(a) The owner or operator of any stationary, gas-fired reciprocating internal combustion engine subject to this division (relating to East Texas Combustion) shall not allow the discharge into the atmosphere emissions of nitrogen oxides (NOX ) in excess of the following emission specifications: (1) gas-fired rich-burn engines with a maximum rated capacity less than 500 horsepower (hp), 1.00 grams per horsepower-hour (g/hp-hr); and (2) gas-fired rich-burn engines with a maximum rated capacity equal to or greater than 500 hp: (A) fired on landfill gas, 0.60 g/hp-hr; and (B) all other rich-burn engines, 0.50 g/hp-hr. (b) The averaging time for determining compliance with the emission specifications in subsection (a) of this section must be a block one-hour average, in the units of the applicable standard. (c) The maximum rated capacity used to determine the applicability of the emission specifications of subsection (a) of this section or the exemption status of an engine under §117.3303(1) of this title (relating to Exemptions) must be the greater of the following: (1) the maximum rated capacity as of December 31, 2000; or (2) the maximum rated capacity after December 31, 2000. (d) An engine's classification is determined by the most specific classification applicable to the unit as of December 31, 2000. For example, an engine that is classified as a stationary gas-fired engine as of December 31, 2000, but subsequently is authorized to operate as a dual-fuel engine, must be classified as a stationary gas-fired engine for the purposes of this chapter. (e) The owner or operator of any engine subject to the NOX emission specifications of subsection (a) of this section that injects urea or ammonia into the exhaust stream for NO X control, shall not allow the discharge into the atmosphere ammonia emissions in excess of 10 parts per million by volume at 3.0% O 2, dry, except as provided in §117.3325 of this title (relating to Alternative Case Specific Specifications), based on: (1) a block one-hour averaging period for units not equipped with a continuous emissions monitoring system (CEMS) or predictive emissions monitoring system (PEMS) for ammonia; or (2) a rolling 24-hour averaging period for units equipped with CEMS or PEMS for ammonia. (f) An owner or operator may use emission reduction credits as specified in §117.9800 of this title (relating to Use of Emission Credits for Compliance) to comply with the NOX emission specifications of this section. |