(a) Site development plan. This plan must include criteria
that in the selection and design of a facility will provide for the
safeguarding of the health, welfare, and physical property of the
people and the environment through consideration of geology, soil
conditions, drainage, land use, zoning, adequacy of access roads and
highways, and other considerations as the specific facility dictates.
The site development plan must include the items listed in this section.
(b) General facility design.
(1) Facility access. The owner or operator shall describe
how access will be controlled for the facility such as the type and
location of fences or other suitable means of access control to prevent
the entry of livestock, to protect the public from exposure to potential
health and safety hazards, and to discourage unauthorized entry or
uncontrolled disposal of solid waste or hazardous materials.
(2) Waste movement. The owner or operator shall submit
a generalized process design and working plan of the overall facility
that includes, at a minimum:
(A) flow diagrams indicating the storage, processing,
and disposal sequences for the various types of wastes and feedstocks
(B) schematic view drawings showing the various phases
of collection, separation, processing, and disposal as applicable
for the types of wastes and feedstocks received at the facility;
(C) proposed ventilation and odor control measures
for each storage, separation, processing, and disposal unit;
(D) generalized construction details of all storage
and processing units and ancillary equipment (i.e., tanks, foundations,
sumps, etc.) with regard to approximate dimensions and capacities,
construction materials, vents, covers, enclosures, protective coatings
of surfaces, etc. Performance data on all units shall be provided;
(E) generalized construction details of slab and subsurface
supports of all storage and processing components;
(F) locations and engineering design details of all
containment dikes or walls (with indicated freeboard) proposed to
enclose all storage and processing components and all loading and
unloading areas;
(G) plans for the storage of grease, oil, and sludge
on site including determinations of maximum periods of time all separated
materials will remain on site and the ultimate disposition of such
materials off site;
(H) proposed disposition of effluent resulting from
all processing operations; and
(I) for transfer stations, provide designs for noise
pollution control.
(3) Sanitation. The owner or operator shall describe
how solid waste processing facilities will be designed to facilitate
proper cleaning. This may be accomplished by:
(A) controlling surface drainage in the vicinity of
the facility to prevent surface water runoff onto, into, and off the
treatment area;
(B) constructing walls and floors in operating areas
of masonry, concrete, or other hard-surfaced materials that can be
hosed down and scrubbed;
(C) providing necessary connections and equipment to
permit thorough cleaning with water or steam; and
(D) providing adequate floor or sump drains to remove
wash water.
(4) Water pollution control. The owner or operator
shall describe how all liquids resulting from the operation of solid
waste processing facilities will be disposed of in a manner that will
not cause surface water or groundwater pollution. The owner or operator
shall provide for the treatment of wastewaters resulting from the
process or from cleaning and washing and specify how the procedure
for wastewater disposal is in compliance with the rules of the commission.
(5) Endangered species protection. If necessary, the
owner or operator shall describe how the facility will be designed
to protect endangered species.
(c) Facility surface water drainage report. The owner
or operator of a municipal solid waste (MSW) facility shall include
a statement that the facility design complies with the requirements
of §330.303 of this title (relating to Surface Water Drainage
for Municipal Solid Waste Facilities). Additionally, applications
for landfill and compost units shall include a surface water drainage
report to satisfy the requirements of Subchapter G of this chapter
(relating to Surface Water Drainage) and shall include the following.
(1) Drainage analyses. The owner or operator shall
submit the following information and analyses:
(A) drawing(s) showing the drainage areas and drainage
(B) designs of all drainage facilities within the facility
area, including such features as typical cross-sectional areas, ditch
grades, flow rates, water surface elevation, velocities, and flowline
elevations along the entire length of the ditch;
(C) sample calculations provided to verify that existing
drainage patterns will not be adversely altered;
(D) a description of the hydrologic method and calculations
used to estimate peak flow rates and runoff volumes including justification
of necessary assumptions:
(i) the 25-year rainfall intensity used for facility
design including the source of the data; all other data and necessary
input parameters used in conjunction with the selected hydrologic
method and their sources should be documented and described;
(ii) hydraulic calculations and designs for sizing
the necessary collection, drainage, and/or detention facilities;
(iii) discussion and analyses to demonstrate that existing
drainage patterns will not be adversely altered as a result of the
proposed landfill development; and
(iv) structural designs of the collection, drainage,
and/or storage facilities.
(2) Flood control and analyses. The owner or operator
(A) identify whether the site is located within a 100-year
floodplain. If applicable, indicate 100-year floodplain on the drawing
in paragraph (1)(A) of this subsection;
(B) provide the source of all data for such determination
and include a copy of the relevant Federal Emergency Management Agency
(FEMA) flood map or the calculations and maps used where a FEMA map
is not used. FEMA maps are prima facie evidence of floodplain locations.
Information shall also be provided identifying the 100-year flood
level and any other special flooding factors (e. g., wave action)
that must be considered in designing, constructing, operating, or
maintaining the proposed facility to withstand washout from a 100-year
flood. The boundaries of the proposed landfill facility should be
shown on the floodplain map;
(C) if the site is located within the 100-year floodplain,
provide information detailing the specific flooding levels and other
events (e.g., design hurricane projected by Corps of Engineers) that
impact the flood protection of the facility. Data should be that required
by §§301.33 - 301.36 of this title (relating to Preliminary
Plans: Data To Be Submitted, Criteria For Approval of Preliminary
Plans; Additional Information; Plans To Bear Seal of Engineer). The
owner or operator shall include cross-sections or elevations of landfill
levees shown tied into contours;
(D) for construction in a floodplain, submit, where
(i) approval from the governmental entity with jurisdiction
under Texas Water Code, §16.236, as implemented by Chapter 301
of this title (relating to Levee Improvement Districts, District Plans
of Reclamation, and Levees and Other Improvements);
(ii) a floodplain development permit from the city,
county, or other agency with jurisdiction over the proposed improvements;
(iii) a Conditional Letter of Map Amendment from FEMA;
(iv) a Corps of Engineers Section 404 Specification
of Disposal Sites for Dredged or Fill Material permit for construction
of all necessary improvements.
(d) Waste management unit design.
(1) Storage and transfer units. The owner or operator
(A) describe how the solid waste management facility
will be designed for the rapid processing and minimum detention of
solid waste at the facility. The owner or operator shall specify that
all solid waste capable of creating public health hazards or nuisances
be stored indoors only and processed or transferred promptly and shall
not be allowed to result in nuisances or public health hazards. If
the facility is in continuous operation, such as for resource or energy
recovery, the owner or operator shall provide design features for
wastes storage units that will prevent the creation of nuisances or
public health hazards due to odors, fly breeding, or harborage of
other vectors;
(B) design the units to control and contain spills
and contaminated water from leaving the facility. The design shall
be sufficient to control and contain a worst-case spill or release
from the unit. Unenclosed containment areas shall also account for
precipitation from a 25-year, 24-hour rainfall event; and
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