(a) If projected actual emissions are used or emissions
are excluded from the emission increase resulting from the project,
the owner or operator shall document and maintain a record of the
following information before beginning construction, and this information
must be provided as part of the notification, certification, registration,
or application submitted to the executive director to claim or apply
for state new source review authorization for the project. If the
emissions unit is an existing electric utility steam generating unit,
the owner or operator shall provide a copy of this information to
the executive director before beginning actual construction:
(1) a description of the project;
(2) identification of the facilities of which emissions
of a federally regulated new source review pollutant could be affected
by the project; and
(3) a description of the applicability test used to
determine that the project is not a major modification for any pollutant,
including the baseline actual emissions, the projected actual emissions,
the amount of emissions excluded from the project emissions increase
and an explanation for why such amount was excluded, and any netting
calculations, if applicable.
(b) If projected actual emissions are used to determine
the project emission increase at a facility, the owner or operator
shall monitor the emissions of any regulated new source review pollutant
that could increase as a result of the project at that facility and
calculate and maintain a record of the annual emissions from that
facility, in tons per year, on a calendar year basis for:
(1) a period of five years following resumption of
regular operations after the change; or
(2) a period of ten years following resumption of regular
operations after the change if the project increases the design capacity
or potential to emit of that regulated new source review pollutant
at that facility.
(c) If the facility is an electric utility steam generating
unit, the owner or operator shall submit a report to the executive
director within 60 days after the end of each calendar year of which
records must be maintained documenting the unit's annual emissions
during the calendar year that preceded submission of the report.
(d) If the facility is not an electric utility steam
generating unit, the owner or operator shall submit a report to the
executive director if the annual emissions from the project exceed
the baseline actual emissions by a significant amount for that pollutant,
and the emissions exceed the preconstruction projection for any facility.
The report shall be submitted to the executive director within 60
days after the end of each calendar year. The report shall contain:
(1) the name, address, and telephone number of the
major stationary source; and
(2) the calculated actual annual emissions.
(e) The owner or operator of the facility shall make
the information required to be documented and maintained by this
section available for review upon request for inspection by the executive
director, local air pollution control program, and the general public.