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RULE §355.320Nursing Care Staff Rate Enhancement Program for Nursing Facilities on or after September 1, 2025

  (4) In cases where more than one enhanced rate level is in effect during the reporting period, the spending requirement will be based on the weighted average enhanced rate level in effect during the reporting period calculated as follows.

    (A) Multiply the first enhanced rate level in effect during the reporting period by the most recently available reliable Medicaid days of service utilization data for the time period the first enhanced rate level was in effect.

    (B) Multiply the second enhanced rate level in effect during the reporting period by the most recently available reliable Medicaid days of service utilization data for the time period the second enhanced rate level was in effect.

    (C) Sum the products from subparagraphs (A) and (B) of this paragraph.

    (D) Divide the sum from subparagraph (C) of this paragraph by the sum of the most recently available reliable Medicaid days of service utilization data for the entire reporting period used in subparagraphs (A) and (B) of this paragraph.

(j) Determine each participating facility's total nursing rate component. Each participating facility's total nursing rate component will be equal to the nursing care staff base rate as defined in subsection (b)(6) of this section, plus any add-on payments associated with staffing enhancements selected by and awarded to the facility during open enrollment. HHSC will determine a per diem add-on payment for each enhanced staffing level informed by analysis of the most recently available reliable data relating to staff compensation levels and available appropriations for the program as specified in subsection (h) of this section.

(k) Spending requirements for participants. Participating facilities are subject to a nursing care staff spending requirement with recoupment calculated as follows.

  (1) Effective September 1, 2023, HHSC will complete calculations associated with nursing care rate increases and spending requirements in compliance with §355.304 of this subchapter (relating to Direct Care Staff Spending Requirement on or after September 1, 2023).

  (2) At the end of the rate year, a spending floor will be calculated by multiplying accrued Medicaid fee-for-service and managed care nursing care staff revenues by 0.70.

  (3) Accrued allowable Medicaid nursing care staff fee-for-service expenses for the rate year will be compared to the spending floor from paragraph (2) of this subsection. HHSC or its designee will recoup the difference between the spending floor and accrued allowable Medicaid nursing care staff fee-for-service expenses from facilities whose Medicaid nursing care staff spending is less than their spending floor.

  (4) At no time will a participating facility's nursing care rates after spending recoupment be less than the nursing care staff base rates.

(l) Dietary and Fixed Capital Mitigation. Recoupment of funds described in subsection (k) of this section may be mitigated by high dietary and fixed capital expenses as follows.

  (1) Calculate dietary cost deficit. At the end of the facility's rate year, accrued Medicaid dietary per diem revenues will be compared to accrued, allowable Medicaid dietary per diem costs. If costs are greater than revenues, the dietary per diem cost deficit will be equal to the difference between accrued, allowable Medicaid dietary per diem costs and accrued Medicaid dietary per diem revenues. If costs are less than revenues, the dietary cost deficit will be equal to zero.

  (2) Calculate dietary revenue surplus. At the end of the facility's rate, accrued Medicaid dietary per diem revenues will be compared to accrued, allowable Medicaid dietary per diem costs. If revenues are greater than costs, the dietary per diem revenue surplus will be equal to the difference between accrued Medicaid dietary per diem revenues and accrued, allowable Medicaid dietary per diem costs. If revenues are less than costs, the dietary revenue surplus will be equal to zero.

  (3) Calculate fixed capital cost deficit. At the end of the facility's rate year, accrued Medicaid fixed capital asset per diem revenues will be compared to accrued, allowable Medicaid fixed capital asset per diem costs. Allowable fixed capital asset costs are defined in §355.318(d)(4)(C) of this subchapter. If costs are greater than revenues, the fixed capital cost per diem deficit will be equal to the difference between accrued, allowable Medicaid fixed capital per diem costs and accrued Medicaid fixed capital per diem revenues. If costs are less than revenues, the fixed capital cost deficit will be equal to zero. For purposes of this paragraph, fixed capital per diem costs of facilities with occupancy rates below 85 percent are adjusted to the cost per diem the facility would have accrued had it maintained an 85 percent occupancy rate throughout the rate year.

