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RULE §355.320Nursing Care Staff Rate Enhancement Program for Nursing Facilities on or after September 1, 2025

  (4) Participating facilities who voluntarily withdraw from participation as per subsection (n) of this section must submit a staffing and compensation report within 60 days of the due date of the report as determined by HHSC, covering the period from the beginning of the rate year to the date of withdrawal as determined by HHSC. This report will be used as the basis for determining any recoupment amounts as described in subsection (k) of this section.

  (5) For new facilities, as defined in subsection (c) of this section, the reporting period will begin with the effective date of participation in enhancement.

  (6) Existing facilities that become participants in the enhancement as a result of the open enrollment process described in subsection (b)(8) of this section on any day other than the first day of their fiscal year are required to submit a staffing and compensation report with a reporting period that begins on their first day of participation in the enhancement and ends on the last day of the facility's fiscal year. This report will be used as the basis for determining any recoupment amounts as described in subsection (k) of this section.

  (7) A participating provider that is required to submit a staffing and compensation report under this paragraph will be excused from the requirement to submit a report if the provider did not provide any billable services to Medicaid recipients during the reporting period.

  (8) Reports must be received before the date the provider is notified of compliance with spending requirements for the report in question as per subsection (k) of this section.

  (9) HHSC may require other staffing and compensation reports from all facilities as needed.

(e) Vendor hold. HHSC or its designee will place on hold the vendor payments for any participating facility that does not submit a timely report as described in subsection (d) of this section. This vendor hold will remain in effect until HHSC receives an acceptable report.

  (1) Participating facilities that do not submit an acceptable report completed in compliance with all applicable rules and instructions within 60 days of the due dates described in this subsection or, for cost reports, the due dates described in §355.105(b) of this chapter (relating to General Reporting and Documentation Requirements, Methods, and Procedures), will become nonparticipants retroactive to the first day of the reporting period in question and will be subject to immediate recoupment of funds related to participation paid to the facility for services provided during the reporting period in question. These facilities will remain nonparticipants, and recouped funds will not be restored until they submit an acceptable report and repay to HHSC or its designee funds identified for recoupment from subsection (k) of this section. If an acceptable report is not received within 365 days of the due date, the recoupment will become permanent, and if all funds associated with participation during the reporting period in question have been recouped by HHSC or its designee, the vendor hold associated with the report will be released.

  (2) Participating facilities with an ownership change or contract termination that do not submit an acceptable report completed in accordance with all applicable rules and instructions within 60 days of notification of the due date for the report as determined by HHSC will become nonparticipants retroactive to the first day of the reporting period in question. These facilities will be subject to an immediate recoupment of funds related to participation paid to the facility for services provided during the reporting period in question. These facilities will remain nonparticipants, and recouped funds will not be restored until they submit an acceptable report and repay to HHSC or its designee funds identified for recoupment from subsection (k) of this section. If an acceptable report is not received within 365 days of the change of ownership or contract termination date, the recoupment will become permanent, and if all funds associated with participation during the reporting period in question have been recouped by HHSC or its designee, the vendor hold associated with the report will be released.

(f) Completion of Reports. All staffing and compensation reports must be completed in compliance with the provisions of §§355.102 - 355.105 of this chapter (relating to General Principles of Allowable and Unallowable Costs; Specifications for Allowable and Unallowable Costs; Revenues; and General Reporting and Documentation Requirements, Methods, and Procedures, respectively) and may be reviewed or audited in accordance with §355.106 of this chapter (relating to Basic Objectives and Criteria for Audit and Desk Review of Cost Reports). All staffing and compensation reports must be completed by preparers who have attended the required nursing facility cost report training as per §355.102(d) of this chapter.

(g) Enrollment limitations. A facility will not be enrolled in the Nursing Care Staff Rate Enhancement Program at a level higher than the level it achieved on its most recently available audited staffing and compensation report. HHSC will notify a facility of its enrollment limitations (if any) before the first day of the open enrollment period.

  (1) Notification of enrollment limitations. The enrollment limitation level is indicated in the State of Texas Automated Information Reporting System (STAIRS), the online application for submitting cost and accountability reports. STAIRS will generate an email to the entity contact, indicating that the facility's enrollment limitation level is available for review. The entity contact is the provider's authorized representative per the signature authority designation form applicable to the provider's contract or ownership type.

  (2) Enrollment after a limitation. At no time will a facility be allowed to enroll in the enhancement program at a level higher than its current level of enrollment plus three additional levels unless otherwise instructed by HHSC.

  (3) New owners after a change of ownership. Enhancement levels for a new owner after a change of ownership will be determined according to subsection (s) of this section. A new owner will not be subject to enrollment limitations based on the prior owner's performance. This exemption from enrollment limitations does not apply in cases where HHSC or its designee has approved a successor-liability-agreement that transfers responsibility from the former owner to the new owner.

  (4) New facilities. A new facility's enrollment will be determined according to subsection (c) of this section.

(h) Determination of nursing care staff component enhancements. HHSC will determine a per diem add-on payment for each nursing rate component enhancement level using data from sources such as cost reports, surveys, or other relevant sources and considering the quality of care, labor market conditions, economic factors, and budget constraints. The nursing rate component enhancement add-ons will be determined on a per-unit-of-service basis. Add-on payments may vary by enhancement level.

(i) Granting of nursing staff rate enhancements. HHSC divides all requested enhancements, after applying any enrollment limitations from subsection (g) of this section, into two groups: pre-existing enhancements that facilities request to carry over from the prior year and newly requested enhancements. Newly requested enhancements may be enhancements requested by facilities that were nonparticipants in the prior year or by facilities that were participants in the prior year, desiring to be granted additional enhancements. Using the process described herein, HHSC first determines the distribution of carry-over enhancements. If HHSC determines that funds are not available to carry over some or all pre-existing enhancements, facilities will be notified as per subsection (v) of this section. If funds are available after the distribution of carry-over enhancements, HHSC then determines the distribution of newly requested enhancements. HHSC may not distribute newly requested enhancements to facilities owing funds identified for recoupment from subsection (k) of this section.

  (1) HHSC determines projected Medicaid units of service for facilities requesting each enhancement option and multiplies this number by the rate add-on associated with that enhancement option as determined in subsection (h) of this section.

  (2) HHSC compares the sum of the products from paragraph (1) of this subsection to available funds:

    (A) if the product is less than or equal to available funds, all requested enhancements are granted; or

    (B) if the product is greater than available funds, enhancements are granted beginning with the lowest level of enhancement and granting each successive level of enhancement until requested enhancements are granted within available funds. Based on an examination of existing staffing levels and staffing needs, HHSC may grant certain enhancement options priority for distribution.

  (3) Notification of granting of enhancements. Participating facilities are notified of the status of their request for rate enhancements in a manner determined by HHSC.


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