(a) Application of Tax Code, Chapter 151. The statutory provisions, administrative rules, and agency policies applicable to Chapter 151 will apply as deemed necessary by the comptroller for administration of the fee to the extent not addressed expressly in this section. (b) Definitions. The following words and terms, when used in this section, shall have the following meanings, unless the context clearly indicates otherwise. (1) "Consumer" means a customer, person, purchaser or subscriber of a prepaid wireless telecommunication service or the user of a prepaid wireless telecommunication service. (2) "Fee" means the prepaid wireless 9-1-1 emergency service fee a seller collects from a consumer in the amount required under Health and Safety Code, §771.0712. (3) "Mobile telecommunications service" means the provision of a commercial mobile radio service, as defined in 47 C.F.R. 20.3 of the Federal Communications Commission's (FCC) regulations in effect on June 1, 1999 under the Mobile Telecommunications Sourcing Act (4 U.S.C. §§116-126). The term includes cellular telecommunications services personal communications services (PCS), specialized mobile radio services, wireless voice over Internet protocol services, and paging services. The term does not include telephone prepaid calling cards or air-ground radio telephone services as defined in 47 C.F.R. 22.99 of FCC regulations in effect on June 1, 1999. (4) "Prepaid wireless telecommunication service" means a mobile telecommunications service that allows a person to access 9-1-1 emergency communication services and is paid for entirely in advance. (5) "Purchase price" means the total amount paid for a prepaid wireless service, valued in money without a deduction for: (A) the cost of items sold, leased, or rented with the service; (B) the materials used, labor or service employed, interest, losses, or other expenses; (C) the transportation or delivery; or (D) other charges incident to the performance of a prepaid wireless service. (6) "Retail transaction" means an individual purchase of a prepaid wireless telecommunication service from a seller for any purpose other than a sale for resale. (7) "Sale for resale" means a sale of a prepaid wireless telecommunication service to a purchaser who acquires the service for the purpose of reselling it in the United States in the normal course of business either in the form or condition in which it is purchased or as an integral part of a taxable item as defined by Tax Code, Chapter 151. (8) "Seller" means a person who sells prepaid wireless telecommunication services to any consumer. The term includes "seller" and "retailer" as defined by Tax Code, §151.008. (9) "Wireless service provider" means a provider of commercial mobile service under the Federal Telecommunication Act of 1996, §332(d), (47 U.S.C. §151 et seq.), Federal Communications Commission rules, and the Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act of 1993 (Pub. L. No. 103-66), and includes a provider of wireless two-way communication service, radio-telephone communications related to cellular telephone service, network radio access lines or the equivalent, and personal communication service. The term does not include a provider of: (A) a service whose users do not have access to 9-1-1 emergency services; (B) a communication channel used only for data transmission; (C) a wireless roaming service or other nonlocal radio access line service; or (D) a private telecommunications service. (c) Registration. (1) Every seller must register to collect and remit the fee by completing and submitting to the comptroller Form AP-201, Texas Application for Sales and Use Tax Permit. A seller's registration number for purposes of collecting the fee will be the same as the seller's sales and use tax permit number. (2) A bond or other security may be required at the comptroller's discretion. If a bond or security is required the provisions of Tax Code, §§151.251 - 151.260 will apply. A seller who registers for the prepaid wireless fee may be required to post a bond or security in an amount that is equal to four times the amount of the average monthly tax liability but the minimum amount may not be less than $500 and the maximum cannot exceed $100,000. (d) Imposition and collection of fee. (1) Effective June 1, 2010, the fee shall be collected by the seller from the consumer at the time of and with respect to each retail transaction of prepaid wireless telecommunication services in this state. (2) The fee is 2.0% of the purchase price of each prepaid wireless telecommunication service sold by way of retail transaction or used by a seller in this state. (3) The amount of the fee shall be separately stated on an invoice, receipt, electronic communication, or other similar document that is provided to the consumer by the seller and is not subject to any other tax or fee imposed by Tax Code, Title 2. (4) A seller or a wireless service provider is liable for the fee on: (A) the retail price; or (B) the value of a prepaid wireless telecommunication service not sold at retail but used by a seller or other person in Texas. Examples of prepaid wireless telecommunication service not sold at retail but used by a person in Texas include: (i) a seller of prepaid wireless telecommunication service provides free prepaid wireless service to its employees; (ii) a seller of prepaid wireless telecommunication service provides free of charge prepaid wireless service to participants at a local golf tournament in exchange for the tournament displaying a banner or sign with the retailer's logo or name; and (iii) a seller of prepaid wireless telecommunication service donates prepaid wireless calling cards to a local high school sports team booster club to be used in a silent action as part of a fund raiser. (5) If charges for items that are not subject to the fee are combined with and not separately stated from charges subject to the fee on the consumer's invoice, receipt, electronic communication, or similar document for prepaid wireless telecommunication services, the combined charge is subject to the fee unless the seller can identify the portion of the charges that are not subject to the fee through the seller's books and records kept in the regular course of business. If the charges that are not subject to the fee cannot reasonably be identified, all charges related to the sale are subject to the fee. The seller has the burden of proving what charges are not subject to the fee. (6) Exemptions. The fee imposed by this section may not be imposed on or collected from this state or the federal government. A person operating under a contract with the federal government is not exempt from the fee. (7) Sales for resale. (A) Every seller must collect the fee on services sold unless a valid and properly completed resale certificate is received from the purchaser. Evidence that a purchaser is properly registered with the comptroller for the collection of the fee is not sufficient to relieve the seller from the responsibility for collecting the fee without the issuance of a properly completed certificate. A properly completed resale certificate must show: (i) the name and address of the purchaser; (ii) the registration number held by the purchaser or a statement that an application for a registration is pending before the comptroller with the date the application for registration was made. If the application is pending, the resale certificate is valid for only 60 days, after which time the resale certificate must be renewed to show the permanent registration number. If the purchaser registered for the 911 prepaid wireless fee, the number must consist of 11 digits that begin with a 1, or 3. Federal employer's identification (FEI) numbers or social security numbers are not acceptable evidence of a purchase for resale; (iii) the signature of the purchaser or an electronic form of the purchaser's signature authorized by the comptroller and the date; and (iv) the name and address of the seller. (B) A seller may accept a resale certificate only from a purchaser who is in the business of reselling the prepaid wireless telecommunication services within the geographical limits of the United States of America, its territories, and possessions. (C) The seller must act in good faith when accepting the resale certificate. If a seller has actual knowledge that the exemption claimed is invalid, the seller must collect the fee. (D) A person who intentionally or knowingly makes, presents, uses, or alters a resale certificate for the purpose of evading the fee is guilty of a criminal offense. An offense is: (i) a Class C misdemeanor if the tax evaded by the invalid certificate is less than $20; Cont'd... |