(1) If the institution has not yet received a matching
grant for the eligible gift, the institution shall notify the Coordinating
Board as to the amount and date of the change to withdraw the gift
or portion of the gift; and
(2) If the institution has received a matching grant
for the eligible gift, the institution shall notify the Coordinating
Board as to the amount and date of the change and repay the matching
grant to the Coordinating Board. If only a portion of the gift is
no longer eligible for matching, the institution may only retain the
portion of the match that corresponds to the portion of the gift that
remains eligible for matching.
(h) Application Review. Periodically, but at a minimum
twice in a fiscal year, the Coordinating Board shall facilitate the
review of submitted applications for TRIP matching grants. Coordinating
Board staff shall anticipate beginning the review in the first and
third quarter of a fiscal year; however, the Commissioner may delay
a cycle if warranted, The Internal Review Committee shall facilitate
the following:
(1) The Internal Review Committee shall make applications
that have not yet been reviewed available to all eligible institutions
so that they may submit peer review of a gift's eligibility. The Internal
Review Committee shall provide no less than thirty (30) calendar days
for the peer review.
(2) The Internal Review Committee shall, after receiving
the peer review recommendations, recommend a preliminary determination
on the eligibility of applications. The preliminary determination
may find that only a portion of the gift is eligible for matching
grants. The Coordinating Board shall communicate this determination
to all eligible public institutions.
(3) Each institution shall have no less than thirty
(30) calendar days from receipt of preliminary determinations to submit
an appeal to the Internal Review Committee regarding a preliminary
determination not to fund an application. An institution may provide
corrective or explanatory information in their appeal which may include
administrative corrections.
(4) The Commissioner shall review and recommend a decision
on appealed applications.
(i) Certification. The applications recommended for
approval by the Internal Review Committee and the Commissioner's decisions
on appealed applications shall be presented at a quarterly meeting
of the Board. The Board shall make the final determination of certification
for each eligible gift. The Board may find only a portion of the gift
to be eligible for matching grants. Certified eligible gifts shall
be added to the queue for state matching grants in chronological order
by date of certification.
Source Note: The provisions of this §15.10 adopted to be effective November 30, 2009, 34 TexReg 8521; amended to be effective November 29, 2011, 36 TexReg 8018; amended to be effective February 22, 2016, 41 TexReg 1230; amended to be effective August 15, 2024, 49 TexReg 5981 |