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RULE §11.101Site and Development Requirements and Restrictions

      (x) Development Sites that are located in a Clear Zone, any Accident Potential Zone, or within any Noise Contour of 65 decibels or greater, as reflected in a Joint Land Use Study for any military Installation, except that if the Development Site is located in a Noise Contour between 65 and 70 decibels, the Development Site will not be considered to have an Undesirable Site Feature if the Applicant has engaged a qualified Third Party to perform a noise assessment and the Applicant commits to perform sound mitigation in accordance with HUD standards as if they were directly applicable to the Development; or

      (xi) Any other Site deemed unacceptable, which would include, without limitation, those with exposure to an environmental factor that may adversely affect the health and safety of the residents or render the Site inappropriate for housing use and which cannot be adequately mitigated. If staff believe that a Site should be deemed unacceptable under this provision due to information that was not included in the Application, it will provide the Applicant with written notice and an opportunity to respond.

  (3) Neighborhood Risk Factors.

    (A) A Neighborhood Risk Factor will render an application ineligible unless acceptable mitigation as determined by staff or the board is undertaken. If the Development Site has any of the characteristics described in subparagraph (D) of this paragraph, the Applicant must disclose the presence of such characteristics in the Application submitted to the Department. For Competitive HTC Applications, should staff determine that the Development Site has any of the characteristics described in subparagraph (D) of this paragraph and such characteristics were not disclosed, the Application shall be terminated by staff.

    (B) Requests for pre-determinations of Site eligibility prior to pre-application or Application submission will not be binding on full Applications submitted at a later date. For Tax-Exempt Bond Developments where the Department is the Issuer, the Applicant may submit the documentation described under subparagraph (E) of this paragraph at pre-application or for Tax-Exempt Bond Developments utilizing a local issuer a request for a pre-determination may be submitted prior to Application submission. An Applicant should understand that any determination made by staff or the Board at that point in time regarding Site eligibility based on the documentation presented, is preliminary in nature. Should additional information related to any of the Neighborhood Risk Factors become available while the Tax-Exempt Bond Development or Direct Loan only Application is under review, or the information by which the original determination was made changes in a way that could affect eligibility, then such information will be re-evaluated by staff and staff may issue an Administrative Deficiency.

    (C) The presence of any characteristics listed in subparagraph (D) of this paragraph will prompt staff to perform an assessment of the Development Site and neighborhood, which may include a site visit. Mitigation to be considered by staff is identified in subparagraph (E) of this paragraph. Preservation of affordable units alone does not present a compelling reason to support a conclusion of eligibility.

    (D) The Neighborhood Risk Factors include those noted in clauses (i) - (iii) of this subparagraph and additional information as applicable to the neighborhood risk factor(s) disclosed as provided in subparagraph (E) of this paragraph must be submitted in the Application. In order to be considered an eligible Site despite the presence of Neighborhood Risk Factors, an Applicant must demonstrate actions being taken that would lead staff to conclude that there is a high probability and reasonable expectation the risk factor will be sufficiently mitigated or significantly improved prior to placement in service and that the risk factor demonstrates a positive trend and continued improvement. Conclusions for such reasonable expectation may need to be affirmed by an industry professional, as appropriate, and may be dependent upon the severity of the Neighborhood Risk Factor disclosed.

      (i) The Development Site is located within a census tract that has a poverty rate above 40% for individuals (or 55% for Developments in regions 11 and 13). Rehabilitation Developments are exempt from this Neighborhood Risk Factor.

      (ii) The Development Site is New Construction or Reconstruction and is located in a census tract (or for any adjacent census tract with a boundary less than 500 feet from the proposed Development Site that is not separated from the Development Site by a natural barrier such as a river or lake, or an intervening restricted area, such as a military installation) in an Urban Area and the rate of Part I violent crime is greater than 18 per 1,000 persons (annually) as reported on neighborhoodscout.com. Rehabilitation developments are exempt from this Neighborhood Risk Factor.

      (iii) The Development Site is located within the attendance zone of an elementary school, a middle school or a high school that had a TEA Accountability Rating of "Not Rated: Senate Bill 1365" for 2022.

        (I) In districts with district-wide enrollment or choice districts an Applicant shall use the rating of the closest elementary, middle and high school, respectively, which may possibly be attended by the tenants in determining whether or not disclosure is required. Schools with an application process for admittance, limited enrollment or other requirements that may prevent a child from attending will not be considered as the closest school or the school which attendance zone contains the site.

        (II) School ratings will be determined by the school number, so that in the case where a new school is formed or named or consolidated with another school but is considered to have the same number that rating will be used. A school that has never been rated by the Texas Education Agency will use the district rating.

        (III) If a school is configured to serve grades that do not align with the Texas Education Agency's conventions for defining elementary schools (typically grades K-5 or K-6), middle schools (typically grades 6-8 or 7-8) and high schools (typically grades 9-12), the school will be considered to have the lower of the ratings of the schools that would be combined to meet those conventions. In determining the ratings for all three levels of schools, ratings for all grades K-12 must be included, meaning that two or more schools' ratings may be combined. Sixth grade centers will be considered as part of the middle school rating.

        (IV) Elderly Developments, Supportive Housing SRO Developments or Supportive Housing Developments where all Units are Efficiency Units, and Applications in the USDA Set-Aside for Rehabilitation of existing properties are exempt and are not required to provide mitigation for this subparagraph, but are still required to provide rating information in the Application.

    (E) Information regarding mitigation of neighborhood risk factors should be relevant to the risk factors that are present in the neighborhood. Mitigation must include documentation of efforts underway at the time of Application, and should include the measures described in clauses (i) - (iii) of this subparagraph or such other mitigation as the Applicant determines appropriate to support a finding of eligibility. If staff determines that the Development Site cannot be found eligible and the Applicant appeals that decision to the Board, the Applicant may not present new information at the Board meeting.

      (i) Mitigation for Developments in a census tract that has a poverty rate that exceeds 40% may include a resolution from the Governing Body of the appropriate municipality or county containing the Development, acknowledging the high poverty rate and authorizing the Development to move forward. If the Development is located in the ETJ, the resolution would need to come from the county.

      (ii) Evidence by the most qualified person that the data and evidence establish that there is a reasonable basis to proceed on the belief that the crime data shows, or will show, a favorable trend such that within the next two years Part I violent crime for that location is expected to be less than 18 per 1,000 persons or the data and evidence reveal that the data reported on neighborhoodscout.com does not accurately reflect the true nature of what is occurring and what is actually occurring does not rise to the level to cause a concern to the Board over the level of Part I violent crime for the location. The data and evidence may be based on violent crime data from the city's police department or county sheriff's department, as applicable based on the location of the Development, for the police beat or patrol area within which the Development Site is located, based on the population of the police beat or patrol area that yields a crime rate below the threshold indicated in this section or that would yield a crime rate below the threshold indicated in this section by the time the Development is placed into service. The instances of violent crimes within the police beat or patrol area that encompass the census tract, calculated based on the population of the census tract, may also be used. The data must include incidents reported during the entire calendar year previous to the year of Application. Violent crimes Cont'd...

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