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RULE §330.7Permit Required

  (3) Ash control. Ash disposal must be at an authorized facility unless the ash is returned to the animal owner or sent to a pet cemetery. Ash shall be stored in an enclosed container that will prevent release of the ash to the environment. There shall be no more than 2,000 pounds of ash stored at an animal crematory at any given time.

  (4) Air pollution control. Air emissions from the facility shall not cause or contribute to a condition of air pollution as defined in Texas Clean Air Act, §382.003. All animal crematories, prior to construction or modification, must have an air permit issued under Chapter 116 of this title (relating to Control of Air Pollution by Permits for New Construction or Modification), or qualify for a permit by rule under §106.494 of this title.

  (5) Fire protection. The facility shall prepare, maintain, and follow a fire protection plan. This fire protection plan shall describe fire protection resources (a local fire department, fire hydrants, fire extinguishers, water tanks, water well, etc.), and employee training and safety procedures. The fire protection plan shall comply with local fire codes.

  (6) Storage limits. Carcasses must be incinerated within two hours of receipt, unless stored at or below a temperature of 29 degrees Fahrenheit. Storage of carcasses shall be in a manner that minimizes the release of odors. Storage of carcasses shall be limited to the lesser of 3,200 pounds or the amount that can be incinerated at the maximum loading rate for the incinerators at the facility in a two-day period.

  (7) Unauthorized waste. Only carcasses or animal parts, with any associated packaging, shall be processed. Carcasses shall not be accepted in packaging that includes any chlorinated plastics. Carcasses or animal parts that are either hazardous waste or medical waste are prohibited.

  (8) Cleaning. Storage and processing units must be properly cleaned on a routine basis to prevent odors and the breeding of flies.

  (9) Nuisance prevention. The facility shall be designed and operated in a manner so as to prevent nuisance conditions, including, but not limited to, dust from ashes, disease vectors, odors, and liquids from spills, from being released from the property boundary of the authorized facility.

  (10) Diseased animals. The facility shall be equipped with appropriate protective equipment and clothing for personnel handling diseased animals that may be received at the facility. Facility owners or operators must inform customers and local veterinarians of the need to identify diseased animals for the protection of personnel handling the animals.

  (11) Buffer zone. An animal crematory, including unloading and storage areas, constructed after March 2, 2003, must be at least 50 feet from the property boundary of the facility.

  (12) Operating hours. A crematory shall operate within the time frames allowed by §111.129 of this title (relating to Operating Requirements).

  (13) Documentation. The operator of an animal crematory shall document the carcasses' weight, date and time when carcasses are received, and when carcasses are loaded into the incinerator. A separate entry in the records for loading into the incinerator is not required if a carcass is loaded within two hours of receipt. This information will be maintained in records on site.

  (14) Breakdown. The facility is subject to §330.241 of this title (relating to Overloading and Breakdown).

  (15) Records management. The owner or operator must retain records as follows:

    (A) maintain a copy of all requirements of this subsection that apply to the facility;

    (B) maintain records for the previous consecutive 12-month period containing sufficient information to demonstrate compliance with all requirements of this subsection;

    (C) keep all required records at the facility; and

    (D) make the records available upon request to personnel from the commission or from local governments with jurisdiction over the facility.

  (16) Fees. An animal crematory facility authorized under this section is exempt from the fee requirements of Subchapter P of this chapter (relating to Fees and Reporting).

  (17) Other requirements. No other requirements under this chapter are applicable to a facility that meets all of the requirements of this subsection.

(f) A permit by rule is granted for a dual chamber incinerator if the owner or operator complies with §106.491 of this title (relating to Dual-Chamber Incinerators).

(g) A permit by rule is granted for an air curtain incinerator if the owner or operator complies with §106.496 of this title (relating to Air Curtain Incinerators). An air curtain incinerator may not be located within 300 feet of an active or closed MSW landfill unit boundary.

(h) A standard air permit is granted for facilities that comply with Subchapter U of this chapter (relating to Standard Air Permits for Municipal Solid Waste Landfill Facilities and Transfer Stations).

(i) A permit by rule is granted for a period of up to five years to a county or municipality with a population of 12,000 people or less to dispose of demolition waste from properties with nuisance or abandoned buildings.

  (1) Requirements. The following conditions must be met.

    (A) Form submittal. The county or municipality submits a form provided by the commission to the executive director for review and approval before construction begins.

    (B) Notice to regional office. The county or municipality notifies the applicable commission regional office of the intent to dispose of waste under this authorization at least 48 hours prior to accepting the first load of waste.

    (C) Facility location. The location where disposal will occur:

      (i) is owned or controlled by the county or municipality, and

      (ii) receives less than or equal to 25 inches average annual precipitation as determined from precipitation data for the nearest official precipitation recording station for at least the most recent 30-year reporting period or by another method approved by the executive director.

    (D) Sources of waste. The properties on which nuisance and abandoned buildings are located have been acquired by the county or municipality by means of bankruptcy, tax delinquency, or condemnation, and the previous owners are not financially capable of paying the costs of the disposal of demolition waste at a permitted solid waste disposal facility, including transportation of the waste to the facility.

    (E) Waste acceptance.

      (i) Prior to demolition, structures are surveyed and abated, if required, for asbestos-containing materials in accordance with 25 TAC Chapter 296 (relating to Texas Asbestos Health Protection).

      (ii) The facility may accept non-regulated asbestos-containing materials (non-RACM) for disposal. The wastes are placed on the active working face and covered at the end of the operating day with at least six inches of soil. Under no circumstances may any of the material containing non-RACM be placed on a surface that is subject to vehicular traffic or disposed of by any other means by which the material could be crumbled into a friable state.

      (iii) The facility may accept regulated asbestos-containing materials (RACM) if the following conditions are met.

        (I) The county or municipality notifies the executive director on a form provided by the commission in accordance with subparagraph (A) of this paragraph.

        (II) All waste trenches are identified as receiving RACM, and deed records required under subparagraph (Q) of this paragraph include an indication that the waste trench(es) received RACM.

        (III) RACM is transported and received at the facility in tightly closed and unruptured containers or bags or wrapped with at least six-mil polyethylene.

        (IV) Bags or containers holding RACM are carefully unloaded and placed in the final disposal location. RACM is then covered immediately with at least six inches of soil. Care is taken during unloading and placement of RACM and during application of the cover so that the bags or containers are not ruptured.

      (iv) Waste is limited to the abandoned or nuisance buildings and materials from the property on which the buildings are located. All waste disposed under this authorization must meet the limitations of §330.5(a)(2) of this title (relating to Classification of Municipal Solid Waste Facilities) and may not include waste prohibited under §330.15(e) of this title.

    (F) Access control. Access to the disposal facility is controlled by means of fences, other artificial barriers, natural barriers, or a combination of these methods, and includes a locking gate.


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