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RULE §330.5Classification of Municipal Solid Waste Facilities

    (D) the facility is located in an area that receives less than or equal to 25 inches of annual average precipitation based on precipitation data from the nearest official precipitation recording station for the most recent 30-year reporting period.

  (2) Requests for exemptions under §330.63(d)(5) of this title (relating to Contents of Part III of the Application) may be approved administratively by the executive director, upon demonstration of compliance with all applicable criteria. The executive director may deny an exemption request if the available information indicates that granting the exemption could result in a substantial threat of groundwater contamination. Existing Type IAE landfill permits, which include a 20 tons per day waste disposal limit, may be revised via a major amendment to allow for disposal of an additional less than 20 tons of authorized waste in a Type IVAE landfill unit located in a separate area of the same facility. Existing Type IAE landfill permits, which do not include a waste disposal limit or include a waste disposal limit in excess of limits allowed for Type IAE landfill units, may be modified consistent with the restrictions for small MSW landfills. Within 180 days of the effective date of the comprehensive rule revisions in this chapter as adopted in 2006 (2006 Revisions), owners and operators of such a permit shall comply with the waste acceptance rate limit for a Type IAE landfill unit or apply to modify such permit to include a Type IVAE landfill unit located in a separate area of the facility. Such permits remain valid until a final decision is made on the modification application. Such a modification must be processed in accordance with §305.70(l) of this title as a modification subject to public notice. Such a modification application must be submitted in conjunction with a corresponding application to modify the revised estimated waste acceptance rate under §330.125(h) of this title (relating to Recordkeeping Requirements).

  (3) Owners or operators may appeal denials of a request for exemption to the commission for decision.

  (4) If the owner or operator of a new, existing, or lateral expansion of a Type IAE or Type IVAE landfill facility who has previously asserted eligibility for the arid exemption has knowledge or becomes aware of groundwater contamination from the facility within a one-mile radius of the unit, the facility no longer meets the definition of a Type IAE or Type IVAE landfill facility, the waste reduction program is ineffective (based upon an evaluation of trends established after a minimum period of a year), or a practicable alternative becomes available, the owner or operator shall notify in writing the executive director of such condition(s) and thereafter comply with Subchapter B, Subchapter H, and Subchapter J of this chapter on a schedule specified by the executive director.

  (5) The executive director may consider the economic investment made by the owner or operator in establishing the schedule for compliance.

  (6) The minimum time allowed for compliance necessitated by loss of Type IAE or Type IVAE landfill facility status or availability of a practicable alternative shall be 18 months.

  (7) A Type IAE or Type IVAE landfill facility that meets the requirements of this subsection shall maintain the integrity of any existing on-site groundwater monitor wells and make them available to the executive director for the collection of groundwater samples.

(c) For MSW landfills that stopped receiving waste before October 9, 1991, and unauthorized MSW sites, the closure provisions of §330.453 of this title (relating to Closure Requirements for Municipal Solid Waste Landfill Units that Stopped Receiving Waste Prior to October 9, 1991, Type IV Landfills, and Municipal Solid Waste Sites) apply. If not previously submitted, owners or operators shall submit a closure report that documents that MSW landfill units or unauthorized MSW sites, or portions thereof, have received final cover.

(d) MSW landfill units that receive waste after October 9, 1991, but stop receiving waste before October 9, 1993, are subject to the final cover requirements specified in §330.455 of this title (relating to Closure Requirements for Municipal Solid Waste Landfill Units that Received Waste on or after October 9, 1991, but Stopped Receiving Waste Prior to October 9, 1993). The final cover must be installed and certified in accordance with the requirements contained in §§330.451, 330.453, 330.455, and 330.457 of this title (relating to Closure and Post-Closure). Owners or operators of MSW landfill units described in this subsection that fail to complete cover installation and certification within the time limits specified in Subchapter K of this chapter will be subject to all the requirements of these regulations.

(e) All MSW landfill units that receive waste on or after October 9, 1993, must comply with all requirements of these regulations, unless otherwise specified.

Source Note: The provisions of this §330.5 adopted to be effective March 27, 2006, 31 TexReg 2502; amended to be effective November 17, 2024, 49 TexReg 8930

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