant may request that the Commission reconsider the denial. The request must be in writing, identify each point or matter about which reconsideration is requested, and set forth the grounds for the request for reconsideration.

  (5) Reconsideration Procedure. The Commission must consider a request for reconsideration at its next meeting where the applicant may appear and present testimony.

  (6) Commission Action on Request. After reconsidering its decision, the Commission may either affirm or reverse its original decision.

  (7) Final Decision. The Commission, through its Director or Designee, must notify the applicant in writing of its decision on reconsideration within fifteen (15) business days of the date of its meeting where the final decision was rendered.

Source Note: The provisions of this §651.207 adopted to be effective May 16, 2018, 43 TexReg 3106; amended to be effective December 16, 2018, 43 TexReg 7910; amended to be effective April 23, 2019, 44 TexReg 2057; amended to be effective July 15, 2019, 44 TexReg 3549; amended to be effective September 15, 2019, 44 TexReg 4875; amended to be effective April 5, 2020, 45 TexReg 2318; amended to be effective August 26, 2020, 45 TexReg 5931; amended to be effective October 24, 2021, 46 TexReg 7076; amended tobe effective November 9, 2022, 47 TexReg 7425; amended to be effective July 23, 2023, 48 TexReg 3994

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