  (4) Calculate fixed capital revenue surplus. At the end of the facility's rate year, accrued Medicaid fixed capital asset per diem revenues will be compared to accrued, allowable Medicaid fixed capital asset per diem costs. Allowable fixed capital asset costs are defined in §355.318(d)(4)(C) of this subchapter. If revenues are greater than costs, the fixed capital revenue per diem surplus will be equal to the difference between accrued Medicaid fixed capital per diem revenues and accrued, allowable Medicaid fixed capital per diem costs. If revenues are less than costs, the fixed capital revenue surplus will be equal to zero. For purposes of this paragraph, fixed capital per diem costs of facilities with occupancy rates below 85 percent are adjusted to the cost per diem the facility would have accrued had it maintained an 85 percent occupancy rate throughout the rate year.

  (5) Mitigation of a dietary per diem cost deficit. Facilities with a dietary per diem cost deficit will have their dietary per diem cost deficit reduced by their fixed capital per diem revenue surplus, if any. Any remaining dietary per diem cost deficit will be capped at $2.00 per diem.

  (6) Mitigation of a fixed capital cost per diem deficit. Facilities with a fixed capital cost per diem deficit will have their fixed capital cost per diem deficit reduced by their dietary revenue per diem surplus, if any. Any remaining fixed capital per diem cost deficit will be capped at $2.00 per diem.

  (7) Recoupment calculation. Each facility's recoupment, as calculated in subsection (k) of this section, will be reduced by the sum of that facility's dietary per diem cost deficit, as calculated in paragraph (5) of this subsection, and its fixed capital per diem cost deficit as calculated in paragraph (6) of this subsection.

(m) Adjusting spending requirements. Facilities that determine that they will not be able to meet their spending requirements from subsection (k) of this section may request a reduction in their spending requirements and associated rate add-on. These requests will be effective on the first day of the month following approval of the request.

(n) Voluntary withdrawal. Facilities wishing to withdraw from participation must notify HHSC in writing by certified mail, and the request must be signed by an authorized representative as designated per the HHSC signature authority designation form applicable to the provider's contract or ownership type. Facilities voluntarily withdrawing must remain nonparticipants for the remainder of the rate year. The participation end date for facilities voluntarily withdrawing from the program will be effective on the date of the withdrawal, as determined by HHSC.

(o) Notification of recoupment based on annual staffing and compensation report or cost report. The estimated amount to be recouped is indicated in STAIRS. STAIRS will generate an email to the entity contact, indicating that the facility's estimated recoupment is available for review. If HHSC's subsequent review of the staffing and compensation report results in report adjustments that change the amount to be repaid to HHSC or its designee, the facility's entity contact will be notified by email that the adjustments and the adjusted amount to be repaid are available in STAIRS for review. HHSC or its designee will recoup any amount owed from a facility's vendor payments following the date of the initial or subsequent notification.

(p) Change of ownership and contract terminations.

  (1) Facilities required to submit a staffing and compensation report due to a change of ownership or contract termination as described in subsection (d) of this section will have funds held as per 26 TAC §554.210 (relating to Change of Ownership and Notice of Changes) until HHSC receives an acceptable staffing and compensation report and funds identified for recoupment from subsection (k) of this section are repaid to HHSC or its designee. Informal reviews and formal appeals relating to these reports are governed by §355.110 of this chapter(relating to Informal Reviews and Formal Appeals). HHSC or its designee will recoup any amount owed from the facility's vendor payments that are being held. In cases where funds identified for recoupment cannot be repaid from the held vendor payments, the responsible entity, as defined in subsection (b)(10) of this section, will be jointly and Cont'd...

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