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RULE §355.318Reimbursement Setting Methodology for Nursing Facilities on or after September 1, 2025

      (ii) the overall average occupancy rate for contracted beds in facilities included in the rate base during the cost reporting periods included in the base.

  (4) Cost projections. HHSC projects certain expenses in the reimbursement base to normalize or standardize the reporting period and to account for cost inflation between reporting periods and the period to which the prospective reimbursement applies as specified in §355.108 of this chapter.

  (5) In addition to the requirements of §355.102 of this chapter (relating to General Principles of Allowable and Unallowable Costs) and §355.103 of this chapter (relating to Specifications for Allowable and Unallowable costs), the following apply to costs for nursing facilities.

    (A) Medical costs. The costs for medical services and items delineated in 26 TAC §554.2601 (relating to Vendor Payment (Items and Services Included)) are allowable. These costs must also comply with the general definition of allowable costs as stated in §355.102 of this chapter.

    (B) Chaplaincy or pastoral services. Expenses for chaplaincy or pastoral services are allowable costs.

    (C) Voucherable costs. Any expenses directly reimbursable to the provider through a voucher payment and any expenses in excess of the limit for a voucher payment system are unallowable costs.

    (D) Preferred items. Costs for preferred items that are billed to the recipient, responsible party, or the recipient's family are not allowable costs.

    (E) Preadmission Screening and Annual Resident Review (PASARR) expenses. Any expenses related to the direct delivery of specialized services and treatment required by PASARR for residents are unallowable costs.

    (F) Advanced Clinical Practitioner (ACP) or Licensed Professional Counselor (LPC) services. Expenses for services provided by an ACP or LPC are unallowable costs.

    (G) Limits on contracted management fees. To ensure that the results of HHSC's cost analyses accurately reflect the costs that an economical and efficient provider must incur, HHSC may place upper limits on contracted management fees and expenses included in the non-case mix rate component. HHSC sets upper limits at the 90th percentile of all costs per unit of service as reported by all contracted facilities using the cost report database immediately preceding the database used to establish reimbursements in subsection (e) of this section.

(h) Special Reimbursement Class. HHSC may define special reimbursement classes, including experimental reimbursement classes of service to be used in research and demonstration projects on new reimbursement methods and reimbursement classes of service, to address the cost differences of a select group of recipients. Special classes may be implemented on a statewide basis, may be limited to a specific region of the state, or may be limited to a selected group of providers. Reimbursement for the Pediatric Care Facility Class is calculated as specified in §355.316 of this chapter (relating to Reimbursement Methodology for Pediatric Care Facilities).

(i) Nurse aide training and competency evaluation costs.

  (1) HHSC reimburses nursing facilities for the actual costs of training and testing nurse aides. Payments are based on cost reimbursement vouchers that are to be submitted quarterly. Allowable costs are limited to those costs incurred for training for:

    (A) actual training course expenses up to a set amount determined by HHSC per nurse aide;

    (B) competency evaluation; or

    (C) supplies and materials used in the nurse aide training not already covered by the training course fee.

  (2) Nurse aide salaries while in training are factored into the vendor rate and are not to be included in the reimbursement voucher.

  (3) Training program costs that exceed the HHSC cost ceiling must have prior approval from HHSC before costs can be reimbursed. A written request to HHSC must include:

    (A) name and vendor number of the facility;

    (B) description of the training program for which the facility is seeking reimbursement approval, including:

      (i) name, telephone number, and address of the NATCEP;

      (ii) whether the NATCEP is facility or non-facility-based; and

      (iii) name of the NATCEP director;

    (C) an explanation of why the cost for the NATCEP exceeds the reimbursement ceiling and the explanation must include:

      (i) a completed nurse aide unit cost calculation form for a facility-based NATCEP; or

      (ii) a breakdown of the nurse aide unit cost by the instructor fees and training materials for a non-facility-based NATCEP; and

    (D) an explanation of why the nursing facility cannot use a training program at or below the reimbursement ceiling and what steps the facility has taken to explore more cost-efficient training courses and the explanation must include:

      (i) the availability of NATCEPs, such as the location or the frequency of training offered, in the geographic region of the facility;

      (ii) the name and address of each NATCEP that the facility has explored as a provider of nurse aide training; and

      (iii) the cost per nurse aide for each NATCEP identified in subparagraph (C)(i) or (ii) of this paragraph.

  (4) All prior approval requests, as outlined in paragraph (3) of this subsection, must be submitted to HHSC and HHSC:

    (A) may request additional information to evaluate a reimbursement request; and

    (B) will make the final decision on a reimbursement request.

  (5) All nurse aide training courses must be approved by HHSC before costs associated with them can be reimbursed.

  (6) Nursing facilities are responsible for tracking and documenting nurse aide training costs for each nurse aide trained. All documentation is subject to HHSC audits. If substantiating documentation for amounts billed to HHSC cannot be verified, HHSC will immediately recoup funds paid to the facility.

  (7) Individuals who have completed a NATCEP may be directly reimbursed for costs incurred in completing a NATCEP. The individual must meet all of the conditions specified in subparagraphs (A) - (E) of this paragraph.

    (A) The individual must not have been employed at the time of completing the NATCEP.

    (B) The individual must have been employed by or received an offer of employment from a nursing facility no later than 12 months after successfully completing the NATCEP.

    (C) The individual must have been employed by the facility for no less than 6 months.

    (D) The nursing facility must not have claimed reimbursement for training expenses for the individual.

    (E) The individual must be listed on the current Nurse Aide Registry.

  (8) Individuals must submit cost reimbursement vouchers to HHSC with proof that the individual has been employed by a facility for no less than 6 months.

  (9) Individuals who leave nursing facility employment before accruing the required 6 months of employment, as specified in paragraph (7)(C) of this subsection, may receive 50 percent reimbursement as long as the individual was employed for no less than 3 months.

  (10) Reimbursement to individuals may not exceed the HHSC reimbursement limit described in paragraph (1)(A) of this subsection.

(j) Adopted rates are limited to available levels of appropriated state and federal funds.

Source Note: The provisions of this §355.318 adopted to be effective September 12, 2024, 49 TexReg 6986

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