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RULE §133.41Hospital Functions and Services

      (ii) The medical director or clinical director shall be qualified by training or at least two years training and experience to serve as medical director or clinical director. A person is qualified under this subsection if the person has training and experience in the treatment of rehabilitation patients in a rehabilitation setting.

  (6) Admission criteria. A hospital providing comprehensive medical rehabilitation services shall have written admission criteria that are applied uniformly to all patients who are admitted to the comprehensive medical rehabilitation unit.

    (A) The hospital's admission criteria shall include procedures to prevent the admission of a minor for a condition which is not generally recognized as responsive to treatment in an inpatient setting for comprehensive medical rehabilitation services.

      (i) The following conditions are not generally recognized as responsive to treatment in an inpatient setting for comprehensive medical rehabilitation services unless the minor to be admitted is qualified because of other disabilities, such as:

        (I) cognitive disabilities due to intellectual disability;

        (II) learning disabilities; or

        (III) psychiatric disorders.

      (ii) A minor may be qualified for admission based on other disabilities which would be responsive to comprehensive medical rehabilitation services.

    (B) The hospital shall have a preadmission examination procedure under which each patient's condition and medical history are reviewed by a member of the medical staff to determine whether the patient is likely to benefit significantly from an intensive inpatient program or assessment.

  (7) Care and services.

    (A) A hospital providing comprehensive medical rehabilitation services shall use a coordinated interdisciplinary team which is directed by a physician and which works in collaboration to develop and implement the patient's treatment plan.

      (i) The interdisciplinary team for comprehensive medical rehabilitation services shall have available to it, at the hospital at which the services are provided or by contract, members of the following professions as necessary to meet the treatment needs of the patient:

        (I) physical therapy;

        (II) occupational therapy;

        (III) speech-language pathology;

        (IV) therapeutic recreation;

        (V) social services and case management;

        (VI) dietetics;

        (VII) psychology;

        (VIII) respiratory therapy;

        (IX) rehabilitative nursing;

        (X) certified orthotics;

        (XI) certified prosthetics;

        (XII) pharmaceutical care; and

        (XIII) in the case of a minor patient, persons who have specialized education and training in emotional, mental health, or chemical dependency problems, as well as the treatment of minors.

      (ii) The coordinated interdisciplinary team approach used in the rehabilitation of each patient shall be documented by periodic entries made in the patient's medical record to denote:

        (I) the patient's status in relationship to goal attainment; and

        (II) that team conferences are held at least every two weeks to determine the appropriateness of treatment.

    (B) An initial assessment and preliminary treatment plan shall be performed or established by the physician within 24 hours of admission.

    (C) The physician in coordination with the interdisciplinary team shall establish a written treatment plan for the patient within seven working days of the date of admission.

      (i) Comprehensive medical rehabilitation services shall be provided in accordance with the written treatment plan.

      (ii) The treatment provided under the written treatment plan shall be provided by staff who are qualified to provide services under state law. The hospital shall establish written qualifications for services provided by each discipline for which there is no applicable state statute for professional licensure or certification.

      (iii) Services provided under the written treatment plan shall be given in accordance with the orders of physicians, dentists, podiatrists, or practitioners who are authorized by the governing body, hospital administration, and medical staff to order the services, and the orders shall be incorporated in the patient's record.

      (iv) The written treatment plan shall delineate anticipated goals and specify the type, amount, frequency, and anticipated duration of service to be provided.

      (v) Within 10 working days after the date of admission, the written treatment plan shall be provided. It shall be in the person's primary language, if practicable. What is or would have been practicable shall be determined by the facts and circumstances of each case. The written treatment plan shall be provided to:

        (I) the patient;

        (II) a person designated by the patient; and

        (III) upon request, a family member, guardian, or individual who has demonstrated on a routine basis responsibility and participation in the patient's care or treatment, but only with the patient's consent unless such consent is not required by law.

      (vi) The written treatment plan shall be reviewed by the interdisciplinary team at least every two weeks.

      (vii) The written treatment plan shall be revised by the interdisciplinary team if a comprehensive reassessment of the patient's status or the results of a patient case review conference indicates the need for revision.

      (viii) The revision shall be incorporated into the patient's record within seven working days after the revision.

      (ix) The revised treatment plan shall be reduced to writing in the person's primary language, if practicable, and provided to:

        (I) the patient;

        (II) a person designated by the patient; and

        (III) upon request, a family member, guardian, or individual who has demonstrated on a routine basis responsibility and participation in the patient's care or treatment, but only with the patient's consent unless such consent is not required by law.

  (8) Discharge and continuing care plan. The patient's interdisciplinary team shall prepare a written continuing care plan that addresses the patient's needs for care after discharge.

    (A) The continuing care plan for the patient shall include recommendations for treatment and care and information about the availability of resources for treatment or care.

    (B) If the patient's interdisciplinary team deems it impracticable to provide a written continuing care plan before discharge, the patient's interdisciplinary team shall provide the written continuing care plan to the patient within two working days after the date of discharge.

    (C) Before discharge or within two working days after the date of discharge, the written continuing care plan shall be provided in the person's primary language, if practicable, to:

      (i) the patient;

      (ii) a person designated by the patient; and

      (iii) upon request, to a family member, guardian, or individual who has demonstrated on a routine basis responsibility and participation in the patient's care or treatment, but only with the patient's consent unless such consent is not required by law.

(d) Dietary services. The hospital shall have organized dietary services that are directed and staffed by adequate qualified personnel. However, a hospital that has a contract with an outside food management company or an arrangement with another hospital may meet this requirement if the company or other hospital has a dietitian who serves the hospital on a full-time, part-time, or consultant basis, and if the company or other hospital maintains at least the minimum requirements specified in this section, and provides for the frequent and systematic liaison with the hospital medical staff for recommendations of dietetic policies affecting patient treatment. The hospital shall ensure that there are sufficient personnel to respond to the dietary needs of the patient population being served.

  (1) Organization.

    (A) The hospital shall have a full-time employee who is qualified by experience or training to serve as director of the food and dietetic service, and be responsible for the daily management of the dietary services.

    (B) There shall be a qualified dietitian who works full-time, part-time, or on a consultant basis. If by consultation, such services shall occur at least once per month for not less than eight hours. The dietitian shall:

      (i) be currently licensed under the laws of this state to use the titles of licensed dietitian or provisional licensed dietitian, or be a registered dietitian;


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