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RULE §557.125Requirements for Corrections Medication Aides

  (2) The applicant must be tested on the subjects taught in the TDCJ training program curriculum and correctional facility clinical experience. The examination must test an applicant's knowledge of accurate and safe drug therapy administered to a correctional facility inmate.

  (3) TDCJ administers the examination and determines the passing grade.

  (4) TDCJ must inform HHSC through the online portal, on the HHSC class roster form, of the final exam results for each applicant within 15 days after completion of the exam.

  (5) An applicant who is unable to attend the applicant's scheduled examination due to unforeseen circumstances must contact TDCJ to reschedule.

  (6) If an applicant fails the examination, TDCJ notifies HHSC and the applicant in writing of the failure to pass the examination. The applicant may take one subsequent examination without having to re-enroll in the training program described in §557.119 of this chapter.

  (7) An applicant whose application for a permit is denied under §557.113 of this chapter (relating to Determination of Eligibility) is ineligible to take the examination.

(i) Determination of eligibility. HHSC determines eligibility for a corrections medication aide permit applicant according to §557.113 of this chapter and subsections (e) - (h) of this section.

(j) Renewal. A permit must be renewed in accordance with §557.115 of this chapter (relating to Permit Renewal).

(k) Changes. Medication aides must report changes in accordance with §557.117 of this chapter (relating to Changes).

(l) Violations, complaints, and disciplinary actions.

  (1) Complaints. Any person may file a complaint with HHSC alleging that a person or program has violated Texas Human Resources Code §161.083, or this chapter. HHSC handles complaints in the manner set forth in §557.123 of this chapter (relating to Violations, Complaints, and Disciplinary Actions).

  (2) Investigations of abuse and neglect complaints. Allegations of abuse and neglect of inmates by corrections medication aides are investigated by the TDCJ Office of Inspector General. After an investigation, the TDCJ Office of Inspector General issues a report to HHSC with findings of abuse or neglect against the corrections medication aide. After reviewing the report and findings, HHSC determines whether to initiate a formal proceeding to revoke, suspend, or refuse to renew a corrections medication aide permit. If HHSC determines a formal proceeding to revoke, suspend, or refuse to renew a corrections medication aide permit should be initiated, §557.123(c) and (d) of this chapter apply. If HHSC determines that no formal proceeding to revoke, suspend, or refuse to renew a corrections medication aide permit should be initiated, HHSC dismisses the complaint against the corrections medication aide and gives written notice of the dismissal to the corrections medication aide.

(m) Section 557.121 of this chapter (relating to Permitting of Persons with Criminal Backgrounds) applies to corrections medication aides under this chapter.

Source Note: The provisions of this §557.125 adopted to be effective September 24, 2018, 43 TexReg 6328; amended to be effective September 18, 2024, 49 TexReg 7350

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